Mar 082025

Yesterday, I started working on setting up my new email inbox with folders and changing the address on all my newsletter subscriptions. Most of them, there is no way without unsubscribing and resubscribing, so I did a fair amount of that (and I’m not done.) Fortunately, I did find a way to change my address for all my Substack subscriptions in one place. That would have been a day’s work in itself. And then migrating my contacts is going to be even worse. But I’m getting closer. In case I didn’t give y’all the new email, it is I’m probably the only one here who would like it, but for me it’s as close to perfect as it gets. Simple, good sized print, white space as needed and not more (he white space they added in Yahoo was more than twice the space of the print.)  I did take a few minutes for sanity’s sake to look at Democratic Underground, where I discovered that a wide variety of Trump** voodoo dolls are now available.

And this from ProPublica contains a number of articles, all of which would be front page above the fold news if it weren’t for us currently having an administration which is a mob under the mob boss President and being supported by the mobsters in Congress, and even by non-mobsters who have no idea how to deal with a mob.

This is from People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch newsletter, so naturally it is outrageous. I don’t like to use the word “demonic” because they fling it so often at us, but on the other hand, we know how how they project, and it really does feel that strong to me.

Apr 102024

Yesterday, Democratic Underground had this short eclipse video from Xitter. I’m not going to send you to Xitter, but the embed is worth watching. (If you read the comments, you’ll know it was first posted by Eric Swalwell.)

Because this is not exactly current events, I held it for a few days. Heather Cox Richardson reviews the history of Yellowstone and of the Antiquities Act. It made me realize how close we came to not having something I have always taken for granted – our National Park system. I’ll try not to take it for granted any more.

Well, this doesn’t look good for my Congressinal District (Not that anything ever looks good for my Congressinal District.) On the other hand,perhaps, with enough publicity about this creep (of course I mean Williams, not Fish)a Dem might be able to win – or at the very least to make a good showing, which might be able to carry forward to 2026.)

Sep 202023

Yesterday, I felt much better than I did Monday. Even my back – I only needed about half of the TENS time I customarily use.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – MTG Likens Republicans in The House to The Mafia’s “Five Families”
Quote – As Kevin McCarthy’s Kindergarten caucus veers toward default and the wrecking of a now thriving American Economy (which is probably their ultimate goal ahead of next year’s election) MTG posted a tweet comparing the GOP to the Mafia’s Five Families…. Marge’s idiotic comparison is so far off the mark because… number one… organized crime was, you know… organized. The Republicans in the House are much more like The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight, and if they are allowed to have their way it just might be our American experiment with democracy that ends up dead in the barber’s chair.
Click through for details. This may be the closest that Empty Green has ever been in her life to speaking/writing the truth.

Letters from an American – September 18, 2023
Quote – Headlines this morning said that “Congress” is in crisis. But that construction obscures the true story: the Republicans are in crisis, and they are taking the country down with them…. Over the weekend, six Republicans from five different party factions offered a plan for a short-term continuing resolution to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. Designed to appeal to the extremists, the plan goes back on the deal McCarthy struck with Biden…. It includes the border measures the extremists want, and provides no money either for Ukraine or for disaster assistance. It’s not clear that Republican House members will vote for the bill, and if they do, the bill is unlikely, encumbered as it is, to make it through the Senate.
Click through (Substack) for the full letter. She is right – and particularly about the inaccuracy of the reporting. You know, even getting big money out of politics will not help us to keep our Constitution from being trashed if we cannot also get big money out of journalism.

Food For Thought

Jul 232023

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Cannon slow-walks Trump’s Florida trial while Georgia DA Fani Willis goes for the RICO

The Lincoln Project – Abuser

Forbes – Debbie Wasserman Schultz And RFK Jr. Clash When She Confronts Him Over Anti-Semitic Statements {The voice is spasmodic dysphoria]

Robert Reich – How to Fix a Broken Supreme Court

It Took Years To Get This Feral Dog Inside A House

Beau – Let’s talk about more info on Trump’s letter….

