Oct 232022

Yesterday, the radio opera was L’Inganno Felice (The happy deception), another early (1812) and rarely performed opera, but this time by Gioachino Rossini. It’s in one act, and is a flimsy little story about a faithful wife, who is slandered and kidnapped by a lech she turns down. He follows up by having his sidekick put her out to sea in a leaky boat. Now, if you or I were put out to sea in a leaky boat, we would drown, but this never happens in opera. She is rescued and, in the end, restored to the happiness she had with her husband. Rossini was very much a bel canto composer, at least until he retired, so there are arias and cabalettas whoch follow formulas, but that doesn’t keep them from being highly different and highly original. Also, it’s so early it still has recitativo, the sort-of-singing-but-more-like-talking lines which move the story forward. It was considered a comedy because it has a happy ending, but today we would call it a romantiv melodrama. One thing that is unintentionally funny, though, is that the character who rescues the heroine and takes her under his wing for the ten years between the murder attempt and the resoluttion, presents her as his niece, and calls her “Nisa.” (The Italian word for niece, “nipote,” doesn’t sound at all like “niece” – but “Nisa” does.)

In other news, the Lakota people )the Standing Rock Sioux) in South Dakota are holding a Get-Out-the Native-Vote evens which includes cultural events both for adults and for children, and they are live streaming it all weekend. If you have ever wanted to see some Lakota traditions which you would normally only see at powwows, now is the time. And this is the link.

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Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Finally: Here’s What Early Abortion Tissue Really Looks Like
Quote – Sometimes, patients want to see the tissue after an abortion. “They are stunned by what it actually looks like,” says Fleischman. “That’s when I realized how much the imagery on the internet and on placards – showing human-like qualities at this early stage of development – has really permeated the culture. People almost don’t believe this is what comes out.”
Click through for details. Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure. Pictures may not lie, but enough liars lie about them so that they don’t have to. All those pictures you see that are supposed to be fetuses and look like babies are lies, and it’s time that was publicized,

truthout – Report: DOJ Prosecutors Say There’s Enough Evidence to Prosecute Trump
Quote – A group of prosecutors within the Department of Justice (DOJ) believe there is enough evidence to charge former President Donald Trump with a crime relating to his improper removal of government documents from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago home, following his departure from office. According to Bloomberg, which cites unnamed sources with knowledge of the matter, DOJ prosecutors believe Trump could be charged, at minimum, with obstruction.
Click through for story. The headline is imprecise, even misleading, if one doesn’t read at least the first two paragraphs, as it implies there might be enough evidence to charge him with any and every crime he has committed, and that’s not what it says at all. It says obstuction. My personal belief is that the smartest way to charge him is with whatever crime(s) will make the maximum nomber of Americans furious with him, and the minimum number of (armed) Americans go riot in the streets. Espionage might accomplish that. Ordinary obstruction maybe not so much. But we’ll see.

Food For Thought

Oct 182022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 panel subpoenas Trump; Supreme Court rejects Mar-a-Lago docs case; could indictments be next?

Meidas Touch – Bombshell January 6 Footage EXPOSES GOP LIES about Nancy Pelosi (Repetetive, but at least short)

The Lincoln Project – Time for Answers

Ojeda Live – Politics IS NO JOKE!

Tiny Foster Kitten Becomes King Of His House

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden, Hannity, and a voicemail….

Oct 152022

Yesterday, my BFF had a colonoscopy, which I know because she needed me to give her a ride home, which I gladly did. She had hoped to be able to drive herself home, but anyone who has either had a coloscopy ot sat beside a loved one having one, knows that’s a no-go. Her son will help her get her car back home later. She’ll hear more detailed results Monday and I may be in as much suspense as she is. She mentioned “an endometri-something” and I said,”If you do have an endometriome, wherever it is, don’t wait until it is over 9 pounds like I did.” In other news, I confirmed that the Social Security COLA for 2023 wioll be 8.7%, and the Part B Medicare premiums will go down. Very cool.

