Yesterday was the Vernal equinox (at 9:33 am where I am).However, I have been keeping track of the times of sinrise and sunset for several months now – and the day that there was exactly 12 hours each of daylight and dark was not yesterday, but last Thursday. Three days off. That is close, but not close enough to be a rounding error. There musy be another factor. The fact that the eastern plains stretch out so evenly (gradually going down a little)? Maybe the altitude itself? I was tracking sunset at the winter solstice, but not yet tracking sunrise then. If Colorado transitions to year-round daylight time by November (states have some options and I think they have until next year to do it anyway), I won’t need to track any more for safety reasons, but now I’m intrigued.
Also yesterday, I received (as I do daily) Robert Reich’s newsletter. On Sundays there is always a cartoon caption contest. This week I actually thought of a caption. Because the site where one posts entries is for paid subscribers and I am a free one, I didn’t post it, but I’ll share it here.
“How much longer are we going to have to wait for these Karens to quit screaming and leave?”

Short Takes –
The Guardian – Star Trek makes Stacey Abrams president of United Earth – and stokes conservative anger
Quote – Sonequa Martin-Green, who plays [Captain Michael] Burnham, told Variety she was “taken aback … and really moved” by Abrams’ performance. “It really signaled the culmination of the season having her there,” she said, “because she’s such this symbol of hope and strength and connection and sacrifice and building something bigger than yourself that will last generations, and that’s exactly what we’re talking about doing in the story.”
Click through for story. Keep an eye out for the show if yu use whichever streaming service it is that carries Discovery (I’m not on any.) I did see a gorgeous photo of her in cosyume over on one of George Takei’s sites. (If an actor, in order to “deserve” a role, had to be able to do IRL everything the character does – that would be the end of stunt doubles. And also of the Marvel franchise.)
Eight House Republicans Side With Vladimir Putin Against The United States
Quote – The Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act, which passed by a 424-8 margin, allows President Joe Biden to increase tariffs on products coming from the two countries and requires the US Trade Representative to seek suspension of Russia’s participation in the World Trade Organization.
Click thrugh for list. I don’t know whether anyone else is calling them “The Hateful Eight,” but I certainly am. And particularly when one considers the numbers and names of the low-lifes who did vote for it.
Women’s History – Wikipedia – Andrée Borrel
Quote – Andrée Raymonde Borrel, code named Denise, was a French woman who served in the French Resistance and as an agent for Britain’s clandestine Special Operations Executive in World War II. The purpose of SOE was to conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied Europe against the Axis powers, especially Nazi Germany. SOE agents allied themselves with resistance groups and supplied them with weapons and equipment parachuted in from England. In September 1942, Borrel was the first female agent of SOE to arrive in France by parachute.
Click through for bio. Women in resistance movements in any war under any government are well aware they may not have a long life. Andrée Borrel did not live to see her 25th birthday. But what she accomplished in that roughly 24 and a half years was remarkable.
Food For Thought: