Everyday Erinyes #377

 Posted by at 5:02 pm  Politics
Jul 022023

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

I suspect anyone who reads here could write a column on how horrible the SuprememCourt’s overturning of affitmative action is, and, while those columns would differ in phrasing, they would all make many of the same points. So I’m not going to go there. In case anyone is wondering why military academies were expempted, I’m pretty sure it’s because the military has (accurately) presented diversity as a military preparedness issue long enough and hard enough that even this SCOTUS did not feel comfortable going against it.

Military academies can still consider race in admissions, but the rest of the nation’s colleges and universities cannot, court rules

A person protests outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on June 29, 2023.
AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Kristine Bowman, Michigan State University; Kimberly Robinson, University of Virginia, and Vinay Harpalani, University of New Mexico

In a 6-3 ruling on Thursday, June 29, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the use of race in college admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, outlawing the use of race in college admissions in general. The Conversation reached out to three legal scholars to explain what the decision means for students, colleges and universities, and ultimately the nation’s future.

Kimberly Robinson, Professor of Law at the University of Virginia

Writing for the majority in a case that bans affirmative action in college admissions, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that such programs “unavoidably employ race in a negative manner” that goes against the Constitution.

The research, however, shows that the ban could potentially harm many college students and ultimately the United States. The reason this can be said with certainty is because in states where affirmative action has been banned, such as California and Michigan, many selective state colleges and universities have struggled to maintain the student body diversity that existed before affirmative action was banned.

Robust research shows how students who engage with students from different racial backgrounds experience educational benefits, such as cognitive growth and development and creating new ideas. For those reasons, a substantial decline in enrollment for underrepresented minority students carries many repercussions.

It means, for instance, that many students at selective colleges will have far fewer opportunities to learn from and interact with students from different racial backgrounds.

The nation’s elite colleges, such as Harvard and the University of North Carolina, educate a disproportionately high share of America’s leaders. Those who don’t attend these selective schools are dramatically less likely to complete a graduate or professional program. This is because these selective schools carry certain advantages. For instance, students who attend them are statistically more likely to graduate and be admitted to professional and graduate programs.

That means for students from underrepresented groups who don’t get into selective colleges, the chances of getting an advanced degree – which often paves the way to leadership positions – will be even lower.

The decision may also affect the workplace. Research shows that in states that eliminated affirmative action, meaningful drops in workplace diversity took place. Asian and African American women and Hispanic men experienced the most significant declines.

These shifts in elite college enrollment, leadership and workplaces will weaken long-standing efforts to dismantle the nation’s segregationist past and the privilege that this segregationist past affords to wealth and whiteness.

To help mitigate these potential harms, selective colleges will have to devote their attention to limiting what I believe are the decision’s harmful impacts and reaffirming their commitment to diverse student bodies through all lawful means.

Kristine Bowman, Professor of Law and Education Policy, Michigan State University

Protestors holding posters saying, 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Defend Diversity.'
People protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on June 29, 2023.
AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

In striking down race-conscious admissions practices, the Supreme Court overturns the court’s 1978 decision that held that race-conscious admissions were constitutional.

This reversal was not unexpected, but it will have profound implications for building and maintaining diverse and inclusive colleges and universities, particularly among selective institutions. The most effective way to enroll a diverse student body – and achieve the educational and social benefits that come with it – is to consider race as a factor in admissions. In the 10 states that have had affirmative action bans in admissions, diversity in selective institutions has declined.
This remained true even as alternative strategies were employed to achieve racial diversity, such as targeting recruitment efforts and focusing more on socioeconomic status diversity.

Although the court does not say outright that institutions cannot pursue diversity, it is not clear what diversity-related goals, if any, could constitutionally support race-conscious admissions. The court states that the benefits of diversity that Harvard and UNC articulate are not sufficiently “measurable,” “focused,” “concrete” or “coherent.” “How many fewer leaders Harvard would create without racial preferences, or how much poorer the education at Harvard would be, are inquiries no court could resolve,” the court wrote.

