Jun 072022

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ Indicts Navarro & Bannon but not Meadows & Scavino. Here are three possible explanations why.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Louie Gohmert’s Humiliating Meltdown

The Lincoln Project – Two Faced Elise

Don Winslow – #RepublicansDontCare

Thom Hartmann – Will Passing “Gun Control” Be A War?

Stephanie Miller – John Fugelsang – “The Republican Cult is Turning on Each Other.”

Beau – Let’s talk about teachers in Texas and Ted Cruz…. (a followup to the one from yesterday and maybe even sadder)

Jun 062022

Glenn Kirschner: BOMBSHELL AFTER BOMBSHELL! Justice Will Come for Bannon, Meadows & Donald Trump! (not his show, but some juicy stuff in a less formal tone.  Remember in Rocky Mountain Mike’s parody on “My Life” (called “Big Lie”), he said his friend who used to be “real gross” now “listens to Stephanie’s show from LA”? Well, this Stepahie is THAT Stephanie (often has Glenn and John Fugelsang as guests too.)

Meidas Touch – Eric Swalwell SHREDS Republicans in SPEECH OF THE YEAR over inaction after Uvalde

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Top Republican whining that Republicans Can’t Lie to the FBI

The Lincoln Project – Pat [sic] Attention

MSNBC – Cuffed: Trump Aide Navarro’s Arrest Puts Heat On Coup Plot After MSNBC Confession

MSNBC – Chris Hayes And Ari Melber Discuss Peter Navarro Indictment (yes, two from MSNBC – they are related

Ring of Fire – Conservative Writer Says Base Is Getting ‘Bored’ With Trump

Beau – Let’s talk about teachers, cats, and gas stations…. (possible hanky alert)

May 272022

Yesterday, I received my grocery order and put it away. No substitutions – a few things missing, but I wasn’t charged for them. While waiting, I started working on cartoons for June. It’s a month with a lot missing and also a few dated, so it’s a ;large project. I got four put together (but not framed) which took me up through the ninth. I’d kind of like to get the tenth done this week yet, and then get farther next week, but we’ll see how it goes.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Daily Beast – The Supreme Court Just Said That Evidence of Innocence Is Not Enough
Quote – After losing in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Arizona’s attorney general appealed the decision to the Supreme Court. During those oral arguments, state prosecutors repeatedly argued that “innocence isn’t enough” of a reason to throw out Jones’ conviction. On Monday morning, by a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court concurred: Barry Jones’ innocence is not enough to keep him off of death row. The state of Arizona can still kill Jones, even if there exists a preponderance of evidence that he committed no crime.
Click through for verdist ana analysis. I don’t have any idea how to react to this – it is that warped.

CPR News – Hate crimes are on the rise. Here’s what you can do to help prevent them
Quote – If someone says something that I have never heard them say before, like something racist, as uncomfortable as that would be, I would want to say, “I’ve never heard you talk like that. Why are these things appealing to you? What’s changed with you?” Actually express concern about them, that something is off and they’re becoming angry and blaming people, which is really a warning sign. If, instead, you come with the opposite opinion, or try to use facts to dispute someone’s beliefs, sometimes it ends up having the effect of making you impossible to talk to. They think you’re the “other,” or shaming them, and they will pull away, and then maybe they won’t express these things to you, but they can continue to get more strident.
Click through for full conversation – and, since after all this is radio, you can also listen to it if thet works for you.

Letters From An American – May 25, 2022
Quote – It seems that during the Cold War, American leaders came to treat democracy and capitalism as if they were interchangeable. So long as the United States embraced capitalism, by which they meant an economic system in which individuals, rather than the state, owned the means of production, liberal democracy would automatically follow. That theory seemed justified by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The crumbling of that communist system convinced democratic nations that they had won, they had defeated communism, their system of government would dominate the future…. In fact, the apparent success of capitalism actually undercut democracy in the U.S.
Click through as she bolsters the argument. It’s depressing, but iit’s also important. And it’s why it’s also so important to distinguish between Left v. Right economically and Autocracy v. Democracy as governance. See (and shre) The Political Compass.

