Oct 022022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Cannon continues catering to Trump, shoots down Judge Dearie’s request for info from Trump

Don Winslow Films – #GinniThomasIsAboveTheLaw (I think Don is too cynical about Liz Cheney. If we don’t see any of her testimony, I suspect it will be because she is lying in all of it. I see no point in the nation seeing her claim the election was rigged and/or stolen.)

The Lincoln Project – Tucker Calls Putin

Ring of Fire – MyPillow CEO Texted Trump’s Chief Of Staff To ‘Get The Voting Machines’

Vote Vets – Freedom – AZ Sen

Beau – Let’s talk about a Cuban referendum and party and policy….

Sep 082022

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Cannon’s unjustified special master ruling; Barron’s bedroom; and DOJ’s continued inaction (Southern District of Florida appeals to the Eleventh Circuit. The SCOTUS justice assigned to the Eleventh Circuit is Clarence Thomas. God help us)

Meidas Touch – Top British Broadcaster SLAMS Mainstream Media FREAKOUT over Biden’s Pro-Democracy Speech

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party, Sep. 6, 2022

MSNBC – Not Everyone With ‘Political Integrity’ Should Run, Says Writer (Long, but good point[s])

“Honest Russian Army Ad”

Beau – Let’s talk about the loneliest man on Earth….

Sep 072022

Yesterday, I received a fund raising email from Adam Schiff. That’s not unusual, but I usually don’t read them. This one drew me in with the subject line, and it turned out to be mostly about his daughter, Alexa, with a photo from when she was four. She’s now 24 and getting established in a career in fashion (Adam stresses that her fashion sense is and always was far superior to his.) Of course it gets more serious, but it’s very well written, and put a smile on my face.  I also puttered arond a bit trying to organize more.  And started on a new bag for the next pickup … which I have not scheduled, wanting to be under less pressure this time.  Finally, yesterday, the first public servant since Reconstruction was disqualified under the 14th Amendment.  He was a County Commissioner in New Mexico who took part in Jan. 6. But even though he wasn’y a Senator or a House rep, it’s still a BFD.  Cheers for New Mexico!

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – For Labor Day: My “we-they” test for good places to work
Quote – In honor of Labor Day, I want to give you a simple way to test for a good workplace. I came up with it years ago when as secretary of labor I visited workplaces all over America. I call it the “we-they” test. Ask a front-line worker a general question like “how is it work here?” or “how’s your job?” or “how would you describe this workplace?” Then listen for the pronoun. If workers describe the company as “they” or “them,” it’s a tipoff that workers regard the company and its executives as being on a different planet.
Click through for examples. I sure wish I’d known this when I was twenty.

NPR – Fox producer’s warning against Jeanine Pirro surfaces in Dominion defamation suit
Quote – The November 2020 email from an anguished Fox News news producer to colleagues sent up a flare amid a fusillade of false claims. The producer warned: Fox cannot let host Jeanine Pirro back on the air. She is pulling conspiracy theories from dark corners of the Web to justify then-President Donald Trump’s lies that the election had been stolen from him. The existence of the email, confirmed by two people with direct knowledge of it, is first publicly disclosed by NPR in this story. Fox News declined comment.
Click through for story (read or listen, or both.)  This is definitely going to undermine any chance of theit claiming not to know any better.

Food For Thought


Aug 252022

Glenn Kirschner – Lindsey Graham is running out of rope & likely will soon find himself in the GA grand jury hot seat (BTW, I guessed right.)

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Fox host who SHOCKED colleagues by calling out their LIES

Lincoln Project – Fire the Feds

Really American – GOP Secretary of State Candidate: “I Don’t Know” Who I Voted For

The Riccardis – The Ballad of Marjorie Taylor Greene-O

Beau – Let’s talk about Dems, Trump, and the boy who cried wolf….

Aug 112022

Yesterday, I realized that I had spent so much time Tuesday arranging for my ride to the garage, and organizing trash ans recyclables to get them in the bins (since Wednesday evening is when the bins have to go out for trash day) that I hadn’t updated the Open Thread before going to bed.Well, sorry-not sorry; very glad the bins got done. So that was Tuesday, Yesterday, I took the last loads to the bins and put them out before my ride was due at 4:00. (The driveway has plenty of room for the bins and even a large car to get past them.) We got the car picked up, but I had to (figuratively) swear on my parents’ grave that I would replace all the tires ASAP. So that will be today.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Republicans Refuse To Talk To Any Mainstream Media
Quote – NPR is finally recognizing that the extremist MAGA cult candidates are refusing to engage with any form of media that asks real questions. Danielle Kurtzleben wrote about difficulties speaking with Republicans on the campaign trail. “[T]hey are also a part of a trend of Republican candidates ignoring or actively avoiding legacy media — particularly national outlets…. That can reduce the scrutiny they face while running for public office, hampering voters’ ability to make informed choices.”
Click through (it’s short). I want to say we must not allow this to become normal… but I fear that ship has sailed.

Psyche – Popper was right about the link between certainty and extremism
Quote – We tested both of these possibilities with our data. The fact that both the ‘extremely Left-wing’ and ‘extremely Right-wing’ expressed absolute certainty about their political views at similar rates supports a link between extreme ideology in general and a black-and-white view of the world. But some of what we found was consistent with the rigidity-of-the-Right hypothesis. For one, when we assessed a characteristic known as dogmatism via a 20-item measure of unjustified belief certainty regarding ‘big’ or ‘important’ issues (eg, ‘I am so sure I am right about the important things in life, there is no evidence that could convince me otherwise’), we found that people identifying as ‘extremely Right-wing’ were far and away the most dogmatic group in the study.
Click through for research and conslusions. Karl Popper is best known for his thoughts on freedom of speech. But his thoughts on certainty may be even more pertinent.

Food For Thought

Jul 302022

Glenn Kirschner – Important new data points indicate DOJ does, in fact, have Donald Trump in its criminal sights

Meidas Touch – Rupert Murdoch TURNS ON TRUMP as Criminal Investigations Ramp Up

The Lincoln Project – This Woman Votes

Ojeda Live – Children Suffering in Somalia Thanks to Putin

Puppet Regime – Sing Along: The Really Bad People Song (CC included)

Beau – Let’s talk about Republican voting records….

Jul 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Steve Bannon loves to run his mouth; tomorrow [Thursday] is his big day as he gets to testify. Will he?

Meidas Touch – What Maddow got WRONG about the ‘Bombshell’ DOJ memo

The Lincoln Project – Tucker Carlson’s Unofficial Presidential Speech (Barf Bag Alert)

Farron Balanced – Legal Scholar Says Dems Should Sue To Prevent Trump From Holding Office Ever Again

MSNBC – Senators Reach Agreement On Bills To Stop Candidates From Stealing Elections

Beau – Let’s talk about Ted Cruz and marriage…

Jul 162022

Glenn – Trump’s criminal “Hub-and-Spoke” conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election: an explainer

Meidas Touch – John Fetterman hilariously TROLLS Dr. Oz with BRILLIANT Plane Banner

The Lincoln Project – A Warning From Jason Van Tatenhove

Thom Hartmann – Mary Trump On What Trump Will Do If Indicted

Farron Balanced – Conservative Outlet Could End Up Wiped Out From Defamation Lawsuits

MSNBC – Revelations About Trump’s Conduct Bring New Questions For DOJ

Liberal Redneck – Uvalde Footage

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas, ERCOT, and the future….