And yet, as Justice Sotomayor’s dissent highlights, the majority also says that race-conscious admissions with a “focus on numbers” or particular “numerical commitments” are also unconstitutional.

The opinion did not go as far as it could have in restricting the consideration of race. Institutions can still consider what a student’s comments about their racialized experiences reveal about their characteristics, such as “courage,” “determination” or “leadership.”

This provides a way for institutions to consider how race has impacted a student’s life. Although this unfairly places the burden on students of color to write about their racialized experience, it is arguably lighter than the burden that would have been borne if the court had attempted to prohibit consideration of such experiences.

Furthermore, efforts to pursue diversity through other means remain lawful. These alternative means include increasing attention to socioeconomic status, making campus communities more inclusive. It also involves checking whether students are passing classes and graduating at the same rate regardless of race.

Research hasn’t shown that these efforts will result in as much diversity at selective colleges as race-conscious college admissions. These efforts, however, now stand as a critical way forward to keep America’s elite colleges and universities diverse.

Vinay Harpalani, Associate Professor of Law, University of New Mexico

Although the court struck down the use of race in college admissions – as predicted by many experts and observers – the court left room for one narrow exception.

The majority opinion stated in a brief footnote that its ruling does not apply to race-conscious admissions at the nation’s military academies, such as West Point or the Naval Academy.

This issue had come up at oral arguments. When articulating the U.S. government’s position, Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar raised the point that the military may have compelling interests beyond those that universities have. Specifically, the U.S. government argued that a racially diverse military officer corps was necessary for national security. In response, Chief Justice Roberts briefly noted the possibility of a military academy exception. This was not lost in his ruling.

The majority opinion stated that there could be “potentially distinct interests that the military academies may present.” Because the academies were not parties to these cases, the court did not directly address this issue and left it unsettled.

This was not the first time that the military influenced the court’s view of race-conscious admissions. Twenty years ago, national security interests played a significant role in the majority opinion in Grutter v. Bollinger.

Citing the amicus brief of former military leaders, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s majority opinion in the Grutter case noted that diverse military leadership was “essential to the military’s ability to fulfill its principle mission to provide national security.” She found that “[i]t requires only a small step from this analysis to conclude that our country’s other most selective institutions must remain both diverse and selective.”

In its latest rulings, the court left alone O’Connor’s claim that diverse military leadership is essential to national security, but it soundly rejected her view that diversity can justify race-conscious admissions at the nation’s colleges and universities.

The military is not the only place where the court has noted that security interests can justify use of race. The court also cited a 2005 ruling, Johnson v. California, where the justices held that prison officials could temporarily segregate prisoners by race to prevent violence.

It seems that the court is willing to uphold use of race when government power is at stake – as with the military and law enforcement. But it will not do so for the education of America’s citizenry.The Conversation

Kristine Bowman, Professor of Law and Education Policy, Michigan State University; Kimberly Robinson, Professor of Law, Professor of Law, Education and Public Policy, University of Virginia, and Vinay Harpalani, Associate Professor of Law and Henry Weihofen Professor, University of New Mexico

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, since this decision, I have been thinking about the Biblical “mark of Cain,” which southern white Protestants (and other whites) decided must mean black skin, and, because it came with a curse, they (whites) were justified in enslaving them (blacks.) All that this proves is that southern white Protestants (and other whites) could neither read nor think. Taking the “read” part first, the curse attached to Cain was not a curse on him and/or his descendants. It was a curse on anyone not of his descent who would harm him or his descendants in any way, and it threatend them with seven times any evil they inflicted to be in turn inflicted on them. I wonder how the whites managed to miss that little point. But in addition to that, Seth, Adam and Eve’s third son, was the ancestor of Noah – which means that no descendant of Cain could possibly have survived the flood.