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Short Takes –

HuffPost – ‘2000 Mules’ Has Radicalized The 2022 Midterm Elections
Quote – By June 2, the right-wing polling outfit Rasmussen said 15% of survey respondents had seen the film. Multiple Republican candidates, including two secretary of state nominees in pivotal swing states, have praised the film publicly, a HuffPost review found. And the movie has inspired groups across the country to hold stakeouts at drop boxes and to mobilize again around Donald Trump’s lie that, as the then-president said in August 2020, “the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”
Click through for story. Just what we needed – NOT.

The New Yorker – Has the C.I.A. Done More Harm Than Good?
Quote – It can be hard to sort out which agencies do what; players in the espionage business aren’t always good with boundaries. Both the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. make use of satellite resources, including commercial ones, but there is a separate agency in charge of a spy-satellite fleet, the National Reconnaissance Office—not to be confused with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which deals with both space-based and ground-level imaging, or with Space Delta 18, the nation’s newest intelligence agency, which is attached to the Space Force. Abolishing the C.I.A. might do nothing more than reconfigure the turf wars.
Click through for details. I honestly don’t have a problem with there being 18 agencies, provided they’re not all incompetent i the same ways at the same time (And also provided that whatever part of the Executive Branch they report to both reuires accuracy and also takes the reports seriously when they come in.) Obviously, the Secret Service and the FBI are weak on one or both of those points.

Food For Thought

Oct 112022

Yesterday, I overslept. That was certainly no surpise to me, and some of you may even have been able to read between the lines of yesterday’s Open Thread introduction that I expected to. But I didn’t expect how well it would work for me. I hope I can get a lot done even though the day may be a bit short. Also yesterday, I discovered that Faithful America is co-sponsoring a petition with Daily Kos. You mey remember last week I shared a new web page they have on “False {Prophets” and which they are co-sponsoring with a number of other liberal religious groups. Daily Kos is not one – it’s absolutely a secular group. Of course, I knew that Faithful America was willing to work with secular groups for common goals. But it encourages me that Daily Kos is willing to work with a faith group on common goals too. I can assure you that there are a few indvidual members of Daily Kos who aren’t.  And – yes, I am aware that Russia bombed  Kyiv (with non-nukes, which are plenty bad enough) but I haven’t had time to dig into the details.

Cartoon – (How TC knew in 2014 that David would die first and Charles would stand alone by 2022 is beyond me.)

Short Takes –

Wonkette – In 1886, When The Rent In New York City Was Too Damn High!
Quote – Henry George made one of the most important forays in solving the problem of industrial capitalism. George started his political life as a Lincoln-supporting Republican in the Civil War but soon came to criticize the growing system of industrial capitalism, especially the dominance of railroads over American life, as well as the influence of Chinese labor on white wages. In 1879, George published Progress and Poverty, arguing for the Single Tax as the surest way to bring corporations under control. The single tax was a basic property tax. At its core was the idea that people earned the value of own their own labor, but that land was a common resource for all and should essentially be quasi-socialized with very high taxes on large landowners. George’s ideas quickly spread beyond the US and were especially popular with the English and Scottish working classes, as well as the Irish resisting British domination.
Click through for article – a little lesson in history. We are in a new Gilded Age, and there is still no “one way” to fix it – which should surprise no one. But it’s still true that, to fix it, we have to want to fix it.

[Business] Insider – There’s no such thing as an alpha male
Quote – As the writer Saladin Ahmed pointed out, the concept of “alpha male” wolves that assert dominance over their pack through aggression comes from a debunked model of lupine social groups…. David Mech introduced the idea of the alpha to describe behavior observed in captive animals. Alphas, he wrote in his 1970 book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” win control of their packs in violent fights with other males. But, as he outlined in a 1999 paper, he’s since rejected that idea in light of research into the behavior of wolves in the wild.
Click through for article. This is not new iformation, nor was it new in 2016, when this was first published. But it just won’t go away. You have to feel sorry for David Mach – and for everyone still deluded by this fake idea. Captivity is not the same thing as civilization.

