Yesterday, the radio opera, “El Niño,” by John Adams, was originally an oratorio. But the Met decided it deserved a fully staged production it is of course the Christmas story. It premiered in December of 2000 in Paris. Some of the libretto is in English, some in Spanish, and even some in Latin, and Adams draws heavily on folk and other traditional carols. The angel Gabriel is sung by a trio of counter-tenors (fortunately for Adams they are getting easier and easier to find.) It’s very listenable (of course I have heard a lot of Adams’s work, some many times, so I don’t know how it would strike someone who doesn’t listen to any composer newer than Debussy.) Also, I learned that “Meet The Press” today features an interview with Cindy McCain, not a John’s widow, but as the head of the UN World Food Program. She speaks about the famine in Gaza. Sight unseen, I recommend it for anyone interested in that conflict.
I am not trying to beat this to death. But what is now going on is in some ways very much like how we got Nixon in 1968 (ans then in 1970 we got Kent State.) In other ways it is very much like how we got Trump** in 2016. And I don’t have to tell you what happened after that. I don’t know that all those who are protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza are honest protesters with moral reasons – I suspect not, exactly because of the violence – but I do know those who see it as a moral issue are making false assumptions and drawing erroneous conclusions. Robert Hubbell says this better than I could. Heather Cox Richardson also addresses the protests and how Republicans are using them to hurt Biden in the short run and destroy higher education in the long run.
On the lighter side, the Daily Beast has an article about warrior princesses in real life (and yes, they do mention Queen Elizabeth II’ service during World War II.)