My personal opinion is that, if (I say IF) there were such a thing as the mark of Cain and people living today who carried it, it would make a lot more sense for it to be “white” skin. We – or at least far too many of us – seem to have the murdering gene in our DNA. And we seem to get away with it way too easily, while at the same time society is inflicting seven-fold or more evil on people without white skin who just mildly annoy us.

The Furies and I will be back.

Jul 022023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Nixon in China” by John Adams.I’ve heard and/or seen it several times, although always in the same production (original cast). This production was from the Bastille Opera in Paris, and a totally different cast, including Renee Fleming and a baritone, Thomas Hampson, equally well known among opera lovers, but I think not so much outside opera. During the week, the opera came into my mind from time to time, and it occurred to me that we tend to put plays and operas into the pigeonholes of comedy, drama (tragedy), and history, as Shakespeare’s plays are categorized. One would naturally call this one a history, but, although it’s all three to some extent, I suspect eventually it will come to be seen as a comedy. The only character who is not mocked (and mocked in the most effective way – through his or her own words and actions) is Zhou Enlai. Kissinger in particular is pilloried in the second half through the mechanism of Madame Mao putting on a ballet and casting the villain as a dancer who looks like him (played by the same singer who sings the “real” Kissinger.) But there’s comedy all through, some gentle, some less so. In the meeting with Mao, Zhou, Nixon and Kissinger, three of them are attempting actual diplomacy, but Mao is telling philosophical jokes, causing Nixon and Kissinger in particular to become very confused (this, by the way, is how the real life meeting actually went, as a former aide of Nixon’s has confirmed. But it’s a hoot.) Pat is shown getting so:into: the ballet I mentioned that she leaves her seat to offer aid to the suffering heroine, which is sweet, but also humorous. And the foxtrot called “The Chairman Dances,” which was cut from the opera but has become an often-played concert piece, would have been a monumental joke in that context. Of course, it’s only been 51 years since the actual events happened, and many of us remember them as serious historical events. But within another fifty years, I suspect it will be perceived as a comedy – or at the very least as historical comedy.

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Crooks and Liars – TX Gov. Greg Abbott Signs ‘Death Star’ Bill Overriding Local Laws
Quote – These are among dozens of local policies that could be targeted by a sweeping new Texas law that limits the power of cities to make their own rules. The unprecedented legislation, which was signed by Governor Greg Abbott, prohibits cities from enforcing or creating regulations that are stronger than the state’s in broad policy areas including labor, finance, agriculture, occupations, property and natural resources.
Click through. I am not trying to beat up on Texas here. There doesn’t need to be any more od that. I just want to note howlike the SCOTUS this is – bigots at the top requiring people under them to perform acts of cruelty. This whole mindset just has to go.

I don’t have a link for these few paragraphs from The New Yorker. They appeared in an email which did link to four articles on the subject. But I wanted to share this general overview instead, so, figuring emails are fair game, here it is:

Wielding a version of the controversial “major questions doctrine,” which it has used to neuter the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal bodies, the conservative-dominated Supreme Court tossed out the Biden Administration’s student-loan forgiveness plan today. In a decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court ruled that the Administration exceeded its authority in introducing the $430 billion program under a post-9/11 law that granted the Secretary of Education the power to modify student-loan programs during a national emergency.

The ruling raises many legal, financial, and political questions. Most immediately, it means that millions of Americans, many of them on low or modest incomes, who were expecting to get their student loans partially or wholly wiped out may now have to repay them in full. And the ruling comes just weeks before the pandemic-related pause in student-loan payments is due to come to an end, on September 1st.

While some conservatives may celebrate the sight of the Supreme Court swinging its wrecking ball at another Democratic program, today’s ruling does nothing to resolve the underlying affordability problem that gave rise to the Biden initiative—indeed, it only makes it starker. With tuition costs rising inexorably, the loan-based American system of financing higher education is broken. By pushing the burden of rising costs onto private borrowers, the system “regularly offers loans to students knowing full well that they will never be able to repay those loans, at institutions and programs where students rarely complete a degree; at low-quality institutions, online programs, or certain degrees that provide little value in the job market and no boost to earnings,” Adam Looney, a professor of finance at the University of Utah, noted in congressional testimony earlier this year. A similarly perverse logic also applies, Looney noted, “at élite master’s and professional-degree programs, where the quality of education is strong but where the tuition charged is simply too high.”

Fixing these problems would require concerted action over a long period from the executive branch, Congress, states, and educational institutions. Of course, this isn’t likely to happen. After today’s decision, the problem will just get worse.

Food For Thought

Jun 122023

Last week, I got an email from Smithsonian to remind me that Juneteenth is comeing up. And also to give me a link to the NMAA site with history and other information about the day. Even if you have been celebrating it for years, there may be something you can still learn about it – or some detail you may have forgotten. Then, yesterday, I got the email that Heather Cox Richardson has just finished a book to be released mid-September. In her words, it “tries to explain how we got to this political moment.” That’s all I know about the publication details. She does comment that the writing process caused her to rethink a good deal and end up changing her thesis – probably not n uncommon experience for any writer.

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SPLC – Pride Month a Time to Honor History by Challenging Anti-LGBTQ+ Movement
Quote – Pride Month is more than a time to reflect on Stonewall and the other protests that helped solidify the LGBTQ+ movement and push the world to rethink its prejudices against the community. It’s a time to look at the current threats and challenges to the movement. Now, as then, LGBTQ+ people are under attack. Across the nation, conservative state legislators and governors have adopted draconian restrictions on speech, assembly, education, health care and other matters – all in an attempt to violently force LGBTQ+ people back into the closet.
Click through for the full article. I personally don’t think the haters are trying to force people back into closets. I think they are trying to exterminate them. And, yes, I’m starting the month late. Apologies.

Children’s Defense Fund – Childhood Watch Column – “The Mindless Menace of Violence”
Quote – [The day after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated,] Robert Kennedy continued: “When you teach a man to hate and fear his brother, when you teach that he is a lesser man because of his color or his beliefs or the policies he pursues, when you teach that those who differ from you threaten your freedom or your job or your family, then you also learn to confront others not as fellow citizens but as enemies—to be met not with cooperation but with conquest, to be subjugated and mastered. We learn, at the last, to look at our brothers as aliens, men with whom we share a city, but not a community, men bound to us in common dwelling, but not in common effort. We learn to share only a common fear—only a common desire to retreat from each other—only a common impulse to meet disagreement with force.”
Click through for the rest of the column. Not only have we not fixed this, we have allowed it to get increasingly worse. I would point out that the key word is “teach” – and that we have lost any control we ever had over education. It’s futile to say “If he had only lived.” But who can help thinking it?

Colorado Public Radio – Meet the 28 working mothers of the first graduating class from Denver Public Schools’ new community hubs
Quote – The 28 women, all mothers, took part in a special graduation ceremony Saturday. They are the first graduating class from Denver Public Schools’ community hubs. DPS opened the six family resource centers last fall to help with child care, food, language classes, and GED diplomas…. The idea behind the hubs is to empower parents to be role models for their children as lifelong learners…. “We launched this program because there was a need in our community, and it’s helping,” DPS Superintendent Alex Marrero told the graduates. “You should be standing a bit taller today, feeling more excited about what’s in store for you. That is a powerful thing.”
Click through for article. This may seem petty, considering how much damage Lauren Boebert has done on larger stages, but I really, really resent her for the way she has reinforced the already unfair disrepute in which the GED is held by people who hold more conventional diplomas. I’ve worked with the GED, which means I have met and worked with those who have taken it. and I am a big fan. Even if those taking it need it bcause they dropped out of high school for some stupid and/or selfish reason, that isn’t who they are now. (And many didn’t, but faced hardships most of us can barely imagine.) They want to learn. They want to improve their ability to support their families (or even just themselves.) They want to “be all they can be.” And what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with wanting – and working – to “better yourself”? Plenty who finish high school never reach that level of self-awareness.  (OK, end of rant.)

Food For Thought

May 152023

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutor who investigated Trump’s crimes SCHOOLS Jim Jordan on subpoenas AND the rule of law

MSNBC – U.S. faces as nationwide teachers shortage

Farron Balanced – Charges Against George Santos Are WAY Worse Than Expected

Armageddon Update – Grab ‘Em By The Money!

Rescue Wolf Kept Crying For His Mate… (hanky alert)

Beau – Let’s talk about the GOP budget, veterans, and the diner….

May 112023

Yesterday, there was a “tornadic thunderstorm” in our general area. It was reported as 30-some miles north of Colorado Springs and moving north/northwest (I am just south of Colorado Springs’ southern city limit.) No threat to me, but I had not heard the term “tornadic thunderstorm” before. It’s quite evocative. Our summer thunderstorms often bring hail, and they mentioned quarter-sized hail (which is not going to break any windshields.) The Weather Service announcement didn’t say so, but, looking at Weather Underground, there may be more tomorrow. I tend to stay indoors anyway, and yesterdat was not (and today will not) be exceptions.  Also, if you haven’t read aboout the Biden-McCarthy-Schumer-McConnel meeting and want to, Heather Cox Richardson has it covered.

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Stuff That Needs to Be Said – Teachers Are Superheroes
Quote (from the email) – Five years ago I wrote a blog post called Teachers are Superheroes. I spoke from a place of deep gratitude and awe for the teachers I see in action every day—in my community, and in the lives of my own children. I wrote about the challenges they face and the burdens they bear. Little did I know that five years later those burdens would be so much heavier and the threats to them so much more coordinated and serious.
Click through for original column from 2018. This is Teacher Appreciation Week. His explanatory email also provided ideas for concrete ways to support teachers IRL:
* Volunteer your time at local schools to take some of the burdens from overworked teachers.
* Donate supplies so teachers don’t have to use their personal resources in order to serve their students.
* Attend school board meetings and help offer dissenting voices to the increasingly incendiary Conservative presence there to intimidate.
* Vote in school board elections. Do your research and help elect candidates who are champions of public education and advocates for teachers.
* Publicly advocate for funding for teachers and their schools.
* Join or support local teacher organizations.
* Show gratitude to local teachers with cards, gift cards, movie tickets, and spa certificates.
* Spread awareness on social media to help people understand the threats and the adversity that teachers are experiencing.
* Form a parent advocacy group whose job it is to serve as a watchdog for school policies and practices that undermine teachers.


CPR News – We’re publishing a series about tobacco in Colorado. Here’s why
Quote – Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable and premature death in Colorado.
Read that again. Tobacco kills the most Coloradans. Not opioids, not guns, not car crashes — not even COVID-19. Every year, more than 5,000 people die because of their own habits. And yet, no one is talking about it. It’s rarely in the headlines.
Click through for the story. It’s not like we don’t have our share of guns – and it’s arguable that Columbine started it – and yet, tobacco is deadlier still. There’s a link to the first episode, which is already out. I’ve been remarkably lucky for a former smoker (of course I’ve been free for 47 years this month) but I’m well aware of the possible consequences.

