Glenn Kirschner – More on Rudy and Search Warrants
Glenn Kirschner – Judge Jackson and Bill Barr
The Lincoln Project – “Mourning in America” one year later (no CC – and the transcriotion site is borked – I did try)
The Republican Accountability Project – Liz Cheney
Lakota Peoples Law Project – Needed to be said.
Top Ten Cat Superpowers
Beau on spurious correlations (the one I always trot out is that the number of teachers in the United States correlates very strongly indeed to the number of alcoholics in the United States – because both correlate to total population.)
Now This News – How he managed to get elected in Oklahoma – well, kudos to his constituents.
Now This News – I am not going to join TikTok, but I will find out whether I can embed some of these without joining, I promise (The large CC is incomplete and the small CC at the top is … small/)
Really American without Chip today. I’m sure Andy Biggs needs to charged with, and convicted of, sedition first before he can be expelled. But whatever the order, both need to happen.
Beau on unintended consequences (and incidentally on why it’s always cheaper to be a good person.)
The Republican Accountability Project – THAT press conference
Really American – “Tough Guys” (I really don’t know what this trend with no CC is here)
Meidas Touch – This is the first of three from Roland, all three of which I will eventually wor in. And of course he is right about this. And it is no excuse to call it the fault of black people. It is anything but that.
Yes, i have one for today. But I thought , after forgetting to post this one yesterday, I’d get it up first.
Glenn Kirschner was on TV all day on 4/20 – he did post this on 4/20, but quite late.
Then yesterday he did this video – so, in case anyone was wondering.
This video is over 12 minutes, but it’s a twelve minutes well spent. Apparently Karma knows better that we do exactly whenand where is the right time and place for a person to be – first Merrick Grland, now Keith Ellison.
(I can already hear Republicans screaming “Sharia Law !!”
Meidas Touch – I wish every Republican voter could see this.
Really American
Republican Accountability Project
Orange Acres Episode 4 Part 3
Beau on “We write the report.” I actually read the reprt, which required a magnifier (and was then blurry.) This will spare you that, I hope.
Frankly, I cannot see John Cornyn having the ability to even find this article. A staffer must have found it. Did the staffer tell him it was satirical? There are multiple scenarios possible here, none of which looks good for Cornyn. (Ms. Clarke has been nominated to head the DOJ Civil Rights Division.)
Now This News (personally, I needed a hanky)
This is your brain on kittens
Beau – I don’ want to spoil it, but you might want a hanky handy.
Now This News – Aaaaaaw! Watch these firefighters carefully free a poor squirrel who got its head stuck in the knothole of a tree. Once freed, the little guy scampers off like nothing happened 🐿
John Fugelsang – “Tucker Carlson’s Baffled Bitch Face” – CC in Portuguese – too good not to share – had to delay a day to get a full transcript.
Hello, I’m Tucker Carlson, titan of journalism, beloved by millions, and chances are your grandma already likes me more than she likes you. Got a question. Has this ever happened to you? You’re at your job and you’re debating some virtue signaling human rights activist on your highly rated prime time cable news show, and your very well intentioned snowflake guest is talking about marginalized peoples (that’s their way of calling you racist.) So you counter back by saying that shifting demographics is causing economic anxiety among traditional Americans, which is your way of saying, fuck you who cares if I am. What if I told you there was a way to shut your opponent’s entire narrative down without presenting any counter argument or even any facts. Well, I’m proud to present a brand new online workshop where you can learn my patented, trademarked secrets of Tucker Carlson’s Baffled Bitch Face. That slack-jawed, lipless, mouth agape look of constipated befuddlement that I have mastered, which has made me the hero to millions of guys around the world, who’d like to own the libs, but don’t have time to learn shit. In my new online workshop. I will teach you how to pull focus away from whoever’s speaking by using my trademark, lipless concern troll stare. It looks like a simple doughy grimace, but what you’re really doing is conveying to your entire audience. I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m trying to understand you, but I don’t like the things you’re saying! I don’t want to understand you! I’m going to make this face until the elderly demo hate you (Inarticulate howls) “Let Dancing With The Stars veteran Tucker Carlson show you how to relax your chin into your neck and find your douche in the headlights gaze!” I think I think I think you’ll find in the early days. It helps to verbalize when you’re practicing the face. Go ahead and make the sounds that match the look (inarticulate wails) “All new exercises!” Wait a second – taxing people who can afford to pay a lot more. A little more can help offset the deficit? [Boinggg] Wait a minute – I should treat trans people like they’re people? [Drumbeat] Once you’ve mastered my dismayed, crypto fascist, misogynist scowl, your enemies will run away faster than my own advertisers! [party horn] Tucker Carlson’s Baffled Bitch Face – Release your smug!
Beau follows up on yesterday’s predictions with amplification and advice.