Yesterday, I realized I had inadvertently provided proof that when I get home from a visit with Virgil I am not running on all cylinders. I did this by scheduling yesterday’s Video Thread for the morning and the Open Thread for midday. Well, it wasn’t the first time I did this and it undoubtedly will not be the last. I can only promise not to do it on purpose; I can’t promise not to do it. Appsrently I had recovered, since i got the New Yorker’sName Drop on the first clue – but I went to the same high school as the subject, who had graduated the year before I was a first- year student, so I had some inside information. (I’ll give this hint in case anyone wants to pursue it: the person is mentioned in yesterday’s TJIs.)
If anyone is interested in taking in more information about ProPublica’s investigation of Clarence Thomas, there’s a “virtual event” today at 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm Eastern, here’s a link. It isn’t clear whether it is boing to be more like a Zoom call or more like a podcast, but it is clear it will be live, because there’s a space in the reservation form for any question you might want to ask. I won’t be there, but I didn’t want anyone who is interested to miss it on account of my inaction.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
PoltiZoom – BUSTED: Sadist DeSantis Laughed At Tortured Guantanamo Inmates
Quote – Inmates in Guantanamo used to die from being force fed Ensure which was laced with laxatives, which caused vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously. Having once had that myself due to food poisoning, I can assure you it is an unbelievable experience. The electrolytes in the body become unbalanced, which can lead to heart arrhythmia, which can lead to death. And Ron DeSantis thinks it’s funny, according to the testimony of one inmate.
Click through for evidence in detail, if you can stand to. It’s no surprise or secret that DeSantis is DeMonic, nor that “Cruelty is the point” – but the evidence is damning (to anyone but another fascist.)
the 19th – ‘We will not be defeated’: Vice President Kamala Harris stands with expelled representatives in Nashville
Quote – Vice President Kamala Harris spoke at Jones’ alma mater — Fisk University, a historically Black institution — delivering a message of praise for the lawmakers and an indictment of the Republican supermajority that expelled them. “A democracy says you don’t silence the people,” Harris said. “You don’t stifle the people. You don’t turn off their microphones when they are speaking about the importance of life and liberty. That is not what a democracy does.”
Click through for story. Sometimes beauty emerges as a response to evil, and that is what we have here. And Kamala is not the only respondent. See today’s video thread for an unplanned inspirational duet.
Food For Thought