Food For Thought

Oct 092022

Glenn Kirschner – Three former Oath Keepers/military veterans testified at trial today. Here’s why it left me hopeful

Meidas Touch – Fox News Guest STUNS NETWORK says Biden was RIGHT on Marijuana LIVE on TV

The Lincoln Project – Mitch Found Out

MSNBC – Oath Keepers Trial Is DOJ’s ‘Biggest Case And Biggest Challenge

Steve Schmidt – trailer for documentary AMERICAN THEOCRACY. He encourages all to share it widely before the midterms because it won’t be released until January and we can’t wait.

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump packing the boxes himself….

Oct 072022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump asks his lawyer to lie about documents AND Trump asks Supreme Court/Clarence Thomas for help (I do think the ongoing Oath Keepers trial may be key as to what charges can be brought against whom.)

Meidas Touch – Right Wing Radio Host CONFESSES Abortion Arguments are a TOTAL LIE and Texas Paul REACTS
[“There’s a term for a sentient being which has no control over its own body. That term is livestock.”]

The Lincoln Project – Comrade Carlson

MSNBC – Mary Trump: Everything Donald Has Done Is A ‘Prelude To Worse Things To Come’

Brent Terhune – Student Loan Forgiveness

Beau – Let’s talk about ignorance vs racism….

Oct 052022

Glenn Kirschner – Women rise up in Iran, fighting governmental oppression. Their struggle is our struggle.

Meidas Touch – Putin STOOGE Tucker Carlson spreads RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA, blames US for attack on Russian TV

The Lincoln Project – Ginni Smile

MSNBC – ‘This Is The Big One’: Oath Keepers Trial To Set The Tone For Jan. 6 Cases

Shirley Serban – TOP SECRET Trump Parody Song

Beau – Let’s talk about the Cherokee and the Treaty of New Echota….

Oct 052022

Yesterday, at roughly 1:41 a.m. her time, Heather Cox Richardson sent out her daily email for Monday, and when I got up I read it. She touched on a wide variety of topics, of which possibily the most unnerving was Moore v. Harper and the “independent state legislature” doctrine. If this case is wrongly decided, we can kiss democracy goodbye- that’s assuming we can ever get close enough to it to kiss it. I know I’m sarting to sound like the proverbial broken record, but I admit I am afraid.

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Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – Offshore Tax Havens Move On Shore
Quote – Research published Wednesday details how a handful of U.S. states that are “subservient to the trust industry” are helping oligarchs and money launderers from around the globe evade taxes and hide their wealth within the nation’s borders…. “The concept of the ‘offshore’ tax haven has very much washed ashore,” says the report, which exposes how 13 U.S. states “shield the fortunes of the world’s richest people.”
Click through for details, including which states. I knew that a fw states’ laws were more favorable to credit card companies, which is why ao many are incorporated in South Dakota and Delaware, but I didn’t know about this. I’m surprised, actually – not at the states’ greed, but at the blind faith of the billionaires. Should a Republican win the Presidency in 2024, it will all be confiscated.

The Warning – Media corruption at the “paper of record”
Quote – His name is Donald John Trump from Queens. He has a “psychiatrist.” Her name is Maggie Haberman. She is the lead Trump reporter for The New York Times, and has become, like him, a singular totem of corruption. The corruption of the American media has fueled the extremist movement that threatens the republic as the journalistic ethic forged by Ed Murrow, Fred Friendly, Dorothy Thompson, Walter Cronkite and a generation of truth seekers gave way to a generation of information profiteers. The money that flows from anger, division, confusion and insanity can be counted in the tens of billions of dollars. That is the business of much of the American media. It is certainly Maggie Haberman’s business.
Click through for story. There will be a pop-up to subscribe – just click on “Let me read it first.” He certainly nails Maggie.

Food For Thought