Food For Thought

May 212022

As we all know, Gov. DeSantis of Florida has decided to ban math books that might put him and the GQP in an unflattering light.

But conscientious, patriotic citizens have stepped up to help out by creating useful arithmetic problems and teaching aids.  For example, try solving these problems in the new Florida math book:

[1] An orange man gets 74 million votes, but his opponent gets 81 million.

Show how 74 million is greater than 81 million.

[2] Orange man receives 11,780 votes less than his opponent.  How many more votes need to be “found” after the election in order for the orange man to claim victory?

[NOTE: This is actually a trick question.  The correct answer is ZERO.  The orange man will claim he won anyway.]

Folks decided that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL U-Really-18) could actually serve a useful teaching tool moment:

And Stephen Colbert (who authored the question) came up with the correct answer: “School Supplies”.

So what’s the real reason DeSantis is having Florida ban math books?  He HATES seeing the “EQUAL” sign.

Sticking with DeSantis and Gaetz, the pedophile representative from Florida has changed his plans for one of the final rites-of-passage of High School students:

With Gaetz boycotting Disney, there’s now at least ONE safe place in Florida where teenage girls can go.

Before whiteboards, many of us can recall chalkboards or blackboards.  Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) certainly is of that age – but apparently she must have suffered a terrible chalk incident in her childhood.  Because when someone wrote a chalk message in front of her Bangor house, she actually called the cops on them!

But later, Collins decided to make lemonade out of lemons even though she was still recovering from her frightening Chalk foray.  So during her recent photo-op visit to Ukraine she extended a thoughtful invitation to Pres. Zelensky:

(No doubt she also took the time to tell Zelensky that she is “sure” that Putin “has learned his lesson”.)

But Collins is not entirely done waging her battle against the vicious chalking her sidewalk received.  She’s talking about removing those easily available terrorist kits from the store shelves that we so often see right before the start of the school year …

Truth be told, Susan’s real goal is to ban all those high-capacity chalk magazines that us oldster remember from music class in grade school:

She’s discussed this issue with her staff and noted that whenever and wherever they appear, there’s always discord and treble ahead.  She wants everyone to keep a sharp eye out for them.

Why, she even has thought about throwing them in jail because she really feels they should be under a rest.

I hope this wasn’t too upsetting, because I want to leave everyone in harmony.  Don’t worry – I’ll be Bach.

May 102022

Yesterday, I did a little constructive oversleeping. Even when everything goes slowly, any time I drive anywhere farther away than 5 or 10 miles, I stress and get very tired. (When I was in my twenties, I could actually lose weight drving long distances, even when eating as much as (or even a little more than) usual. I’m pretty sure that’s not true any more, but it’s still tiring. Hence the need for a little extra sleep. And it helps – though it probably would have helped more if I had awakened to a happier news day.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Nib – Restaurant for Vultures
Quote –

Click through for graphic article. I like vultures. I had very few plushies when I was a kid, but one day on my mid-teens I saw a lushie vulture and had to have it, and “Nigel” became a beloeved companion. So this story – which is less about vultures than about the many ways we contribute to loss of biodiversity, even when doing things which seem very positive, caught my eye.

Los Angeles Times – Column: Cops, not books? This town’s library may become a police station
Quote – [Frank] Cervantes [Library Associate] didn’t want to give too many opinions, partly because he had a bunch of kids to look after. But he did emphasize the importance of having a library in a small town like McFarland. He himself grew up in the even smaller agricultural community of Mettler, an hour away. His hometown had no library, but his mom was able to take him to libraries in bigger cities. “It was the difference,” he quietly said, “between a bright future and the futures that some of my peers had.”
Click through. I can guarantee tht if they do this, crime (or at least “crime”) will increase. If your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

No More Mister Nice Blog – The CDC Really Needs to Look into This Cluster of Right Wing Amnesia
Quote – I think I understand what’s happening here. The right needs to make the reaction to this decision the real story, in order to distract from the decision’s unpopularity and radical nature. Part One of this attempt to manufacture consent was the phony outrage at the leak, which the right blames on liberals, despite lacking any evidence to do so.
Click through for full blog. Right wing amnesia is nothing new But it’s getting worse … and their attacks on public education suggest that it’s currently far from bad enough to suit them.

