It’s another tired day here in the CatBox. Instead of taking a nap to rest my back, I’m waiting for Molly, my physical therapist, to arrive and make recommendations. Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, and she’s coming early in the morning to destink the raunchy TomCat, do chores, and prepare edible food. Therefore, please expect no more than a brief Personal Update. Tuesday is Flush your Republicans Day. Be careful. They’re getting desperate these days.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:15 (average 6:11). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update (an occasional feature from now on):
US Cases: 10,428,603 US Deaths: 244,521 Plus the Trump*/GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign was never quiet about what the first goal of a Biden administration would be: to undo Trumpism. Undo as many of Donald Trump’s racist, white nationalist, fact-averse, science-hostile orders and policies as possible, as soon as possible, and return the United States to something approaching competent normalcy.
Fortunately for the next Democratic administration, the Trump Team made heavy use of executive orders and regulatory “reinterpretations” in their efforts to sabotage prior government policies. That means those moves can be undone by the very same mechanisms.
It might be easier for Joe to reverse that approach. Here is the complete list of everything Trump* and the Republican Reich have not broken: [begin here]… … …[end of list]. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Lindsey Graham: Overturn this election or ‘there will never be another Republican president’
First, may this election stand. Second, may Lindsey Poo be absolutely correct that there will never be another Republican Resident. RESIST!!
Thank God the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. To complete the process, the Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich, needs to follow their Fuhrer around the bowl and down the drain. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Beatles – Come Together
People of America, reject the Republican Reich and come together! RESIST!!
Not really long enough for a post – but too important to ignore, or delay, and it just came in.
The Election Integrity Project held a seminar just this morning, and Eric Smalley, technology editor for The Conversation, attended and felt this information was the most important to share:
Russian efforts, by way of the shadowy Internet Research Agency, are focused on amplifying claims by Americans of fraud by Democrats, but unlike 2016 the Russian participation is getting dramatically less traction.
A major concern is entities purporting to be livestreaming video but who are in fact using old and/or unrelated video to create a false narrative. This was first seen during the George Floyd protests.
The danger zone is the time between the polls closing and results coming in. People will be anxiously watching for news and information, and entities pushing disinformation/misinformation will attempt to fill the news vacuum.
Things the Election Integrity Project is watching:
There is likely to be lots of online video showing incidents of intimidation that will be rapidly decontextualized and used to delegitimize the election.
Both Facebook and Twitter will be labeling problematic posts, but only Twitter disallows sharing of those posts. Will Facebook need to follow suit?
And when I say share, I mean share. This was in an email from The Conversation. Feel free to share the inforation with friends and family.
Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
“Quot homines, tot sententiae.” (Or in other words, “Opinions are like [fill in NSFW blank]; everybody has one.”) I have another election article I was ready to use, but it can wait. I suspect everyone’s nerves are as shredded as mine about, not the election itself, but the Trump* response to it, and this article addresses contested elections directly, and may (or, of course, not) be a calming influence, or at the very least give us ideas on how to be ready for anything.
All that sets up the country for a disputed presidential election, with recounts and court battles in key states and a nation left wondering both who will lead it and whether they should have faith in the election’s integrity. We asked five scholars to provide a history of contested elections in the United States and to explain what happens when an election is disputed. Here are those stories, from our archives.
Cohen lays out what elections normally do: They “generate legitimacy because citizens contribute to the selection of leadership.” And even in contested elections of the past, he continues, that legitimacy has been sustained because those disputes have been handled according to the rules. Politicians and citizens may have “howled” about the unfairness of the outcome, but, Cohen reports, they accepted it.
Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters’ Shannon Bushey shows an official county ballot collection box on Oct. 13, 2020 in San Jose, California. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
2. How to get to the Supreme Court
State law controls almost every aspect of voting, so if there’s an election dispute, then it will go to a state court, writes constitutional scholar John Finn. “A candidate who wants to challenge the result in any particular state must first identify what provision of state law the election did not satisfy.” Most of the time, a state court decision will determine which presidential candidate gets the state’s electoral votes, with a final decision made by the state’s supreme court.
