Jun 132021

Glenn Kirschner – Boston Globe Editorial Board Advocates Prosecuting Donald Trump. Here’s Why They’re Right

Meidas Touch – more with Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Thom Martmann – Why Trump Must Be Prosecuted. Kind of long, on account of all the facts,both historical and contemporary.

Now This News – I’ll just comment there is little in which Democrats are more interested than in protecting honest citizens (such as peaceful protesters exercising First Amendment right) from ciminals (like people waving guns around illegally, indeed feloniously.)

Parody Project – KiNG OF CORONA | The Freedom Toast

Beau – Let’s talk about infrastructure in the US and China….

Jun 122021

Well, alrighty then.  I get my first dose of CoViD vaccine today at 3:30 pm my time, and the second four weeks later, July 10, also at 3:30 pm.    Yesterday was a very busy day, but I managed to get that set up.


Short Takes

The Hill – House Judiciary Democrats call on DOJ to reverse decision on Trump defense. They actually signed this June 7, so it has taken a day or two to get into circulation.
Quote (from the letter, quoted in the article): “Are we to understand that federal employees are free to engage in private tortious conduct for personal gain, so long as they maintain federal employment and can assert some pretextual benefit to the public for their actions?” they asked.
Click through to the article here. And/or click through to the letter here – it’s only a page – the other three pages are signatures and CCs. And the signatures are those of some of the most wonderful people in Congress. It made my heart swell reading just them.

The Pulitzer Committee (or Board or whatever it has) has come a long way since the 1930s when everyone involved with “Of Thee I Sing” received a Pulitzer except George Gershwin, because there was then no category for music. There’s no category for this either – so they made an honorary award – for changing the world.
19th – Darnella Frazier, the teen who filmed George Floyd’s murder, wins honorary Pulitzer
Quote: The act reflected many of the core tenets of journalism: Afflicting the comfortable, shining a light on wrongdoing, bearing witness on behalf of the marginalized, speaking truth to power. It was not her job, but Frazier described it as her duty when she testified at Chauvin’s trial earlier this year.
Click through for the full story. You may want a hanky.

News Corpse at Daily Kos – Trump’s Love Letter to Putin Prior to Meeting with Biden is Utterly Demented – and Treasonous. “News Corpse” is a Community member, who has top “mojo” (in other words, has earned Daily Kos’s trust), has published books to their credit, and their own blog.I haven’t followed their work as much as I have that of some others, but I have not found (or seen called out) any inaccuracies in what I have read. I’d say this article is sound.
Quote: Trump’s new “Save America” (from democracy?) message is like a greatest hits collection of delusional days gone by. He appears to have crammed every psychotic concoction he could think of into one run-on rejection of reality. However, it is also a disturbing admission that he has greater trust for America’s enemies than for its leaders and defenders. What follows is an annotated examination of Trump’s profoundly anti-American screed:
Click through for the full article.

Extra short take: Merrick Garland gave an address on civil and voting rights. Now This News has it on YouTube. It takes over a half hour for it to start, so I have doctored the URL to take you right to where he starts talking. Now This News usually has CC, but this doesn’t. Sorry. I hope some sound news source will pick up a transcript.

Food for Thought:

Jun 112021

Glenn Kirschner – “DOJ’s Position in the E. Jean Carroll Case Explained” – but not justified. I’ll look for Ted Lieu’s letter for tomorrow’s Open Thread. And he’ll talk a little more about it too.

Meidas Tough – Ruth Ben-Ghiat: Republicans Want to Turn America Into An Electoral Autocracy

Crooks and Liars – It keeps becoming more and mmore evident why history nd the teaching of it is suppressed.

Robert Reich – CoViD-19 vaccine

Now This News – This is …bizarre.

Liberal Redneck on Louie Gohmert – Personally, I was surprised. I didn’t know he knew the earth isn’t flat.

Beau – Let’s talk about which party is most gullible and confirmation bias….

Jun 102021

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ Announces it will Defend Donald Trump in Defamation Lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll this week is turning into a workshop on how decent people express anger. Glenn makes his voice into silk dripping with sarcasm.

Meidas Touch – with Stuart Stevens

The Lincoln Project – The Line

BARF BAG ALERT! Campaign “ad” from Lauren Boebert. Yecccch!

