Yesterday, I had not watched the debate, so I read about it some, and was very glad I had not tried to watch it. I can give you a link to Wonkette’s sassy and NSFW liveblog, but seriously, reactions to it are all over the net, and easy to find. Also from Wonkette, its newsletter contained a link to a different site (called “Atlas Obscura”), specifically to an article about Eleanor Roosevelt including some facts which today are certainly little known. Anyone who like me admired the heck out of Mrs. Roosevelt from the first day I heard about her will be interested. I warn you that it’s a site which is easy to fall into and get lost for days. I mean that as a compliment. Also yesterday, Trump** fired Drew Findling, a name you may remember from Monday’s Open Thread. Gee, I wonder why /s.
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Short Takes –
New evidence bolsters downwinders’ claims as efforts to expand RECA advance in Congress
New Mexico Political Report – New evidence bolsters downwinders’ claims as efforts to expand RECA advance in Congress
Quote – Radioactive fallout from the Trinity Test site covered virtually all of New Mexico and reached as far away as Canada, according to new evidence. But the people who lived closest to the site, and have suffered the health consequences such as cancer, have not received any compensation from the federal government. The new evidence, along with new efforts to help residents of Missouri impacted by radioactive waste, may help New Mexico downwinders finally receive the compensation.
Click through for article. Almost 80 years and an opera and a few movies later, we are still dealng with the Trinity Project. (Of course, all those Republicans in office didn’t help a bit.)
Steve Schmidt – Tucker and Donald – a Dangerous Duo
Quote – The other travesty that took place last night was the bizarre interview between Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Here, I talk about why their message is so dangerous.
Click through direct to transcript. Steve is mostly posting videos now, and my link is not to his Substack page, but the transcript site. If you want, you can listen while you read, and the site wll conveniently highlight each word as it’s said. But you don’t have to. You can just read it. It’s not long.
Food For Thought