But then there is Bush v. Gore, the case that settled the 2000 election, which demonstrated that an election dispute can end up being heard by the Supreme Court if someone charges that a federal constitutional right has been violated. It’s possible, Finn writes, that several challenges similar to Bush v. Gore could arise in the 2020 election. “And where the lawsuits involved in Bush v. Gore all originated in Florida,” he writes, “this time the chaos may reach across several states.”
3. Throw the vote to Congress
There is another way that an election can end up being decided by others than the voters and the Electoral College. Not when it’s a disputed election, but when the Electoral College members are tied or don’t give any candidate a straight majority. That throws the election to the House of Representatives.
Political scientist Donald Brand writes that this method of determining a winner was not exactly the first choice of the framers, who “sought to avoid congressional involvement in presidential elections.” But if the Electoral College couldn’t provide a majority vote for one candidate, the election would wind up in the House, “presumably because as the institution closest to the people, it could bestow some democratic legitimacy on a contingent election.”
Political scientist Sarah Burns says that the election of 1824, which was resolved with what was then called a “corrupt bargain,” and the disputed 2000 election, which was effectively ended by the Supreme Court, both caused such anger that they poisoned national politics for some time. Critics of the court’s decisive role in 2000 pointed out that “Bush had failed to win the popular vote, and that the Supreme Court vote was split 5-4, with the conservative justices in the majority delivering an outcome favorable to their political leanings.”
5. Judicial credibility
Judges like to stay in their branch of government – the judiciary – and leave the politics to politicians. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter warned his fellow jurists to avoid “embroilment” in “the political thicket” of “party contests and party interests.” But a disputed election will be fought in the courts, and that’s dangerous for the standing of any court, especially the U.S. Supreme Court. Voters will see judges’ actions and ascribe political intent to them, even if that’s not the case.
Austin Sarat, a legal scholar and political scientist, rakes into a pile the hundreds of lawsuits that have already been mounted over how the election is conducted this year, describing what they aim to do. He believes that the election’s outcome is likely to end up in court – and he says there’s danger ahead, for the lower courts as well as the Supreme Court.
“Whatever decisions judges make this year, the rush to the courthouse to shape the 2020 election will pose real challenges for their legitimacy, which ultimately depends on the public’s belief that they are not simply political actors.”
Editor’s note: This story is a roundup of articles from The Conversation’s archives.
AMT, anything you can do to help ensure that we don’t have to worry about this will be deeply appreciated by all.
The Last Free and Fair Election? – Won’t be this election. If this one is stolen, it will have been the previous election which deserves that title.
Family Separation Vol. 279 – As Beau pointed out, some of those parents will only have an address that is a row and plot number. “Could you bear it?” Plus, people seek asylum because someone wants to kill them, Sending them back to that ….
Pennsylvania Voter Values – Well, this is scary. But then any deep dive into the minds (by courtesy) of Trump* supporters is scary.
It’s a tired day here in the CatBox. Anne is due in 45 – 75 minutes to change my patch. Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update as WWWendy is coming and Store to Door is delivering groceries. Happy Hump Day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:21 (average 6:42). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
US Cases: 8,524,139 US Deaths: 226,273 Plus all the Trump*/GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding
Short Takes:
From Alternet: Dozens of Florida voters and others residing in heavily-Democratic counties across several states have received threatening emails warning them to vote for President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election or suffer consequences.
Ahead of early voting, Democratic voters in Alachua County, Fla., began receiving the disturbing emails. Voters in Alaska and Arizona also reported receiving the same message.
The subject line for the email reads: “Vote for Trump or else!”
Targeting voters registered as Democrats, the email message opens with a disturbing statement telling potential voters all of their personal information has been exposed as the sender claims to have infiltrated the “entire voting infrastructure.”
