Well, alrighty then. I get my first dose of CoViD vaccine today at 3:30 pm my time, and the second four weeks later, July 10, also at 3:30 pm. Yesterday was a very busy day, but I managed to get that set up.

Short Takes
The Hill – House Judiciary Democrats call on DOJ to reverse decision on Trump defense. They actually signed this June 7, so it has taken a day or two to get into circulation.
Quote (from the letter, quoted in the article): “Are we to understand that federal employees are free to engage in private tortious conduct for personal gain, so long as they maintain federal employment and can assert some pretextual benefit to the public for their actions?” they asked.
Click through to the article here. And/or click through to the letter here – it’s only a page – the other three pages are signatures and CCs. And the signatures are those of some of the most wonderful people in Congress. It made my heart swell reading just them.
The Pulitzer Committee (or Board or whatever it has) has come a long way since the 1930s when everyone involved with “Of Thee I Sing” received a Pulitzer except George Gershwin, because there was then no category for music. There’s no category for this either – so they made an honorary award – for changing the world.
19th – Darnella Frazier, the teen who filmed George Floyd’s murder, wins honorary Pulitzer
Quote: The act reflected many of the core tenets of journalism: Afflicting the comfortable, shining a light on wrongdoing, bearing witness on behalf of the marginalized, speaking truth to power. It was not her job, but Frazier described it as her duty when she testified at Chauvin’s trial earlier this year.
Click through for the full story. You may want a hanky.
News Corpse at Daily Kos – Trump’s Love Letter to Putin Prior to Meeting with Biden is Utterly Demented – and Treasonous. “News Corpse” is a Community member, who has top “mojo” (in other words, has earned Daily Kos’s trust), has published books to their credit, and their own blog.I haven’t followed their work as much as I have that of some others, but I have not found (or seen called out) any inaccuracies in what I have read. I’d say this article is sound.
Quote: Trump’s new “Save America” (from democracy?) message is like a greatest hits collection of delusional days gone by. He appears to have crammed every psychotic concoction he could think of into one run-on rejection of reality. However, it is also a disturbing admission that he has greater trust for America’s enemies than for its leaders and defenders. What follows is an annotated examination of Trump’s profoundly anti-American screed:
Click through for the full article.
Extra short take: Merrick Garland gave an address on civil and voting rights. Now This News has it on YouTube. It takes over a half hour for it to start, so I have doctored the URL to take you right to where he starts talking. Now This News usually has CC, but this doesn’t. Sorry. I hope some sound news source will pick up a transcript.
Food for Thought: