Jan 232023

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ will resist Jim Jordan’s subpoenas prying into criminal investigation of the insurrection

Robert Reich – The Republican Party’s Worst Nightmare

Farron Balanced – Trump Blames Evangelical ‘Disloyalty’ For All Of His Problems

Armageddon Update – Biden Did It Too! (I can’t wait to tell Virgil that Joe owns a pristine ’67 Corvette.)

Husky Becomes Obsessed With Man Living On The Street In Paris- (different rescue story)

Beau – Let’s talk about “just asking questions”….

Dec 312022

Yesterday, I decided that, since almost everyone is doing end-of-year retrospectives, I didn’t have to. Instead, since I have a couple of depressing sories which unfortunately are important, I at least made a satire sandwich. I hope the middle one gives you a chuckle or a grin, maybe even a LOL.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Trigger Warning
Denverite – Migrants in Denver faced horror on their journeys to the U.S., but despite their desperate risks, many will be forced to leave.
Quote – Kevin, who’s 22 and declined to tell us his last name, is one of at least 1,500 newly arrived migrants who’ve been sheltered by the city this month. He’s one of millions who’ve taken dangerous paths through jungles and deserts over the years to ask the U.S. government for asylum, legal and safe passage into the country. But that status is far from a guarantee. “Imagine traveling with your child, then your child dies and you arrive in the United States only to be deported,” he told us in Spanish during a recent visit to a church-run shelter. “You lost your child and you lost your dream. So then it’s difficult.”
Click through for full story, if you can bear it There is a trigger warning.

SATIRE Wonkette – Donald Trump Has Not Turned His Back On Me! He’s Turned His Front Towards Himself! By Sean Hannity.
Quote – I can hear all my listeners out there asking, “Sean, why are you letting the neighborhood children break wooden boards over your head? Is this a Make a Wish Foundation thing? Are the kids all cancer patients whose dying dream was to beat the crap out of Sean Hannity with a two-by-four?” Well, I can assure you it’s nothing like that. I would never do anything nice for a sick child. No, what’s happening is that a bunch of angry MAGA types in the area sent their little brats to beat up on me because they heard I admitted under oath in a deposition that I did not actually believe “for one second” that Donald Trump lost the election due to widespread voting fraud.
Click through – It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. (Try not to overdose on Schadenfreude.)

Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin (Democratic Underground)
Associated Press – Supreme Court asked to bar punishment for acquitted conduct
Quote – A jury convicted Dayonta McClinton of robbing a CVS pharmacy but acquitted him of murder. A judge gave McClinton an extra 13 years in prison for the killing anyway…. McClinton’s case and three others just like it are scheduled to be discussed when the justices next meet in private on Jan. 6.
Click through for details. Even for today’s Republican party, this is jaw-dropping abuse of power.

Food For Thought

Dec 302022

Glenn Kirschner – Arizona Republican Kari Lake, an election denier, loses first at the ballot box & then in court

Ring of Fire – What The Hell Is Going To Happen In 2023?

Robert Reich – Inflation Isn’t Happening By Magic

Armageddon Update – A Gift to us All

German Shepherd Puppy With Swimmer’s Syndrome Teaches Herself To Run

Beau – Let’s talk about understanding social media influence operations….

Nov 122022

Yesterday, The Colorado District 3 race was still not yet counted. Boebert has moved into the lead by about 400 votes, but there are thousands not yet counted, and many of not most are from blue counties, or counties that went blue. The Frisch campaign is doing what it can to help “cure” votes (i.e. reach out to voters who forgot to sign their ballot envelop or made some other small error – most of these can be corrected by text message, but the voter haas to know it’s needed – and sometimes to be nagged a little. The deadline for that is the 14th, which is also the deadline to receive military absentee ballots.) They are also still in need of funds for the curing task , so if your heart is in it, you can go to Adam’s web page and help. (I did – a very small one – and also to Rev. Warnock.) I also finished up the cartoons for November, and took a look at the Denver NPR radio station’s “Christmas Carol Countdown” – which they are running like sports playoffs, which seems to me to be a good way to make the lmaximum number of people unhappy, but what do I know.  Finally, I solved The New Yorker’s “Name Drop on the first clue.  I almost went to the second clue, buthen I thought, if I’m right, I’ll never forgive myself.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Warning – Tim Ryan’s must-watch political speech
Quote – Tim Ryan is precisely the type of person Teddy Roosevelt spoke of in his speech detailing the obligations of citizenship in a republic…. Tim Ryan inspired people. He did it with conviction, decency and grace. He is not a savior, but he is a man of the highest integrity and character who stood tall…. [The speech] was delivered without notes, and entirely from the heart. This guy is the real deal.
Click through for article (and video – which does have CC, so there’s a transcript if you click on the three dots to the right of the line that has “share” in it.) Personally, I needed a hanky. BTW Robert REich also cited this speech, along with Fetterman’s victory speech.

Press Watch – It’s not a fluke, it’s a rot: Why the political media blew the 2022 election
Quote – Ever since they started handicapping the 2022 election – which means almost all the way back to 2020 – leading political reporters and pundits consistently predicted a midterm shellacking for Joe Biden and Democrats. It’s almost like they were looking forward to it…. After the Dobbs decision, they briefly entertained the notion that things might go another way. But then they dismissed it entirely…. This is not something that can be fixed with a little tweaking, and weak stabs at contrition. What we need is a wholesale revisiting of the rules of modern political journalism.
Click through for analysis. It’s right on point, and it’s very refreshing.

