You might remember from an earlier “Friday Fun” that while …
Only 13 Presidents have failed to get reelected,
Only 5 Presidents have failed to win the popular vote,
Only 4 Presidents have been impeached or resigned …
But only ONE President has hit the Trifecta and accomplished ALL THREE!!

And now we can add another accolade to Trump’s “accomplishments”: The only President to have ever been impeached TWICE! If that doesn’t call for a double-ribbon award, I don’t know what does:

In fact, I believe the USPS should issue a commemorative stamp in his honor. Fittingly, it would be called the “Forever Impeached Stamp”.

But knowing Trump, this doesn’t mean he isn’t still totally delusional and divorced from reality. Why, he still wants to put President-Elect Biden in jail.

Shortly after the Trumpkin domestic terrorists rioted and laid siege to our Capitol a little over a week ago, #NoFlyList started trending on Twitter.
Fortunately for felonious Trumpkins, there’s a work-around:

But Trump isn’t the only republican who went down this past week. The blind ambition of my senator, Josh Hawley, led to his backing the wrong horse and joining up with Ted Cruz to vote for disenfranchising millions of American citizens in an effort to subvert and overturn our election.
Hawley, who has been open in his lusting after being President for years, has now effectively flushed his chances down the crapper.

But I’m actually thankful for his indiscretion. Having lived in Missouri over half my life now, it’s been a well-known fact that Hawley’s been the Fashionable Face of Fascism.
Sure, he objected when Biden compared him and Cruz to Goebbels, but it doesn’t take much of an imagination to get from here to there …

And speaking of “going down” – there’s proof now that Trump has had much greater difficulty dealing with his Twitter withdrawal than first imagined.

Out of an abundance of kindness (and fortunately for you) I’m also supplying the antidote to cleanse that image:

My hope right now is that the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris comes off without a hitch – with no injuries or deaths, both in Washington, DC and across our great nation.