Yesterday, I woke up from a nightmare.I was talking with Mitch McConnell and he said something which almost made sense. It was horrible. I never used to dream about public figures Sigh.
Today is May 12. I’m using a cartoon made by TC, but every year on May 12 I remember that when I was a freshman in college and still visiting my high school bridge club because I didn’t feel ready for tournament bridge (this would have been 1963), every time there was a trick with four face cards, it was obligatory for someone to say, “Summit Conference.” And on a trick with three face cards it was obligatory for someone to sat, “May 12th.” (because on May 12, 1960, Khrushchev walked out on the summit conference.) Just one of those trivial to the point of being idiotic things that one can’t seem to forget. (And it really wouldn’t make a good cartoon, anyway. Too much explanation needed.)
Cartoon – 12 0512Cartoon.jpg

Short Takes –
The Daily Beast- A Second MAGA Clerk in Colorado Also Breached Voting Machines
Quote – Schroeder, who did not return a request for comment, is the second Colorado clerk accused of breaching voting machines under his supervision. The other clerk, Tina Peters of Mesa County, is currently facing a barrage of criminal charges for allegedly stealing a local tech worker’s identity, illegally copying her county’s election data, and leaking it to election fraud conspiracy theorists last spring. She later appeared at Lindell’s “cyber symposium” on supposed voter fraud where she implied, incorrectly, that the stolen data suggested election malfeasance against Donald Trump.
Click through for details. Colorado is a blue state if Democrats vote. But ever since Focus on the Family decided to settle in Colorado Springs, RWNJs all over the state have become more amd more loud and obnoxious. And lawless. Here’s a related article.
Crooks and Liars – ‘Songbird Of Mariupol’ Wants The World To Know That She’s Still Alive
Quote – For she is singing in a bomb shelter amid the shattered hell of Mariupol, accompanied by a low murmur from a chorus line of men sitting beside her. Her name is Kateryna. She joined the army last year after completing her music studies and, at the age of 21, she finds herself fighting for her life as a member of the heroic band of Ukrainian fighters making a desperate last stand in a besieged factory.
Click through for story and video. The video has CC (I don’t speak Ukrainan, but it looks good), and you can just tell she has a lovely voice, maybe perfect pitch, but the “accompaniment” doesn’t help.
AP News – Ambassador nominee for Ukraine seeks quick embassy reopening
Quote – Bridget Brink, who has spent the majority of her 25-year diplomatic career in former Soviet republics, spoke to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ahead of what’s expected to be her easy Senate confirmation…. Committee Republicans and Democrats alike Tuesday emphasized getting Brink confirmed and in place in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, as soon as possible, as Ukraine’s forces are in their fourth month of battling invading Russian troops, with the help of an extraordinary campaign of military and financial support by the United States and European allies.
Click through (it’s short). Let’s not forget the last Ambassador, Marie (Masha) Yovanovitch. Like (and along with) LtCol Vindman, she demonsrated truth and honor in the face of a world-class bully. Big shoes to fill. I wish Bridget Brink all the best.
Food For Thought