Food For Thought

May 092023

Yesterday, as I usually do on Mondays, I slept even later tnan usual. When I got up, I did a few personal things, then turned to my email. and immediately saw that Grace Bumbry had died. I assure you thre are better ways to start a day. Of course, the loss of a diva (or a divo) whom I admired enough to buy vinyl of (and I was very picky when I was doing that) is just going to happen to me more and more. And, although she is gone, her achievements, including the trailblazing she did, remain and will continue to be built upon. But there sre still better ways to start a day. I did do the Name Drop, and it was someone I had heard of (it isn’t always), but I cetainly never would have known that from the first clue, as I had no idea he had served at the Battle of Lepanto, and on the way home been captured by pirates and held for five years, and the second clue was also obscure. But on the third clue I figured out the dude was from La Mancha (and it was the referenced musical which gave that away.) I’m really not a competetive person (except with myself – I always want to learn and improve) – and that’s why I’m drawn to Name Drop. I almost always learn something, even if it’s not terribly useful.  And if Cervantes was a veteran of one of the most important conflicts in history, and a POW, so to speak, for 5 years, that deserves to be remembered.

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The 19th – Kimberlé Crenshaw’s work was cut from AP African American Studies. Now she’s fighting back
Quote – Crenshaw [led] the “Freedom to Learn” national day of action [last] Wednesday to protest rising censorship in schools. The day of demonstration includes rallies, book readings, teach-ins and live virtual events. The goal is to build a coalition — now including civil rights groups, Black Greek-letter organizations, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association — that advocates for inclusive learning….. The “Freedom to Learn” national day of action stems from an open letter that scholars and their allies sent to the College Board, urging it to preserve the integrity of AP African American Studies by not eliminating from the course “divisive concepts” and works by academics including Crenshaw, Roderick Ferguson and the late bell hooks. In April, the College Board announced that it would make changes to AP African American Studies over the next few months, but it is uncertain if it will restore the pilot curriculum.
Click through for article and interview. On the one hand, if anyone should be for education without political bias, it’s the College Board. On the other hand, exactly because it’s a private organization, little can be done to force it to live up to standards, even its own.

Fox 31 – Stolen Colorado tiny house found at Kansas grain elevator
Quote – Hamilton County Sheriff Michael Wilson said the Colorado State Patrol notified his office Sunday evening to be on the lookout for a tiny house and that it was possibly headed toward Coolidge. It had been taken from a farm in Otero County, Colorado…. The sheriff said the men also allegedly had a stolen trailer and a Bobcat. He said the suspects are being held in jail on suspicion of possession of stolen property. The tiny house is valued at $9,000. The sheriff said the $33,000 Bobcat was stolen out of Castle Rock, Colorado, and the $25,000 trailer is from Florida.
Click through for details. Yes, this is from a Fox affiliate. But the keywords are “affliate” and “local.” One of the most maddening things about Fox, IMO, is that the affiliates generally have sound news departments with accurate local news. Unfortunately, this tends to validate all of Fox in weak minds.

Food For Thought

Apr 162023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Der Rosenkavalier,” by Richard Strauss. The hosts described it as a “poignant comefy,” which is probably as good a description as any. It’s very long, and the plot is too convoluted to try to summarize, even leaving out all the “life is what happens while you are making other plans” distractions (and there are many). But I can say that it involves a young man who is having an affair with an older woman, and also an older man (with little if any class) wanting to marry a young girl,”fresh from the convent.” I cannot think of another opera – or book, or play, or mavie, or anything – where the oler woman is not the butt of the comedy, but is presented with dignity,while the older man is comedically taken to the cleaners. It’s no wonder that divas are drawn to this role – as one host said, “She’s really the only adult in the story.” When I think this was written in 1911, by a male librettist and a male composer, I’m just in awe. At the same time, I am deeply impressed by the sheer number of women conductors the Met is featuring thos season. There have been a few women conductors in previous seasons – usually when the opera’s composer has pushed for it. Philip Glass, for example, is adamant that Karen Kamensik is the best conductor of his work ever. And another contemporary opera, “L’Amour de Loin,” was conducted by a woman insisted on by the composer. But this season, it just seems there’s a different woman conductor like every other week. And it hasn’t really been that long since an orchestral musician (IIRC in Vienna) told JoAnn Falletta that he wished he had died before being conducted by a woman. Opera has always given me joy, but what is happening now in the genre is adding to that exponentially.