The sender also warned Democrats to vote for Trump or they would “come after” them. Voters are also being told to change their political party affiliation so it can serve as confirmation of agreement to the terms of the threat.
“We are in possession of all your information (email, address, telephone… everything),” the message stated. “You are currently registered as a Democrat and we know this because we have gained access into the entire voting infrastructure. You will vote for Trump on Election Day or we will come after you. Change your party affiliation to Republican to let us know you received our message and will comply. We will know which candidate you voted for. I would take this seriously if I were you.”
Here is a perfect example of international cooperation, Republican Style. White House staffers prepare the threats, the Republican Party provides the email list, and the SVR (current name of KGB) provide the servers, and all join forces to blackmail voters with fraudulent claims. RESIST!!
Amen Trey! God save our right to talk shit to idiots! RESIST!!
From YouTube (CNN Channel): He oversaw the bin Laden raid. See what he says about Trump
He is so conservative that I’m sure I would disagree him most of the time on policy issues. However, I could and would negotiate with him in good faith. A very few conservatives are people of honor and may be trusted to act that way. However, the Republican Party works on bad faith only! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Audio)
It’s a hectic week, here in the CatBox. Today, I want to get as much rest as I can. Tomorrow, WWWendy works at both her day and night job, and Dianna, my home palliative care nurse is on vacation, so Anne, my alternate home palliative care nurse is coming to change my patch. Thursday morning, WWWendy is coming a day late to destink the raunchy TomCat, help with chores, and semi-goop. It’s also grocery delivery day from Store to Door. First thing Friday morning, WWWendy is taking me to the hospital for a CAT Scan, and we’ll pick up a pizza on the Way home. Saturday morning is my regular WWWendy Day, and Tuesday morning WWWendy is taking me for my next infusion or for Evelyn to tell me they aren’t helping (the news we DON’T want). In any case, color me intermittent at best for a week. Is that hectic enough? It’s Tuesday so Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom to flush your Republicans!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:12 (average 3:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
US Cases: 8,461,037 US Deaths: 225,285 Plus all the Trump*/GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding
Short Takes:
From SCOTUS Blog: A deadlocked Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower-court ruling that requires Pennsylvania election officials to count absentee ballots received within three days after Election Day, Nov. 3, even if they are not postmarked. In two brieforders issued shortly after 7 p.m., the justices denied, without explanation, a request by Republicans to put the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling on hold. Four justices – Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh – indicated that they would have granted the Republicans’ request.
The order came in a lawsuit filed by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party that challenged various aspects of the state’s absentee-ballot system in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Last month, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, citing a voting-rights provision of the state’s constitution, ordered several modifications to voting rules, including extending the deadline by which mail-in ballots must be received in order for them to be counted. Previously, that deadline was Election Day, but the state court ruled that ballots should be counted if they are received up to three days after Election Day unless a “preponderance of the evidence” shows that a ballot was mailed after Election Day. That means that ballots lacking clear postmarks may be counted if received by Nov. 6. [emphasis added]
If Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch had already confirmed Amy Coney Bullshit, some PA voters would have lost their right to vote, because Trump* delayed the delivery of those votes by postal sabotage. How many of our rights will we lose when 5 Republican Injustices always vote with SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitutional venereal disease)? We now have 4 always SCROTUS, 1 usually SCROTUS, 1 moderate, 2 center-left, and Bullshit SCROTUS on-deck. RESIST!!
From YouTube (CNN Channel): Ex-GOP strategist on Trump’s GOP: ‘Burn it down and start over’
Cornhole Cornyn is just trying to duck his fair share of blame for all the Republican policies that he espoused long before Trump*, and that both he and Trump* supported. I half-disagree with Stevens. By all means, burn down the Republican Reich. But why start over? Burn it down, and leave it that way! Build an entirely new party to the left of today’s Democrats, but as long as the Republican Reich exists, the Democrats are the ONLY sane choice! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge over Troubled Water (from The Concert in Central Park)