Apr 092023

Yesterday, the radio opera was Puccini’s “Tosca,” an opera which strikes very close to home in multiple circumstances … including the circumstances the United States is currently in politically (and legally.) The title character is a beautiful, celebrated, passionate, insecure, and rather naive singer who is in love with the tenor, a political activist. The chief of police, the de facto dictator (at least of the city), who is such a jerk that Napoleon looks good to the activists, has the hots for her. He also knows her lover, Mario, is an activist, and therefore wants him dead for both reasons. There is torture, there is extortion, there is desperation, and by the end of the opera all three are dead. It’s quite a trip. It wasn’t the first opera I saw live, but I was quite young when I saw it first – about 18. It was on a Saturday. The previous evening, I had been to a get-together with the professors and other students in the Classics Department (my major.) One graduate student was kind of pushing me to accept an alcoholic drink (but I had driven to the occasion, and would have to drive home), and at one point he said, “Don’t you want to be happy?” I replied, “I am happy already,” “What?” he replied. “How dare you be happy without artificial means?” It was funny, and we both laughed, but it wasn’t so funny the next day when he had been found a suicide. I learned about it maybe an hour before I was to leave for the opera with the friend who had invited me. It really hit home. To this day I cannot see or hear or think about “Tosca” without remembering. I also can’t help loving “Tosca.”

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – ‘You Bet!’: Peter Doocy Taken To The Woodshed By John Kirby
Quote – “Proud of the fact that we got more than 124,000 people safely out of Afghanistan? You bet,” Kirby shot back. “Proud of the fact that American troops were able to seize control of a defunct airport and get it operational in 24 hours? You bet. Proud of the fact that we now have about 100,000 Afghans, our former allies and partners, living in this country and working toward citizenship? You bet!”
Click through. there’s a video if tou can stand Doocy’s voice – I can’t. I’m sharing this for John Kirby’s remarks. For an operation which was deliberately set up – by Trump** – to fail, there is indeed a lot to be proud of.

Democratic Underground (littlemisssmartypants) – A “brilliant story about…JustinPearson” from Tennessee.
Quote – When I was a young organizer, we would often sit in [Memphis City Schools] board meetings…. This particular night I noticed a young man who was sitting and waiting to speak…. Once he got to the podium the room completely shifted…. He challenged the Board to answer for why they had such low expectations for his school and his community…. That kid is an adult now and that adult just got expelled from our house floor making national news….
Click through for the full story. I’m not crying, you’re crying. If they hold special elections, his district – both districts – should vote them back in and keep doing so as long as necessary. And then elect both to Congress (Along with Gloria Johnson.)

Food For Thought

Apr 082023

Glenn Kirschner – In Hannity interview, defendant Trump admits to obstruction of justice, reveals his motive

Ring of Fire – Fox News Makes Terrible Decision To Let Hosts Testify At Dominion Trial

Robert Reich – Debunking Criticisms of Donald Trump’s Indictment

Patrick Fitzgerald – The Song of Alvin Bragg

Woman Moves Feral Cat Into Her Bathroom

Beau – Let’s talk about McCarthy, budgets, and the debt ceiling….

Apr 032023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s attorney Tacopina spouts nonsense on TV; why Trump’s statute of limitations claim will fail

MSNBC – New Fox emails: CEO says Trump fact-checks are ‘bad for business’

Farron Balanced – Jim Jordan’s Report On ‘Weaponization’ Of Government Blows Up In His Face

Mark Russell died last week, aged 93. I surely remember him – there don’t seem to be any short clips from his prime, but he made this when h was 80.

Dog Dumped At The Shelter Discovers The Great Outdoors

Beau – Let’s talk about Nebraska, allies, and holding the line….

