Oct 312020

I hope you’ll agree that this is a boo-tiful story of a little boy and his special friend – Benny.

Because of the CDC guidelines (courtesy of the Trump virus) 2-year-old Theo Brady had his playdates cancelled and wasn’t able to visit his friends.  But Theo eventually figured out a solution on September 15th, thanks to a leaking water heater.  (Great example of the old adage: “A door shuts – a window opens.)

Theo and his Mom, Abigail Brady, took their dog down to the basement to put in the kennel before heading out for a trip to the beach.  But what she found was a flooded basement from a leaking water heater.

She moved holiday decorations stored nearby out of the way so they wouldn’t get wet, and began mopping up the mess.  But then she heard Theo crying out “Mommy!  Mommy!  Sel-eton!  Help!”

She turned and saw Theo trying to lug the 5-foot tall plastic skeleton decoration up the steps.  She had bought it a couple years ago for $20 at the grocery store to help decorate their front porch for Halloween.  So she helped Theo bring the skeleton upstairs before they headed out.

But Theo adamantly refused to get in the car until the skeleton joined them.  Abigail figured that being “locked down” Theo was lonely, and decided the skeleton would be a great friend.

So they got all buckled up in the car and headed out …

But when they got to the reservoir’s beach, Theo refused to get out of the car unless the skeleton joined them.  So away they went, where they delighted other beachgoers with Benny propped up in the sand.  (The family decided the skeleton needed a name since he’s been Theo’s constant companion – so they decided on Benny, after the taxi-driving skeleton in the Disney Channel movie “Halloweentown.”)

Since their first outing, Theo and the skeleton have been inseparable – they even eat together.  (Abby says Theo loves to feed him, and then watch the food fall through his ribs) …

And run errands together, like grocery shopping …

Abby shares that since COVID has made 2020 such a stressful year for everyone, it gives her great pleasure to see the smiles and hear the laughter when folks encounter Theo and Benny.

Fortunately, Benny happens to enjoy the same activities as Theo – which works out well.  So whether it’s quiet play enjoying some tea with Mom …

Or a trip to the playground …

You can be sure Benny is always included.

The only problem has been the few times that Benny’s head has fallen off – it upsets Theo terribly: “No, Mommy – no, no, no!”

Abby decided that she should share the joy that Theo and Benny have been providing friends, neighbors and strangers in their hometown of Herriman, Utah – so she started posting pictures and videos on her Instagram and TikTok social media platforms.

One video Abby shared of their adventure on TikTok, has been viewed more than 2.1 million times!

Abby and her husband, Casey, were a bit concerned about dealing with bedtime.  But Theo and Benny enjoy watching Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”  (They’ve watched it together at least a dozen times.)

And then Theo will “read” Benny a bedtime story …

They were concerned about actual sleep time.  But Theo convinced them that Benny should remain in the room.  So Benny quietly sits in a rocker keeping an eye on Theo.

No surprise – this Halloween Theo is naturally going to dress up as a skeleton.  But they’ll just have some family members over because of COVID.

Abby admits that it’s a very cute friendship – “creepy, but cute.”  (Her words.)  She did say if Theo starts dragging a coffin around, Benny’s going back down to the basement.  She actually hopes that by Christmas, Theo will move on to some toy that’s a little more manageable.

And although they actually took Benny with them to a wedding (not sure that’s such a good idea to upstage the bride) they haven’t had the guts to take him to a restaurant.  But Dad is sure that if they did, Benny would order the spareribs.

But no bones about it, they’ve become such close friends that with some innards and epidermis Benny could be Theo’s brother by a different Mummy.   So I hope I’ve tickled your funny bone, because friends and strangers agree that Theo and Benny are very humerus.

Let’s say “Good-Bye” to Theo and Benny with a quick recap:
