Jan 162021

Yesterday, my labs were excellent, and my Oncologist called my overall condition better than expected.  They were running a bit slow, so by the time I got home I was exhausted.  I did not sleep well.  When I’m sitting up so long, it takes a couple days to get my pain level back to barely tolerable (3 – 4) from severe (6-7).  WWWendy has de-stunk me and is doing chores.  It’s a Holy Weekend in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Portland Chiefs play the Browns tomorrow.  How much I do tomorrow will depend on how I feel.  Cheering Trump’s** last weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:58 (average 4:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: …On Wednesday afternoon, just hours after his 2nd impeachment (the first President to ever be impeached twice!) he released a 5-minute hostage video where he condemned the violent riot and insurrection (that he encouraged) and told his army of deranged MAGA supporters to please not do it again (wink wink).

The video was released on Twitter. Not Trump’s Twitter account…which is shut down. It was put out on the White House Twitter/YouTube account.

Trump still has not conceded the election that he clearly lost. Nor has he called President-elect Joe Biden to congratulate him. Not that Biden cares.

In addition to his second impeachment and the hostage video, Trump’s relationship with his bestie, Rudy Giuliani, is on thin ice. Why? Because Rudy didn’t deliver…so now Trump doesn’t want to pay him. Trump was “offended” by Giuliani’s request for $20,000/day. The Washington Post reports that Trump has told aides not to pay him AT ALL. Trump is also insisting on “personally approv[ing] any reimbursements for the expenses Giuliani incurred while traveling on the president’s behalf to challenge election results in key states.”

Trump** isn’t paying his bills? LMAO!  Oh my! What a surprise!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Crosby Stills Nash – Carry On / Questions


Ah… the memories!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

Wednesday, Dump Trump** Hump Day,

Is the Big FLUSH!!

Jan 142021

Meidas Touch

Meidas Touch

Really American – Maxine Waters.

Now This News – Capitol Police Suspended

Now This News – Jason Crow was a manager in the first impeachment. From Colorado, he helps make up for Boebert, Buck, and Lamborn

Adam Schiff on MSNBC – apologies to all who have already seen it.

Lawrence makes a good point., she said, grudgingly.

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle – Episode # 21 (the last)

Beau on the message from the Joint Chiefs

Jan 142021

It’s a hectic day here in the CatBox.  I have no idea why, but I could not sleep last night, so I’m very tired.  As soon as I dozed off during my morning nap, I woke up., because I had to make an emergency run to the throne to impeach a big load of Republicans.  Fortunately it was neither -osis nor -itis.  Today is grocery delivery day from Store to Door, and I have to unpack and put everything away when they arrive.  Tomorrow WWWendy is taking me to the hospital for my infusion.  I’ll post a brief Personal Update, before I leave, and and a “home safe” comment in the afternoon or evening.  Saturday is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than a personal update that day.  This is a the last day with Trump** as Resident.  Make it a good one.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:43 (average 8:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Keep this in mind as Beat Bawling Baby Moscow Mitch has promised to cooperate during Trump’s** Senate Trial.  He’s up to something.  What do you think it is?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): THE LAWLESS AND THE CAPITOL (The Walrus and the Carpenter)


Don is spot on as usual!!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past):


Ah… the memories! There is no greater threat to freedom than the Republican Reich!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

Wednesday, Dump Trump** Hump Day,

Is the Big FLUSH!!

Jan 132021

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox, and my back pain is acting up.  WWWendy is coming late this afternoon.   Tomorrow will be touch and go, as I want to get as much rest as I can.  Friday is my hospital day all day.  Saturday is a WWWendy day.  It will tale some time to recover.  Happy Dump Trump** Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:22 (average 5:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Short Takes:

From NY Times (Hat-Tip Lona): The Trump administration early Wednesday morning executed Lisa M. Montgomery, the only woman on federal death row, whose death marked the first federal execution of a woman in nearly 70 years.

Ms. Montgomery, 52, was sentenced to death for murdering a pregnant woman in 2004 and abducting the unborn child, whom she claimed as her own. In pleas to spare her life, Ms. Montgomery’s supporters argued that a history of trauma and sexual abuse that marred her life contributed to the circumstances that led to the crime. Her case, unusual in part because so few women are sentenced to death, ignited debate over the role of offenders’ past trauma in criminal sentencing.

Despite a series of court orders that briefly blocked her execution, she was pronounced dead at 1:31 a.m. at the federal prison complex in Terre Haute, Ind., the Bureau of Prisons said in a statement. Her death, by lethal injection, is the 11th execution since the Trump administration resumed use of federal capital punishment in July after a 17-year hiatus.

If Montgomery had written a letter claiming that Trump** won the election, he would have given her a pardon. May Trump** receive mercy commensurate to the mercy he has shown.  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): WATCH LIVE | House votes on articles of impeachment against Trump


You can watch Trump* become Trump** in real time.  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Maddow To Trump: “What Did You Think Was Going To Happen?”


Tell it like it is, Rachel!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube (a blast from the the past): DONOVAN – The Universal Soldier


Ah… the memories!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

6 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Jan 122021

Hard to believe this is for real – but apparently even she has a breaking point. (And her perspective is still demented.)

Yup. (You may have to turn on the sound.)

Corey is one of the three people, along with Trae Crowder and Drew Morgan, who make up WellRED Comedy. Corey has HAD IT. (NSFW)

Just what we didn’t need – but we need to know.

Puppet Regime

Beau on the First Amendment – clearing away the nonsense.

Beau on Trump**’s “Alamo Tour” (This and the previous one go together)

Jan 112021

Really American – Be sure you are sitting down

Now This News – Maybe don’t watch this right away, but bookmark it so you have fast access to an accurate record.

Don Winslow – another timeline, more emotional

Hopefully this may allay some nervousness …

A commercial for seditionists.

Meidas Touch (excerpt from a podcast)

Beau on genuine healing

Keith from Sunday night

Jan 092021

It’s another tired painful day here in the CatBox.  I slept poorly again due to a midnight throne run.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update, as it’s a WWWendy Day.  Pardon my pit-stop, have a fine weekend, and pray Trump’s next crime isn’t more violent than this last.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:26 (average 6:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and LiarsPresidential Medal of Honor recipient Rush Limbaugh (just wanted to start you off with vomit in your mouth) isn’t satisfied with yesterday’s violence on Capitol Hill – he wants MORE! Indeed, he mocked the notion that we might be horrified by the MAGA crowd’s insurrection, and tried to compare these vile seditionists to colonists Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams, saying how happy he was that THOSE dudes didn’t hold back.


I named this Republican Limbarf and identified him as a leader in the Republican Reich long before the Republicans had ever heard of Trump*. The Republican Reich has not changed. RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From NY Times: In Washington, Republicans were dealing with a burgeoning crisis in their ranks, with high-profile resignations and bitter infighting over how to deal with an erratic and isolated president. But at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting on Friday, most party members were operating in a parallel universe.

In a chandelier-adorned ballroom at the seaside Ritz-Carlton here, there was no mention of President Trump’s disruption of the coronavirus relief package or his phone call to the Georgia secretary of state demanding that he help steal the election, both of which contributed to Republicans’ losing control of the Senate.

And while the R.N.C. chair, Ronna McDaniel, condemned the attack on the Capitol, neither she nor any other speaker so much as publicly hinted at Mr. Trump’s role in inciting a mob assault on America’s seat of government.

Even as the president faces a possible second impeachment proceeding, this collective exercise in gaze aversion was not the most striking part of the meeting. More revealing was the reason for the silence from the stage: Party members, one after another, said in interviews that the president did not bear any blame for the violence at the Capitol and indicated that they wanted him to continue to play a leading role in the party.

“I surely embrace President Trump,” said Michele Fiore, the committeewoman from Nevada, where Republicans have lost two Senate races and the governorship since 2016. Ms. Fiore, who was sporting a Trump-emblazoned vest, said the president was “absolutely” a positive force in the party.

The RNC could not have made it more clear that they chose Trump* as Fuhrer, because he represents the values and policies of the Republican Party.  This was true before and during Trump’s* Residency and will continue indefinitely.  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

From YouTube ( blast from the past): Jefferson Airplane – Volunteers (with Lyric)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST and REMOVE the Republican Reich!!

10 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!
