Jan 082021

The Lincoln Project

Vote Vets – hanky alert, for me anyway.


Now This News

Meidas Touch

Don Winslow debunks Josh Hawley

Beau on What Happened

Keith from very early Thursday

Keith from Thursday Part 2

Jan 082021

It’s a very tired day here in the CatBox.  Unpacking and putting away groceries took over 90 minutes yesterday.  Also, I slept poorly last night, as I wondered how our nation can survive another week and a half.  I expect to be in the saddle tomorrow.  Tomorrow and Sunday are High Holy Days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, but my Portland gave a bye in the Wild Card Week of the playoffs!  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) has been a Congresswoman for approximately 9 minutes, and saw fit to make herself famous by quoting Adolf Hitler in her speech supporting Trump’s attempted coup to overturn Biden’s win in the 2020 election.


It America survives, Trump* will be out office on or before the 20th, but He would never have become Fuhrer, if he did not represent the beliefs of the Republican Party, the Nazi Party of America.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Two Days After Riots, Trump Reverses His Stance On Election Loss


The Republican Reich will parrot Trump’s* teleprompter speech and act like everything else never happened. It’s time for Trump* to become Trump** and for him and the rest of the crew to inmates.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Barry McGuire – Eve Of Destruction


Ah… the memories! Again?  RESIST!!

11 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Jan 072021

Short, sweet Tweet from Hillary (not a video):

Not a video – but worth seeing.

From Meidas Touch (too little too late, but worth watching)

Also Meidas Touch

The LincolnProject

Katie Couric’s personal channel – interview with Mary Trump – who warned us about today and is now warning us again.
long – but profound.

Not actually a video (rather, a podcast) but it’s Al Frenken on electing Presidents.

Beau did an almost-an-hour-and-a-half podcast on the coup (and forgot to set up CC for it,) I’m not going to post anything that long, but here’s the link
The questions being asked were coming in so fast he could not keep up with them, to this podcast is very much less organized than his usual.

Keith – Had he not posted yesterday, I would be worried he had dropped dead.

Jan 062021

This will be a short one because I didn’t get yesterday’s posted (clicked the wron button, I guess. I’ll probably make up for it tomorrow.

Robert Reich “Sedition”

Trumpty Dumpty Cycle Episode 19 “Twinkle Twinkle”

While it’s not what I would call a great news day, the news out of Georgia is good enough to justify some celebration – here’s my contribution:
Harty John Field Suite #1 “Polka”

Jan 062021


GEORGIA – and maybe good to keep handy for the future

The Lincoln Project

Republicans for the Rule of Law

Really American – no, I’m not trying to pick on Missouri. It just is what it is.


Jan 042021

GEORGIA – Really American – the CC is truly weird (English, but nothing to do with what’s being said)

GEORGIA – Meidas Touch

Don Winslow Films

I mentioned this ad to Lona in a reply to a comment of hers the other day (on Erinyes), and was going to post it yesterday, but it took me longer to find than I expected.

Parody NYC Farewell to Trump* from Colbert show

Keith – from yesterday – this is the one I was expecting but didn’t want to wait yoo long for.

Jan 012021

GEORGIA – American Bridge

GEORGIA – Really American – https://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/rofl.gif

This, from The Lincoln Project, is over the top – but then, it’s aimed at someone who is also over the top.

Meidas Touch – just a factoid –

Stunning parody of “Hallelujah”

Beau – on a rock bottom fundamental issue.

Henri Le Chat Noir “Oh, Revoir”

Keith from yesterday. Nameless, you will like Keith’s name for the Senator.

Dec 312020

GEORGIA – Now This News

Don Winslow – McConnell kills sick leave

Meidas Touch with Michael Cohen 12/29

Pink champagne for the New Year? (parody of “Cracklin’ Rosie”)

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle Episode 17

Beau – on a joke which is not as funny as it seems

“Born to be Wild” covered by the Hampton String Quartet. There have been other quartet covers with different arrangements, but this was the first.
