Nov 012024

Yesterday, of course, was Hallowe’en. Without writing a novel, I need to provide the background that one of my backups when there’s a program on the radio i don’t like (or static, even worse) is “The Score” – a one hour each week program on film music which keeps a two-week archive on line. I went there today and listened to a program on scary movies rated G. The only one i found truly terrifying, and that really only because he featured its poster, was “The House with a Clock in the Wall” from 2018. Jack Black then just looks way, way too much like JD Vance now. And he was playing the good guy!

From ProPublica. Sure, this is Tennessee. But it’s also a preview of a Trump** second term anywhere and everywhere for anyone whom Tru,p** and his demons consider to be “the enemy within.” No one deserves this.

Sheesh! They are everywhere! Shasta County isn’t in the southern part of California – it’s about halfway between Sacramento and Oregon. The county seat even has a couple of universities. Stupid just is as stupid does.

Three million blind GOPs,”, See how they lie,”, They all ran after the people’s votes, tried to claim they were faked in totes, so much dumber than baby stoats, three million blind GOPs. Pardon me, I can get flaky when I’m mad.


Oct 272024

Yesterday, the radio opera was a new one, “The Shining,” by Paul Moravec, whose name is new to me. I never read the book nor saw the movie, but living in Colorado, and especially being married to the grandson of a former caretaker of the Stanley Hotel, on which the hotel in it was based, I did know something about the plot. This opera was based on the book alone, rejecting some concepts introduced by the movie. It was presented by the Lyric Opera of Kansas City. I didn’t previously know any of the singers. The opera has it’s own website at operatheshining dot com, and KC Lyric has some photos at their site from this production from March, 2023. One could tell is was a 21st century opera, not by any dissonance (of which there is very little in operas of today anyway), but by the structure. older operas have arias – standout songs, and the older the opra the more repetition in them – separated by sections of more speech-like music which moves the plot (the older the opera, the closer it gets to actual speech.) This opera was structured like a sung play and also included some straight speech. Danny’s part in particular was all spoken. Incidentally, an opera company whose name includes the word “Lyric” is messaging “please understand we are not the Met or La Scala.” But the production values looked pretty good to me, and the voices held up. (Chicago Lyric dropped the “Lyric” sometime in the last 10 years or so, and rightly so, and about time, too.) Also, if you’re still with me, I want to call some attention to the fact that MAGA spreading lies about groups is not limited to immigtants. They are now spreading lies about Benedictine nuns. The sisters are not amused.

This from Crooks and Liars is hardly breaking news. Probably we could also have guessed the names. But it’s good to see it in print in order to be prepared.

It’s Sunday, and we deserve a good news story. This one from the Atlanta Black Star is pretty darned good, and especially for Texas.

Oct 252024

Yesterday, my back bothered me from the middle of my sleep time (it woke me up, and I never really got back to sleep) through the entire rest of the day. I seriously considered sleeping sitting up. I used the TENS unit and ice (not at the same time – those ice bags may be sealed, but that doesn’t stop condensation.)  Both helped some,  But not enough.  Yes, I know, Urgent Care, but the last time I did that (for pain muchless sefver in a much smaller area) I ended up having to do so much walking  I exacerbated it.  If I exacerbate this much more, I’ll fall and won’t be able to get up.  If it persists, I’ll do that.

Pro Publica points out that, while, yes, immigration has increased, that is far from the only change in immigration in recent years. They don’t go into the fact that many, particularly those from Central America are fleeing conditions which we, the United States, made possible by meddling in their nations’ politics through the CIA and, among other programs, the School of the Americas (now whitewashed as the “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.”) And both of our major parties have blood on their hands. Our hands. Sure, a lot of that was on account of GOP rule. But I wouldn’t expect those injured by it to be able to make that distinction.

As a former DOJ prosecutor, Joyce Vance knows a whole lot more about the DOJ’s responsibiities than I do. I’ll just let her do the talking.

Oct 212024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil and of course we plauyed cribbage  We had quite a mix of hands, from terrible to meh to good to great.  The drive was easy both ways.  I decided to get off the interstate this time at the same exit I always get onfor the return trip, and that worked very well.  This aftermoon I have someone coming to switch over my phone and internet service; I did not initiate this, but CenturyLink who has done both for me formore than a decade at least is getting out of local internet and quite possible phone service as well, and this is who they chose to recommend as a replacement.  I’m dreading it – i already put it off for over a month  But the day is now here.  Wish me luck.

Crooks and Liars picked this story up. It may not make headlines, but maybe it should. Not that the DOJ has enough staff to go into every county – or even just every county with a MAGA Sheriff.