Food For Thought

Nov 092022

Glenn Kirschner – Oath Keeper Elmer Stewart Rhodes testifies in his own defense at trial and goes full Trump

The Lincoln Project – The Red Mirage

CNN – I don’t like to use videos this long, but this is information (including emotional information) you likely wan’t get elsewhere, and Anderson IMO did a remarkable job of drawing it out. You may need a hanky.

MSNBC – Sean Patrick Maloney flattens Chuck Todd for blaming Biden: ‘The president gets a bum rap’  (Sadly, e lost re-election.)

Watch This Stray Cat Do A ‘Crab Dance’

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, special counsels, advice, and delays….

Nov 082022

Yesterday, I managed to get in a grocery order. I authorized one substitution, and was glad I had, because my preferred article was out of stock.  Two items were missing – both things I just wanted to try, not anything staple.  I also looked over all the news and opinion articles on the internet I found interesting, and decided both to try to ignore the election as it’s being run and counted (I have found that a recipe for anxiety) and also to do my best to make one of the short takes a feel-good story I don’t know whether I can keep that up past Wednesday, but I am going to try. If anyone would like a more broad overlook of the week, I recommend Joyce Vance, who has done a stunning job of putting it all together. (Heather Cox Richardson decided to post a soothing photo. I certainly respect both decisions.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Reuters – ‘Kill them’: Arizona election workers face midterm threats
Quote – The U.S. Justice Department declined to comment on specific ongoing investigations but said it has opened dozens of cases nationwide involving threats to election workers. Eight people face federal charges for threats, including two who targeted Maricopa County officials. DOJ spokesperson Joshua Stueve said that while the “overwhelming majority” of complaints the agency receives “do not include a threat of unlawful violence,” he said the messages are “often hostile, harassing, and abusive” towards election officials and their staff. “They deserve better,” Stueve said.
Click through for details. Reuters appears to have no problem with people who read it very occasionally. If you was to read it a bit more grequently, you can register for free access, I hav done so, but sldom need to use it, and did not need it for this.

PolitiZoom – Ha-Ha – The People Behind “2000 Mules” Are In Jail
Quote – Now here’s a story sure to warm the hearts of any Democratic voters (who turned out in 2020 in record numbers to ensure the Orangeutan would be denied a second term and another chance to wreck our Democracy, only to be falsely accused of stuffing ballot return boxes and other electoral malfeasance) and who want to see the record set straight and malefactors like Dinesh D’Souza and anyone else responsible for the slanders propagated against them by his BS schlockumentary 2000 Mules held to account:[.]
Click through for article. This is only for contempt of court, but it is very real, and there appears to be a Catch-22 of their own making. The evidence they have failed to torn over may not in fact exist. If so, in order to clear it up they would have to trade contempt for perjury. Not what I would call an attractive option.

Food For Thought

Oct 302022

Glenn Kirschner – rump flunky Kash Patel pleads the 5th; is DOJ investigative circle really tightening around Trump?

More Perfect Union – Why These Workers Endorsed Their Boss’s Opponent For Congress

Ring of Fire – Tucker Carlson Says Biden Is Arresting People For Having ‘Wrong Thoughts’

VoteVets – WIsen – The Oath (captions) [VoteVets has gone to doing ads for particular districts, many for people I don’t know. But we all know RoJo.]

Liberal Redneck – Inflation and the GOP

Beau – Let’s talk about a cancer vaccine….

Oct 242022

Yesterday was, of course, Sunday. And the week before it was long and busy, and everyone, including me, is exhausted. Besides myself, we are also talking about all of my sources. So we’ll have one old-ish article, (old news recently come to light), and one scoop from Axios. Since the scoop is about Tucker Carlson, it is full of sound and fury, and may well signify not very much, but it is at least interesting – and reveals a possible crack in the MAGA wall (no, not that one, the one that prevents any truth from reaching them.) We will hope for more news today. (Better news would be particularly nice.)

Cartoon – 24 1024Cartoon.jpg

Cartoon 2 (Holiday) –

Short Takes –

Political Wire – Pelosi Wasn’t Sure Secret Service Could Be Trusted
Quote – Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that as rioters raged inside the Capitol on January 6, she was concerned about the Secret Service’s treatment of then-Vice President Mike Pence, Politico reports. Said Pelosi: “I myself wondered if he could trust the Secret Service to take him to a safe place. I don’t know.”
Clck through for story. Not much gets past Nancy Pelosi’s eagle eye. And she is far from alone.

Axios – Scoop: Tucker Carlson lashes out at GOP campaign chief in irate private call
Quote – Just two weeks before the midterms, the chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee [Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.)] — who is headed into a high-stakes leadership race if House Republicans win the majority — finds himself on the wrong side of the nation’s most powerful right-wing TV host…. Emmer also now finds himself under attack from two MAGA celebrities: Donald Trump Jr. and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).
Click through for details and names. I know, you are thinking, “Tucker Carson has a son?!?!?” Well, yes. So does Trump**. So does Herschel Walker. Hard to believe on so many levels. But nonetheless true. He has a bit of my sympathy – but I still hope that several MAGAts get well and truly burned in the battle.

Food For Thought