Apr 022023

Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “Falstaff,” based on Shakespeare’s “The Merry Wives of Windsor. Back in the day when the filmed matinees were replayed on PBS, I remember there were a couple of very odd (to put it nicely) schedulings – like for instance “Medea” being replayed on Mothers’ Day (and there were others.) And then, of course, , hthey were being played after the fact, so that those scheduling them could have looked at the calendar and noted that “Medea,” for instance, was not the best choice for Mothers’ Day. That’s the one I remember, but I also remember that similar contretemps occurred several times. They seem to do better when the related real life occurrences are spontaneous – such as “Falstaff” being on radio (and also HD broadcast into theaters) in a week when a real life misogynistic conman has just been indicted after way too long a hiatus (of course, they were thinking of April Fools’ Day). There are differences – Falstaff gets his comeuppance from the very ladies he planned to seduce and swindle, and (ar least apparently) learns from the experience. I don’t anticipate any learning from experience to be happening in a Manhattan courtroom any time soon. The prodution is apparently the second one within about ten years – the previous one was very 1950’s, including a midcentury modern kitchen (through the window of which Falstaff got dumped into the Thames in a laundry basket.) This production doesn’t look consistently like any particular time and place, but it does appear to have a lot of color – reds, blues, and for one of Falstaff’s costimes an almost flueorescent orange. Also a lot of standing on tables. But then with such an absurd play it’s not out of line for the production to be a bit absurdist. (The play was supposed to have been inspired by Queen ELizabeth I telling Shakespeare she wanted to see “Sir John in love.” If so, evidently the best he could do was Sir John in heat, and certainly not forgetting about money. Falstaff may have been a knight, but he was not a noble character.) But it’s all in good fun, and the singers always seem to have at least as much fun as the audience – maybe more.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – DeSantis Gets Caught In The Disney Mousetrap
Quote – The previous board, Disney controlled Reedy Creek Improvement District, approved the last minute agreement on Feb. 8, the very day before the Florida House voted to put the governor in charge. They knew what was coming and had a plan. The Board had a public meeting, but didn’t get into great detail about the document before unanimously voting to approve it…. One of the funniest parts of the declaration is the following rule: The declaration is valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England.”
Click through for details. DeSantis thought he was so smart appointing his own board to control Disnet territory. Dunning-Kruger prevented him from realizing that Disney has real lawyers – and real mockery.

The First Amendment Encyclopedia – Actual Malice
Quote – Actual malice is the legal standard established by the Supreme Court for libel cases to determine when public officials or public figures may recover damages in lawsuits against the news media…. Beginning with the unanimous decision in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964), the Supreme Court has held that public officials cannot recover damages for libel without proving that a statement was made with actual malice — defined as “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”
Click through for article. When we non lawyers hear the word “malice,” we think of feelings – a hatred of someone or something, and a desire to harm that target. But that’s not what it means in law. Dominion has received summary judgment against Fox for everything except Actual Malice (and therefore damages.) Given the texts and emails, I believe that too could be proven without a trial. The judge is probably thinking that those texts, emails, and other evidence need to bemore widely publicized.

Bonus: In the Public Interest – The Privatization of Everything: Now in Paperback
Just to announce that this book, subtitled “How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back,” has been reissued, now in paperback, which makes it both easier to handle and less expensive. So many people have fallen for the myth that “Government should be run like a business” -which may be applicable to authoritarian governments, but certainly not to a democracy – and if you are seeking talking points to push back, this would be a great source.

Food For Thought

Mar 312023

(The Liberal Redneck is from Tennessee, and I keep expecting avideo from him about the Nashville mass shooting. There hasn’t been one yet – and it really wouldn’t surprise me if he finds it just too hard to talk about – but i’ll keep looking.)

Glenn Kirschner – NY DA Alvin Bragg pauses grand jury investigation of Donald Trump’s NY crimes. What might this mean?

Meidas Touch – Tennessee Republican makes STUNNING admission during live interview

MSNBC – Fox News aired Dominion conspiracy theories despite fact-checking unit’s disproval

Robert Reich – The Hidden Costs of Denying Paid Sick Leave

Pittie Lets Foster Kittens Nurse On Her

Beau – Let’s talk about 2 big Trump developments, privilege, and jurors….

Mar 272023

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump THREATENS NY DA Alvin Bragg in violation of NY state law; additional charges likely?

The Lincoln Project – Mr. DeSantis

Ring of Fire – Fox Host Begs Trump To Shut The Hell Up About 2020 Election

Armageddon Update – HELLthcare

Cat Is SO Gentle With His Squirrel Brother

Beau – Let’s talk about if NY is handling it wrong with Trump….

Mar 142023

Glenn Kirschner – Michael Cohen testifies in NY Grand jury; Trump refuses to testify in grand jury; indictment nears (Cohen is not a target of the grand jury before which he is testifying. A big difference – which Glenn taught me.)

Farron Balanced – Republican Lawmaker Has Complete Meltdown Over 4th Grader’s Rainbow Drawing

Robert Reich – What Silicon Valley Bank’s Implosion Means for You

Armageddon Update – This MOTHERTUCKER!

Pittie Thrown Away In Trash Does The Happiest Zoomies Around His New Yard

Beau – Let’s talk about an enduring math problem in Ukraine…. (for once, I knew this before he did. I’d call that a scoop!)

Mar 132023

Glenn Kirschner – Mike Pence CALLS OUT Donald Trump at Gridiron Dinner? Will Pence now testify about Trump’s crimes?

Thom Hartmann – Is This Healthcare or a Crime?

Ring of Fire – Biden Baits Republicans Into A Trap On Medicare Funding

Armageddon Update – DeSantis DeStruction

Stray Cat Waits For This Guy At Work Every Morning For 2 Years

Beau – Let’s talk about Fox, a Zoom call, and the New York Times….