Jul 232023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Wozzeck,” by Alban Berg. Its plot is so bleak that it makes the operas in the verismo school look like RomComs. Wozzeck is in the army, and a Captain and an army doctor are conducting psychological experiments on him without informed consent (for small sums of money), and laughing at him behind his back. He gets no respect from any other men either, and his partner, Marie (with whom he has a son almost old enough to start talking), is flirting (and eventually cheating) with a drum major who offers Marie earrings that Wozzeck could never afford. By the end of the opera the Captain and doctor have him so messed up that he brutally kills Marie, and then himself, and the opera ends with their son rocking back and forth on a rocking horse while the other children taunt him for being an orphan. No, it isn’t pretty – but if art were restricted to pretty, no one would ever learn anything from it. (In fact, it’s quite a stroke of Karma that this is being aired now, at a time when multiple strikes are going on. It definitely calls attention to the strikers’ plights.) The music is also not pretty – Berg, with Schönberg and Webern, comprised the second Viennese school, which developed and worked in the twelve-tone method of composition (in which there’s no such thing as a key – no major, no minor, no nothing – just notes and chords made up artificially.  There is a system to it, nd it’s actually not hard to learn how to compose in it,but for the listener, it’s not that easy to make sense of it.). But it certainly makes a statement, and though the Captain and he doctor aren’t entrepreneurs, I’d still say that statement could well be about capitalism as well as the obvious class structure. The performance was recorded live at the Royal Opera House in London by the Royal Opera Company. I didn’t recognize any of the performers’ names, but I’ve gone through periods before when there were a lot of names around I didn’t recognize and few that I did. I think it means there’s a generation of singers heading for retirement and another just coming up and not yet widely known. Between that and the openness to new operas and the Met audience getting younger (average age ten years ago was in the sixties but is now in the fifties), I think the future of opera will turn out to be exciting.  Also, today is Virgil’s birthday.  He is 80.  I’ll celebrate wih him next week which is between his birthday and mine.

Cartoon – 23 0723Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –

Wonkette – Feds ‘Assess’ Alleged Texas Orders To Push Children, Nursing Babies Back Into Rio Grande. Assess Faster, Guys.
Quote – Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) said in a press call with other Texas Democrats that Gov. Greg Abbott “placed death traps in the Rio Grande and has now issued barbaric orders to state troopers that endanger people’s lives.” The Dallas Morning News notes that podcaster and occasional Republican Senator Ted Cruz has not returned calls for comment, while fellow Republican Sen. John Cornyn explained last week, before the allegations surfaced, that Abbott had no choice but to treat the border like a war zone because Joe Biden Open Borders Irresponsible. The story broke after a Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) trooper who was working as a medic reported his concerns to supervisors about a number of things he witnessed, including a June 25 incident in which he and other troopers came across a group of 120 migrants, including children and women with nursing babies.
Click through for story (and it looks like the popup with “Continue reading” is in place.) Speaking of bleak – I don’t know which scares me most – that a governor would issue these orders, that the state troopers have leadership that would enforce them, or that the state troopers have minions who would follow and obey them. Naziism much?

The 19th – In some states, gender dysphoria is a protected disability — and momentum could be growing
Quote – The Supreme Court’s denial to take up Williams’ case could mean that it agrees with the 4th Circuit, or simply that it is not interested in taking up the issue of whether trans people are covered under disability law right now, according to legal experts. Notably, there has not been a split in opinion on this issue among two or more circuit courts, which is a typical incentive for the Supreme Court to get involved. In the last few years, the high court has declined to take up challenges to several cases that reinforced protections for transgender people facing discrimination. This trend followed the 2020 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County, in which the Supreme Court found gender identity to be a protected class of sex. This is possibly because they are abiding by Bostock’s findings that trans people are protected by existing federal laws, said Ezra Ishmael Young, a civil rights lawyer and scholar.
Click through for details. There is always a gap between legislated law and case law, though it’s not always this obvious – nor does it always affect people so deeply as it does here. And this is why the Supreme Court’s makeup is so critical to a free society.

Food For Thought

Apr 162023

Glenn Kirschner – Jack Smith expands criminal probe, investigates Trump’s wire fraud by fundraising off the big lie

Thom Hartmann – Will Nasty GOP Policy Starve Poor Americans?

Farron Balanced – Jim Jordan Abuses His Power By Attacking Colleges For Fighting Disinformation

Titus and Bradley – The George & Gracie Show: “The 2nd Amendment” (O, man, this takes me back.)

Girl Is Determined To Earn This Cat’s Love

Beau – Let’s talk about confusion, conflation, and currency…. (If you get the Crooks & Kiars newsletter, you’ve seen ads trying to scare you about this.)
