Yesterday, after seeing Virgil, I slept in, as pretty much always. It isn’t the visit that is tiring, nor the driving, but the missed sleep before it. Yeah, I know, you’d think I’d take something for that, but my reactions to all substances, on and off the schedule are so paradoxical, I haven’t found anythong I can trust to always work. For instance, caffeine tends to help(as I said – paradoxical) but isn’t reliable. I’ve been playing a bit with chocolate, which works better than caffeine alone, but again, not reliable. I’m really not comfortable any more playing with anything on the schedule. Oh, and I’ve also tried deliberately shorting my sleep for a few days before the night I need to get up early, and that also doesn’t work. I ticed when posting that I ssem to have picked a good deal of snark for today. All of it is appropriate for the material, so I hope y’all don’t mind. Even Beau is unusually snarky. Also, my package from Katie Porter’s merch arrived, as did an email that what she still has is all 20% off, in case anyone is interested.
Of course Wonkette is going to be snarky even with good news, and this is indeed good news. It’s well sourced – even includes a gift link to the Washington Post – so if you want it more serious it’s available.
(Gift link – you stll need to click but it looks different) Jeff Tiedrich puts more substance between his profanities in his blog but doesn’t dispense with them entirely, and of course he is always snarky. You may already have read about this new demand for Joe to take a drug test before he’ll debate him. I think I’d say “Sure, pal – after you.” But that’s just me.