Food For Thought

Apr 232022

Glenn Kirschner – Rep Jamie Raskin: Public Hearings Will Show, “Trump Launched a Coup Against VP Pence and Congress.”

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Meidas Touch – Texan HUMILIATES Ted Cruz for Disney Furry Porn Fetish

Really American – Fox Host CALLS OUT Desantis’ CRT Math Claims On Air

Crooks and Liars – McCarthy Denies He Said He’d Ask Trump To Resign. Maddow Has The Tape. (McCarth is a liar. In other news, the sun came up this morning.)

Armageddon Update – The Arrogance of the Left (I don’t think “arrogance” is the right word – but it might as well bem because everything else in the rant is correct.)

Beau – Let’s talk about Mallory McMorrow and identifying with the bad guy….

Apr 052022

Glenn Kirschner – NYT: President Biden says Trump is “a Danger to Democracy” and “Should be Prosecuted”

The Lincoln Project – Genocide

Meidas Touch – Trump’s Fake News Rally FACT-CHECKED in real time!

American Bridge – Ron DeSanits: At War with the LGBTQ Community

Ojeda Live – Republicans and Their Aversion to Education

SNL Cold Open 4/2/22

Beau – Let’s talk about some good climate news….

Mar 312022

Yesterday, I made and got confirmed my reservation to see Virgil on April 10 – the first available Sunday, Sunday being the safest day of the week for driving. I also managed to get the recyclable and trash bins out to the curb for pickup tomorrow, which surprised me a little bet, because the previous day I had pushed my mobility limits. While I was doing that, the “neighborhood cat” came around and accepted a few salmon treats. He can be picky, so that was nice. He is definitely not starving, but I still try to figure out his likes and dislikes. Sadly, looking at my iris bed, it doesn’t look like my TomCat iris is coming back this year. In fact, it looks like I’ll only have one stem of Baboon Butt Blood (sorry – when that varietal came out it was named “Baboon Bottom” and I got into a bad habit with it). I may be able to recover the others, or soe of them, by separating and fertilizing, but it’s by no means certain, even if I can muster up the energy to do it, which is also doubtful.


Short Takes –

Mother Jones – We All Know Teachers Are Underpaid. But Who Imagined It Was This Bad?
Quote – Perhaps most jarring of all was the teacher in California who said that, in order to support her family financially, she has become a surrogate mother. Twice. “I’m literally renting out my uterus to make ends meet,” she wrote.
Click through for stats and stories. This may be the most devastating thing Republicams have done to the United States. It may not grab headlines like an insurrection, but its effects are far more widespread and far more long lasting.

The Hill – Biden signs bill making lynching a federal hate crime
Quote – “Hundreds of similar bills have failed to pass. Over the years, several federal hate crime laws were enacted. … But no federal law — no federal law expressly prohibited lynching. None. Until today,” Biden said to applause.Biden noted that civil rights leaders and lawmakers have been working for more than 100 years to pass a bill making lynching a hate crime. The president called lynching a “uniquely American weapon of racial terror.
Click through for story. It’s about time.

Women’s History – Wikipedia – Milunka Savić
Quote – In 1912, her brother received call-up papers for mobilization for the First Balkan War. She chose to go in his place—cutting her hair and donning men’s clothes and joining the Serbian army. She quickly saw combat and received her first medal and was promoted to corporal in the Battle of Bregalnica. Engaged in battle, she sustained wounds and it was only then, when recovering from her injuries in hospital, that her true sex was revealed, much to the surprise of the attending physicians.
Click through. Please. I can’t possibly do justice to this feisty lady in one quote (if I had to try, it ought to be “I will wait.”

Food For Thought:
