Dec 072020


GEORGIA – Tweet with photo from Senate “debate” for Georgia runoff. (And video)

GEORGIA – Now This News – Ossoff on Climate

Meidas Touch – Parody of Queen “Somebody to Love”

Kaavan is flapping his ears! That’s a sign of a happy elephant. Also his tail. Wonderful. (short version, then long version with more detail)

Beau – “I’m looking at you, Georgia.”

Now This News – Bickering Trees

Old – very old – Irish Christmas carol. “The Wexford Carol”

Dec 062020

Now This News – in case anyone missed this news

Five and a half minutes on citizenship, including some new test questions

Beau says this so well – at least I think so –

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle – Episode 4

Keith – from yesterday, posted late (quite late)

A somewhat unusual carol – you may have heard it, but it never seems to make the lists.

Dec 052020

Georgia – Meidas Touch

GEORGIA – Liberal Redneck (and friend)

TFT/PP REVISED (original deemed “offensive”)

Rachel: Not strictly a Friday News Dump, because it’s mostly interpretation. Also long (9+ min.) But – ummm – kind of important.

Parody from someone called EDJITPROP

I’ve been hoping Beau would do one with a “flipped patch” – on his hat, the “Curious George” hat is upside down. He does this when he is speaking as a MAGAt to flag that it is satire. You might call it his “sarcasm font.” (The speech is the one which Nameless featured)

Petition to rename Trump National Park

Dec 032020

Crooks and Liars video

American Bridge – GEORGIA – Loeffler

American Bridge – GEORGIA – Perdue

The Lincoln Project – GEORGIA – “Pulpit”

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle #3- Full Cast: Steve Buscemi, James Carville, Kristin Chenoweth, Margaret Cho, Laurie Garrett, Whoopi Goldberg, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Wayne Knight, Stephen Root

Dec 012020

GEORGIA – Jon Ossoff

Now This News – Another virus warning from anoher health professional.

The Lincoln Project

There is CC to this, but it only seems to hear the music, not the words, so it’s not helpful. This is not a full transcript, but – “I don’t need no other words to this song – Trump is gone.”

I actually think it’s a good sign that CoViD has replaced Trump as the main target of satire – and news too – (NSFW though)

H/T Our Mitch on this parody

Beau on Rosa Parks

And Keith

Nov 282020

Meidas Touch – GEORGIA

Rev. Warnock (who loves puppies)

Now This News – song parody

Not a video – but news – good news for cats

Being an actual scientist doesn’t mean you have to be serious ALL the time.

A book reading by John Lithgow and Meryl Streep (from the Trumpty Dumpty Cycle)

Nov 282020

It’s another tired day here in the CatBox, but I have enough gas in the tank for a full post today.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update, as it’s a WWWendy day, and we are having our Thanksgiving dinner.  It’s also a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are praying the Saints, but it won’t be televised here.  I hope you are having a fine holiday weekend, even if it isn’t a holiday for you.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Now, as states across the country contemplate new lockdowns to slow down the rampant spread and record hospitalizations, the unprecedented demand for food aid is on the rise, according to the Guardian’s latest snapshot survey:

  • In Cleveland, 5,000 families showed up last Thursday for the pre-Thanksgiving drive-in distribution compared with 3,300 a week earlier and an average of 1,600 over the summer. Some 54% of the food distributed was for children and seniors. “We’re now seeing families who had an emergency fund but it’s gone and they’re at the end of their rope. We’re going to be doing this for a really long time, and that’s frankly terrifying given the impact hunger has on physical health, learning and development for children and parents’ stress,” said Kristin Warzocha, president of the Greater Cleveland Food Bank.
  • One woman in Cleveland, who didn’t want to be identified, discharged herself from the hospital against medical advice so that she didn’t miss the Thanksgiving food box delivery. “That’s the depth of need and desperation some families are feeling,” added Warzocha.

Not surprisingly, the Trump administration is making a bad situation worse, The Guardian reports. Instead of boosting Snap benefits (food stamps), it cut eligibility. The USDA’s Farmers to Families program expires at the end of the year, as does a $450 million boost to the Emergency Food Assistance Program. “Without government assistance, ‘we’re headed toward a massive cliff come January,’ said Erin Pulling, CEO of the Food Bank for the Rockies which serves Colorado and Wyoming.”

Barf Bag Alert!!


This will not change when Trump* is gone. How many years have you seen me say, “Every penny Democrats spend to feed hungry families is a penny Republicans can’t give to a billionaire.”?  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Iran’s top nuclear scientist, long identified by American and Israeli intelligence as the guiding figure behind a covert effort to design an atomic warhead, was shot and killed Friday in what the Iranian media called a roadside ambush as he and his bodyguards traveled outside Tehran.