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The 19th – Houston public schools have a diverse, nearly all-women school board. A state takeover would oust them from office.
Quote – News that the state plans to install a board of managers to run Houston public schools has been met with public outcry, protests and legal complaints. Some are concerned that the school board appointees who will replace the trustees voters elected won’t represent the interests of the school district’s racially diverse constituents. Morath was put into place by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who has backed school vouchers, book bans, restrictions on diversity, equity and inclusion in hiring and other policies critics say undermine public education.
Click through for story. If Texas had a rational Governor (and legislature), I would be able to see both sides of this. But no, it is infested with Republicans. I suspect the 19th is viewing this from the same angle from which I am.

The Daily Beast – Expelled Tennessee Rep’s Friend Was Shot Dead—Then Set Ablaze
Quote – On Pearson’s second day in office, the whole world focused on horrific video released by the Memphis police showing multiple officers fatally beating Tyre Nichols. Pearson was a leading voice in the ensuing protests, but he did not forget [Larry] Thorn. He still took time to check on [Thorn’s mother, Lavonda] Henderson. And he joined the family and other friends who gathered in late March at the boarded-up church where the burnt body had been found, cellphone and wallet gone, car parked two blocks away. “He has been really there, really there,” Henderson said of Pearson. “It’s amazing.”
Click through for background. It’s not really necessary to have personal experience with gun death to be emotionally involved in wanting gun reform. But how much more emotinally involved one would be with personal experience than without it. Even once – let alone twice within a few months.

Food For Thought

Feb 202023

Yesterday, things seemed to go very slowly. There wasn’t much email (though there was some of interest.) I have had a runny nose for the last few days; without going into gross detail, I can say that it didn’t seem to maych CoViD symptoms at all, but it’s always better to have accurate knowledge. So I administered a rapid test (the ones the government sent for free) and you’ll all be happy to know it was absolutely negative. (If there is one thing I am good at, it’s following directions, expecially clear ones, which these were.) I also looked at old March cartoons, and found that I only will need to make six – one early in the month, 4 around the 15th, and one near the end of the month. So I’ll get off easy. Also, yes, I did see that Jimmy Carter has decided to go into hospice care at home rather than be going in and out of hospital, and who can blame him. I found a link to send well wishes – you have to write your own. And then there’s this.

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PolitiZoom – INCOMING! Trump Is Taking Friendly Fire From His Own Foot Soldiers
Quote – No [expletive deleted]. [Friday} in federal court in Washington DC, in the Proud Boys sedition trial, at least some of the Boys are claiming that it’s Trump who belongs on trial, not them. After all, he was the President, and he called them to DC and gave them their marching orders. And then the lawyer fired off a full clip at His Lowness by announcing that he was planning on subpoenaing Trump to testify on his client’s behalf.
Click through for some detail. This is going to be interesting – and sad. For those who inexplicably confuse Trump** with Jwsus, I have a quote that seems likely to me in this situation: “Depart from me, I never knew you.”

Children’s Defense Fund – New Dangerous Assaults on Teaching the Truth
Quote – In his seminal book The Mis-Education of the Negro, Dr. Woodson also explained that providing a standard “mis-education” to young Black children in the school system—“the thought of the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies” was a calculated and insidious attack: “When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his ‘proper place’ and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.” Decades later, James Baldwin put a similar insight in sharp words that resonate right now: “It’s not the world that was my oppressor, because what the world does to you, if the world does it to you long enough and effectively enough, you begin to do to yourself. You become a collaborate, an accomplice of your own murderers, because you believe the same things they do.”
Click through for full article. Likewise, when Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was making a documentary on “Africa’s Great Civilizations,” and he first saw the Library of Timbuktu, he literally wept, because all his life he had been taught that “Black people never wrote anything.” I think the snowflakes in this dialog are all white, as indeed snowflakes generally are.

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