Feb 052025

Yesterday, I arrived on time for my bone density test, and it didn’t take too long, However, when I got home, I found that USPS had not picked up the Valentine I had put there to send to Loveland and get the cache on the envelope for Virgil. So I went out again and dropped it at the post office. And when I got back from that, it wasn’t even three o’clock yet. And a good thing too, as I didn’t have much – I’m still, as predicted, in email jail. And today, the exterminator comes. I can at least keep working while he (or she – so far I’ve only seen men) is here, but I do lose some concentration. And even at full concentration, I can’t cover everything.

From Democratic Underground, with a link to Lawfare. There really are bunches of good lawyers on the ‘Net, and little excuse for not understanding the ways of the law and the (federal)justice system.

This is the most recent message I have received from The Contrarian. They have done more journalism since this, but I haven’t see any emails. If you scroll to the top and click on the “THE CONTRARIAN” next to the Statue of Liberty logo, you’ll get to the home page and see a list of articles. So things are happening. And at the very least, what you read there will be truth. Unlike, for instance, Politico, which Robert Reich tore into smithereens yesterday.

Feb 042025

Yesterday, the blood work went smoothly – I didn’t feel a thing. However, it took forever and was exhausting because I had a lot of trouble finding the place and was pretty late. Fortunately they took my blood anyway – and the results were in by the time I got home. What wasn’t in my inbox was anything from Lona. But – thankfully- that came before the end of the day:

Thanks for asking, Joanne, but fortunately for us this is some 700km north of us. We’ve had plenty of water ij December and January, with some flooding, even from the creek running at the end of my property, but no damage. Just a road blocked for a day or two. 
The amounts falling further north from Townsville, where the major floods are now, is absolutely ridiculous. 1 meter (more than 3 feet) in 48 hours and in one spot 1.2 meters in 24 hours. Some villages are completely cut of from the rest of the world because of rads and bridges being swept away. 
While in the South a heatwave is killing people (+43 degrees Celsius for days on end) and in the West, whole National Parks are burning out of control. I feel so sorry for them, as I do for the people in California.

I haven’t been able to look at much email, so I’ll be in email jail for a while – and today I have the bone density test. I did note skimming through that the resistance appears to be stepping up with Black History resources, so that’s good.

Heather Cox Richardson for Black History Month. One of many who know this is important, and who will recognize and celebrate it no matter who tries to kill it. I know, I don’t feel much of a celebratory mood either (in a way it reminds me of last week’s opera. But I think that Black people and Black history month can be resurrected, unlike Violetta. It qill take all of us and all of our effort. But without it, there’s no justice – and therefore no peace.)

Yes, this was posted Sunday night and now its Tuesday. But I only promised not to miss a post, not that all posts would have scoops. That’s not happening. Even on Tuesday, “The Week Ahead” is worthwhile.

In the interest of Black History, this from The Root is around a dozen moments from Black History in the US. So it isn’t so much what I think is important as it is what Black people consider important. Each event is described very briefly – but with enough key words to look it up if you don’t remember it.
