Really American – Anti Loeffler (therefore pro-Warnock) ad
New Randy Rainbow (based on a song from “Company”, Sondheim’s first big hit. I thought I had put it up, but now can’t find it. But Randy can stand a duplication)
“Drumph lawyers FAILING in Court because Judges don’t like Bullshit”
Now This News – Trump* and Litigation; elecion security
Really American – Loeffler is running against Rev. Warnock in Georgia.
Republicans for the Rule of Law
Rev. Warnock on Joy Reid’s “The Reid Out”
The Lincoln Project
I said I was going to post a Beau video today which helps (at least it helps me) make sense of the relationship between centrism and progressivism. And, you know, he has a point. The kind of change we progressives are looking for really does not come from government, and certainly not first from government. I do think we should take the increasing number of Progressives getting elected as a good sign – that in those districts, minds are being changed. But in any case, not voting, or protest voting, is not progressive, because the result is merely to tear down.
I will keep checking for Keith but will not mention it in future if there is none.
I think it actually good that it’s a slow day, because that means tings are stabilizing a little. Probably not enough, but a little.
I missed this yesterday – it’s about the Veterans Day Google doodle.
Now This News – Jon Ossoff
Chris Hayes getting real.
Beau – and I’m not trying to badmouth Texas by any meas.
One more from Beau. For someone who doesn’t think electoral politics is the strongest tool of change, he certainly is doing his best to make the case for voting anyway. I think I’ve heard somewhere about allowing the perfect and the good to be enemies.