Yesterday, I got confirmation from LinkedIn that they received they received documantation, closed the account, and send condolences to all of is. I also put together the documents Twitter asked for – I say documents, but just as I had them all together, and went to upload them, it said I only gor one upload to do it all. So I regrouped, got everything into one Word Doc, printed it as a PDF, and then uploaded it. That was late enough in the day that I have not heard back from them yet.
Cartoon – 09 Quincy Loaded

Short Takes –
Crooks and Liars – Neofascist Patriot Front: Clownish Operations With A Military Edge
Quote – The Vanguard America organization marched at Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, where one of its members, James Alex Fields, mowed down an antifascist counterprotester, Heather Heyer, with his car afterward. Patriot Front’s founder, Thomas Rousseau, was photographed standing with Fields and other Vanguard America marchers. He was a Vanguard America member at the time.
Click through for details, and through again for all the data if you’re up to it. Idid manage to get the accompanying video into yesterday’s Video Thread – it gives yu an idea.
Miami Herald – Black lawmakers blast plans for monument to Justice Thomas
Quote – [State Sen. Emanuel] Jones, a Democrat, cited opinions by Thomas that he said would hurt African Americans. “We’re not here talking about Justice Thomas as the man,” he said. “We all have a great deal of respect of his many accomplishments. It’s his policies. It’s his rulings. It’s his decisions that we find extremely offensive.
Click through for story. Jimmy Carter has a statue already, and they are trying to use that as a precedent. Barf.
The 19th – More Black women are leading U.S. law schools and changing the conversation on race and gender
Quote – The reality she faced, which is common for many women of color, can create feelings of isolation, insecurity and frustration. For years, Nelson was conscious of how her actions might affect Black women who wished to follow. “The sense that one possible mistake will reverberate beyond oneself and impact the ability of future generations coming up behind me to have the same opportunities weighs heavy,” she said. But she is less alone now. Last year, the number of Black women leading American law schools reached a high of 28.
Click thrugh for story. Seema to me that now is exactly the right time to put a progressive black woman constitutional scholar on the Supreme Court. We’ve never had so many qualified.
Food For Thought:

Just a small extra. I note that Democrats have a sense of humor strong enough to be able to laugh at ourselves, and isn’t that wonderful.