Liberal Redneck on Manchin

Now This News – Magawa the Landmine-Sniffing Rat is Retiring a Hero (Just a little break. There are actually maany of these rats and the lives they have saved, and are saving, are priceless.)

Beau – What National Security REALLY needs

Jun 092021

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ Holds Press Conference on Colonial Pipeline Case – Remains Silent on Insurrection Investigation (Glenn’s frustration is showing – not least in that he [I assume accidentally] allowed his ending to also start this video.)

Meidas touch – We saw this ad when it posted to their YouTube channel – I of course included it in this thread at the time. Now push has come to shove.

The Lincoln Project – Trump’s North Carolina Speech In 70 Seconds

Lakota Peoples Law – latset DAPL decision (not good)

Jim Acosta – Mar-a-Lagoville. He does have a way with words.

Rob Rogers – Race Massacres

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump running for the House and the speaker’s bargain….

Jun 082021

Glenn Kirschner – a recap of May

Don WInslow Films – Well, he nails Sinema, but I’d rather have her than a Republican 9and no, she isn’t one – she [and Manchin] both vote with the Democratic caucus more often than not. Sadly, the “not” votes are generally more visible.)

The Republican Accountability Project – a coule of weeks old, but aged well – too well.

Ring of Fire – Mo Brooks

RebelHQ – DANGEROUS Trump Speech You Can’t Ignore – good analysis of the need to cover garbage pople who are also dangerous

Beau – I’ve seen him upset before – but not this upset. (And with good reason.)

Jun 082021

My mechanic and I (I say “my mechanic,” but it’s actually a team) are in consensus that a new battery was needed, so I am calling and emailing around to find one that can be delivered. I’m ot committed as yet, but it’s still a relief to feel that I know what I need to do and have started doing it.



Short Takes

The Borowitz Report – Putin Says He Has No Intention of Reinstating Trump
MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Calling recent speculation “absurd,” Vladimir Putin said that he has “no intention whatsoever” of reinstating Donald J. Trump as President of the United States.
Speaking to reporters, the Russian President bristled at the suggestion that he would reinstall Trump in the White House “this August or any other month, for that matter.”
Click through for details. I certainly hope this is straight news!

MSNBC – The GOP’s base is preparing for a holy war — and Democrats need to pay attention
Yes, another opinion piece – one which it’s hard to disagree with if one is paying attention and is honest. Quote:
The sentiments that these Republicans share differ at times in the particulars — not all believe, for example, that the Democratic Party is a front for blood-drinking, Satanic pedophilia, but many do…. If one believes a priori that one’s opponents are thieves, would-be totalitarians, drinkers of children’s blood, wresting back power becomes in and of itself a moral imperative, regardless of the means.
Click through for the full piece.

The New Yorker – How Nasty Was Nero, Really?
Fake news is not news. It’s been around forever. I’ve been defending Nero for a while now – along with Marie Antoinette, Richard III, and Hillary Clinton. Not one of them was guilty of the arson, murder, incest, or miscellaneous crimes he or she was accused of. Can we hope that Hillary’s reputation will fare any better than that of the other three? Here’s a quote:
Opper told me, “They had a term for it—vituperatio, or ‘vituperation,’ which meant that you could say anything about your opponent. You can really invent all manner of things just to malign that character. And that is exactly the kind of language and stereotypes we find in the source accounts.”
Click through for details. Why is it relevant now? Well, look what Qpublicans are saying about us.

Food for Thought:

Jun 062021

Glenn Kirschner with a “Top Five” list o Don McGahn’s testimony

Meidas Touch – More Jason Kande

Armageddon nUpdate – One of Titus’s best. Touching even. It he talks too fast for you, slowing it down to 75% usually helps a lot.

VoteVets now has two ads each aimed at a specific state … and the two states are West Virginia and Arizona. Let me see … what do those twp states have in common?

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Facebook, and the future….

Keith – I don’t know who he is talking to that thinks Democrats are afrais to arrest Trump**. I don’t see that at all. I’ve heard things like it in the past (over much less consequential actions0, but I’m not hearing it now. And if too hasty arrest causes any case, or any charges, no matter how small, to be tossed out in the courts, Keith is going to look awfully stupid. I love Keith but some one with more prosecutorial knowledge than I needs to sit him down and have a talk.
