Yesterday was the first day of COP-26. Having been to a conference or two in my life, I am assuming that means today is the first full day of it. So I am trying to feature climate. You may have noticed we all are. Speaking of which, it was overcast and wet here. Since it was, and it’s expected to stay wet for at least a few days, I pushed myself to go out and put down some iris food. And to being the trash/recyclable carts to where they live. And to deal with the mail from the car and the mailbox (most of which went straight to recycle.) Incidentally it was also cold with a high of 36°F.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Crooks and Liars – Toni Morrison’s 1998 Interview Speaks To ‘GOP Mom’
Quote – Youngkin tweeted a campaign video on Monday that featured the outrage of Laura Murphy, a white mom who years earlier tried to get Morrison’s classic novel, Beloved, banned from her son’s Advanced Placement English curriculum.
Click through – in case you mised Youngkin’s incendiary Tweet (recalling the infamous “Willie Horton” ad), it’s there. Sigh.
Reuters – G20 offers little new on climate, leaving uphill task for COP26
Quote – Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who chaired the Rome gathering, hailed the final accord, saying that for the first time all G20 states had agreed on the importance of capping global warming at the 1.5 degrees Celsius level that scientists say is vital to avoid disaster. “We made sure that our dreams are not only alive but they are progressing,” Draghi told a closing news conference, brushing off criticism from environmentalists that the G20 had not gone nearly far enough to resolve the crisis.
Click through for details.
AP News – ‘Last, best hope:’ Leaders launch crucial UN climate summit
Quote – Government leaders face two choices in Glasgow, Patricia Espinosa, head of the U.N. climate office, declared at the summit’s opening: They can sharply cut greenhouse gas emissions and help communities and countries survive what is becoming a hotter, harsher world, Espinosa said. “Or we accept that humanity faces a bleak future on this planet. It is for these reasons and more that we must make progress here in Glasgow. We must make it a success.”
Click through for more. If only today’s lead (right after Glenn) video would come true.)
Food for Thought –