I almost put this from Wonkette into my intro because I’m speechless.

Oct 042024

Yesterday, I had expected some commentary from Joyce Vance Wednesday night on Jack Smith’s newest filing, which was (somewhat redacted) released then by Judge Chuutkan. But no, she’s taking a couple of days off for Rosh Hashanah (she wishes us all “besorot tovot”  (may we hear good news.) She did, however, provide a link to it (it’s down from 180 pages to 168.) No, I didn’t try to read it – I am having an everything everywhere all at once week. But if you want cammentary without going through the whole thing, i’d recommend Harry Litman at Talking Feds on YouTube. He’s detailed, yet speaks colloquially enough for just about anyone to grasp all the points. Also yesterday, Tina Peters was sentenced – to 9 years in prison. The judge had some things to say.

Heather Cox Richardson did address the filing along with the debate – and while it’s longish, it’s nowhere near 168 pages. Also, it makes one thing pellucidly clear which I want to point out, because you will see (maybe already have seen) articles in sources you trust which claim that Trump** said “Make them riot!” That is false. Those words were spoken, but not by Trump**. It was Mike Roman in DEtroit who said that. Richardson provides the circumstances under which it was said.

Everyone here who loves Betty Bowers is going to really love this. Not that she is known for being subtle, but this one really pulls no punches and takes no prisoners.

Sep 142024

The night before last, a wild hair got me strted clearing ut one of my desk drawers. This lead to my starting yesterday clearing off my desk. I actually made a lot of progress, but it was time consuming. And I also made enough time to look up the one of today’s double bill of short radio operas which is by William Grant Still (it should be very intense.) BTW the other opera on the double bill is “The Dwarf” by Alexander Zemlinsky, also from the 20th century. Anyway, I hope you’ll be kind to any typos today. Oh, I almos00t forgot to say, I did bake a another batch of oatmeal raisin cookies and they came out remarkably well. Thank you, Nameless for the tip.

Also, yesterday being Friday, Robert Reich‘s new series got another entry – which he is calling #2 and #2-1/2/

This is a long article about the Tina Peters case. It’s an interview with the DA who tried the case, and the interviewer asked a lot of very good questions which might not have occurred to most people and elicited some answers that were not exactly obvious. If you don’t have time for ir, that’s fine. The people who really should be reading it are mostly election workers, whether elected or appointed.

Yes, It does need to be noted. Thanks, Lincoln Project, and particularly Trygve Olson for pointing it out.

Aug 022024

Yesterday, I was schedued to get a maintenance visit from the exterminator. But his wife went into labor, so they postponed it until Tuesday. Well, that will give me time to see whether I can find a pair of baby booties. I almost certainly can. But in case I can’t, I know I can find a sweater.Also, I replaced the pads on the bottom of my mouse, which works just fine but has been driving me nuts with the way it moves over the desk.  I knew there was a reason I had been saving those scraps of fuzzy Contact paper.  It works so smoothely and quietly now.  Oh, and the news was released that 3 prisoners of Russia are being released and returning to the US, and one of them is Paul Whelan!  Did you write to him when his brother asked people to do so?  I did, and even printed some labels because I don’t expect even American to read my 79 year old writing with ease, let alone Russians.  I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy to be recycling something as I am recycling those which are left.

Tina Peters’s trial started this week. CPR posted an article on the back story of how she got here. She’s really creepy (a word I personally prefer to “weird,” because good weird exists – but good creepy does not).  Apparently the evidence will remove any lingering suspicion that her actions might have been impulsive.  I wonder how many like her there are in how many states.

I don’t often send you to Steve Schmidt these days, but this time he was the first (at least the first I have seen) to tie JD Vance to Himmler, and I find it convincing (and, of course, frightening.)  Himmler was almost certainly smarter.  But it’s not necessary to be smart to do monumental damage.

Jul 312024

Yesterday, I came across a short post sharing that MSNBC had shown an image of JD Vance over the chron “Look what the cat dragged in.” That gave me a smile. I also attempted making cookies, oatmeal raisin, with a non-wheat flour. I knew I would need more liquid than I normally use on account of the oatmeal (I used instant) but I overdid it a little. So they look odd. But they taste alright.

It may have been done before – but I have not seen this quote about fascism applied to democracy (don’t worry, it’s not negative) in this way – particularly combined with the concept that it happens a lot, in and outside of government in both small and large ways.

(non-paywall link) I don’t know how Rolling Stone does it – but so many scoops that are truly significant seem to start there. The New Yorker used to do that, with reporters like David Remnick and Ronan Farrow, but I’ve lost confidence in them. This story, of course, we’ve known what seems like forever – at least in the general outlines – but the details are now included.
