Yesterday, I had not slept terribly well, but I got by with a few yawns. Virgil called, and, as promised, I told him about those of y’all who commented you are praying for him, and he was deeply appreciative, as predicted. Quite touched, in fact.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Democratic Underground [maxrandb] – Hey MSM! Maybe the “story” isn’t 2 Dem Senators that won’t kill the filibuster
Quote – Just like they publish thousands of stories of “Dems need to reach out to rural America bullshit” and ZERO “Retrumplicans need to reach out to urban America” stories. They report thousands of time that 2 Dems Senators don’t want to kill the filibuster. When is the last time you saw a story concentrating on the 50 Retrumplican Senators that couldn’t give one fuck if women die, or if teens need to carry their Uncles baby to term?
Click through for full rant. I am SO over RWNJs babbling about the “liberal media.” Sometimes I just need to express it..
The 19th – 10 anti-LGBTQ+ bills impacting students go into effect across six states
Quote – It is already hard enough for transgender and LGBTQ+ youth to see themselves reflected in the culture or in the academic materials they’re learning from, Topping said — and harder still for LGBTQ+ youth to simply go to school if they are getting bullied. Taking away the ability for students to talk with teachers about their identity or learn about queer communities in school may hamper their ability to dream of a future with people like them in it.
Click Through for states and details. As usual, the cruelty is the point – at least the immediate point. The long-term point is genocide.
Food For Thought