For two decades, the scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was the driving force behind what American and Israeli officials describe as Iran’s secretive nuclear weapons program. His work continued after Iran’s push to develop a bomb was formally disbanded in 2003, according to American intelligence assessments and Iranian nuclear documents stolen by Israel nearly three years ago.

One American official — along with two other intelligence officials — said that Israel was behind the attack on the scientist. It was unclear how much the United States may have known about the operation in advance, but the two nations are the closest of allies and have long shared intelligence regarding Iran, which Israel considers its most potent threat.

There are three possibilities. Butcher Bibi, criminal Fuhrer Trump* or both in unison. I pick door number three. RESIST!!

From Alternet: A new viral video released by “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” on Friday offers an in-depth look into President Donald Trump’s ongoing refusal to condemn white supremacy.

According to the three-minute YouTube video’s description, it aims to highlight Trump’s “cozy relationship with supremacists.” The video, which garnered more than 700,000 views in less than 24 hours, notes Trump’s repeated attacks on nearly everyone under the sun.

Roy Wood Jr., a correspondent for the Noah’s show, provided the commentary for the video. During the video, he noted that Trump has often been “famous for being quick with an insult,” reports the Huffington Post. From lawmakers , state, and local officials, to Democratic voters, Trump has so easily insulted tons of people—except white supremacists.

When Trump was elected, racists rejoiced. White supremacists rallied around him holding rallies and blatantly making their racial bias known. On multiple occasions, Trump has retweeted white genocide posts on social media and subtly defended the actions of white supremacists.


This will not change when Trump* is gone. Trump* did not choose the Republican Reich. The Republican Reich chose Trump*, because he represents them.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast for the planet): Paradise


John Prine was a man who loved this planet. Sadly his fight is over. Seven months ago, Trump* and the Republican Reich murdered him with Trump* virus.  RESIST!!

52 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Nov 252020

It’s another tired/painful day here in the CatBox, as I recover from medical mayhem.  Tomorrow I hope to post a brief Personal Update and a Holiday message.  WWWendy is coming early to destink the TomCat and help as quickly as possible, so she can get home to spend the holiday with her family.  She and I will celebrate on Sunday instead.  I’ll spend most of the day with the Ellipsoid Orb, even though my Broncos aren’t playing.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 5:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a series of blistering tweets, Donald J. Trump ripped President-elect Joe Biden for choosing Cabinet members woefully lacking in reality-show experience.

Calling the Cabinet picks a “bunch of losers who have spent their lives working at desks,” Trump questioned the team’s preparedness to take on the challenges presented by today’s complex reality-show landscape.

“These people have never earned an immunity idol, presided over a rose ceremony, or danced with a star,” Trump said. “This is the best Sleepy Joe could do?”

He saved his most withering criticism for Janet Yellen, Biden’s pick for Treasury Secretary. “If Joe really wanted a woman for this position, why didn’t he choose one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?” Trump asked. “They know a lot more about money than this clown.”

Andy is back to reporting straight news again.  RESIST!!

From Alternet: On Friday night, September 18, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell learned that liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died of cancer at the age of 87. And according to PBS’ “Frontline,” McConnell contacted President Donald Trump that very night and made it clear he wanted to see Judge Amy Coney Barrett nominated for the seat and confirmed by the U.S. Senate as quickly as possible.

Josh Holmes, McConnell’s former chief of staff, explained to “Frontline” that on September 18, “McConnell told (Trump) two things. McConnell said: First, I’m going to put out a statement that says we’re going to fill the vacancy. Second, he said, you’ve gotta nominate Amy Coney Barrett.”

That quote is from the PBS documentary, “Supreme Revenge: Battle for the Court,” which premieres this week.

I hate to say this, but the revelation that Amy Coney Bullshit was Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch’s pick scares me even more than the belief that she was criminal Fuhrer Trump’s pick.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Republican Media Stunt Falsely Cast as State Legislative Hearing


Isn’t it interesting to note that yesterday I suggested that Trump’s* post-defeat antics are a show for Sheeple-fleecing, and today, Rachel says the same thing by showing that this is just a fund-raiser.  That’s a great mind with whom to fall in the same ditch.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast for the Planet): To the Last Whale: Critical Mass / Wind on the Water


Were these folks amazing or what? Every endangered species needs to be protected, except for one: Republicans! Save the whales! Harpoon Trump* instead! RESIST!!

55 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!
