Aug 022021

Glenn Kirschner – Giuliani Tells Interviewer He’s “Willing to go to Jail”. Even Rudy Knows Justice is Coming for Rudi

TYT – Whitehouse REVEALS Koch, Trump and Kavanaugh’s Role In Changing The Courts

Thom Hartmann – Will Our World Come to An End w/No Insects? (Doesn’t do any good being at the to of the food chain if the bottom falls out permanently.)

Ring of Fire – Jim Jordan Might Be Called To Testify At January 6th Hearing After Stunning Admission

Now This News – Stacey Abrams Celebrates Late John Lewis (at an anniversary ceremony – but timeless.)

Ten Reasons Cats are better than dogs (apologies in advance to parents of woozle furbabies)

Beau – Let’s talk about the DOJ’s notes of the Trump conversation….

Aug 022021

Yesterday was finally cooler – a little birthday present from the weather to me. I actually managed to spend a little time knitting on a cold-weather sweater which I can hardly bear to touch when it’s really hot.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Why we need to stop talking about HIPAA
Quote – “What HIPAA actually does is protect against impermissible disclosures of your protected health information. HIPAA has 115 pages of information and contains hundreds of ways its rules can be violated. But a private business asking you whether you’ve been vaccinated isn’t one of them.”
Click through for specific reasons why HIPAA has nothing to do with vacciation “passports.”

Crooks and Liars – Capitol Rioter Who Called It ‘The Best Day Of My Life’ Now Under Arrest
Quote – Donald Smith, a New Jersey UPS employee, was arrested in connection with Capitol attack. A coworker told the FBI that Smith showed up to work showing off pictures and claimed he was in Nancy Pelosi’s office and “that it was the best day of his life.”
Click through for not much more, but a couple of pictures and a link to the Newsweek story they got it from. I love these “bragging backfire” stories.

Mark Meadows Says He’s Meeting With Trump And Shadow ‘Cabinet Members’ On ‘Real Plans’
Quote – He didn’t identify any of the “Cabinet members.” It was unclear if he was referring to Trump’s former Cabinet members or if some new group has been formed and is being referred to as a Cabinet. As for the plans under discussion, Meadows told Newsmax: “I’m not authorized to speak on behalf of the president, but I can tell you this: We wouldn’t be meeting tonight if we weren’t making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket.”
Click through for full story (and video). This was a TJI – but it requires more attention. This is very dangerous stuff.

Food for Thought

ICYMI – If you haven’t, scroll down to below the last comment (including the blank one) and click to the left for an Update From WWWendy.

Jul 312021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Tells DOJ Officials to Lie About the Election Results & He “Will Take Care of the Rest”

Meidas Touch – The GOP’s BIGGEST FRAUD Revealed!

Crooks and Liars – Since General Honoré’s earlier vid got age-restricted before all could see it, here’s this one. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s something.

Robert Reich – What’s the Real Reason Democrats Won’t Protect Democracy? IMO it really isn’t fair to fault a President – even a Republican President – for not doing something that only Congress can do. (Faulting a Presidential candidate for promising something that only Congress can do is defiitely on the table, though.)

Armageddon Update: Delta Blues (The CC is in Dutch, god knows why – and I didn’t even try to change it this time.)

politicsrus – Opening Gambit HD

Beau – Let’s talk about executive privilege and Trump….

Jul 292021

Glenn Kirschner – Waters of Justice are Warming: DOJ Won’t Help Mo Brooks in Suit brought by Swalwell for Insurrection

Meidas Touch – “A Literal Pedophile!” Matt Gaetz’s Future Sister-in-Law REVEALS ALL – Meidas seems to be the only group who just let her talk, no commentary. (BTW pdeophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia are clinical terms. Law enforcement and general pblic generall just use “pedophilia” as a catchall.)

The Lincoln Project – Wayne Berman

politicsrus – Kevins Fantasy World


Beau – Let’s talk about Americans today vs Americans of the 1940s….

Jul 272021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Friend Tom Barrack Is Arraigned in Court on 7 Felony Charges, Released on $250 Million Bail

The Lincoln Project – Rematch

MSNBC – General Honoré speaks.

Rob Rogers – Vaccine News

Just possibly, sheep may be getting a bum rap. The sharer of this video uses the term “elegant,” and you can see why.

Beau – Let’s talk about blame for the 6th and the National Guard….

Jul 212021

Those of us who remember polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and all that went with them, may sometimes have trouble getting through to (and in the process become frustrated by) nnti-vaxxers, who don’t remember that. Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and other masterpieces) lost a daughter to measles – to measles encephalitis, to be precise. He wrpte about the experience years after, and someone at Democratic Underground found the piece and shared the story. Of course it’s a huge hanky alert. But if you can think of anyone who might be helped by hearing or reading it … you’ll find it at the link. Dahl was ot a perfect human being (for one thing, he was known to be anti-Semitic.) But no one deserves that.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Acosta Warns Of A Five Alarm Fire – Coups, Hitler, Voter Suppression
Quote – What will you do if a second insurrection happens? What if they are successful in taking over the government? We are standing there, rule book in hand, screaming at the other side to FOLLOW THE RULES, while they shoot us with mace and bear spray, fire assault rifles at us, cover their faces with war paint, and scream “MAGA MAGA MAGA!”
Click through for story and video. Of course he’s right. I hope people who need to listen do listen. And that they don’t disregard him because he doesn’t yell or scream.

APNews – New chief selected for Capitol Police after 1/6 insurrection
Quote – The decision comes as the Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies are struggling to determine the best way to secure the Capitol and what direction to take the 2,300-person force that guards the building and the lawmakers inside it and functions as mashup of a national security agency and local police department…. The Capitol Police Board, which includes the House and Senate sergeant at arms and the Architect of the Capitol, is charged with oversight of the police force and led the search.
Click through. The 1/7 interim appointment was not intended to be permanent.

The Hill – Trump ally and ex-campaign adviser Thomas Barrack charged with secretly lobbying for UAE
Quote – “The conduct alleged in the indictment is nothing short of a betrayal of those officials in the United States, including the former President,” Lesko said. “Through this indictment, we are putting everyone — regardless of their wealth or perceived political power — on notice that the Department of Justice will enforce the prohibition of this sort of undisclosed foreign influence.”
Click through for more.  Also, Glenn Kirschner discusses this in today’s video thread. Incidentally, there’s been a story floating that the Biden DOJ declined to prosecute Wilbur Ross for lying to Congress. That’s false. It was the Trump** DOJ which did that.

Food for Thought:

Jul 182021

Glenn Kirschner – With Donald Trump It’s Always About the Grift: His Latest Plea for Cash from the Red Hat Crowd

Meidas Touch – Jenna Ellis HUMILIATES Herself | Weirdo of the Week

Thom Hartmann – Is This America’s Last Chance At Multiracial Democracy?

RepresentUs – What the F@#k Is the Filibuster? Everyone here knows this, but passing it on could help someone – maybe.

Puppet Regime – Jeff Bezos Has a Solution for Work-Life Balance

Republican Accountability Project on Twitter

Liberal Redneck – PREGNANT MAN EMOJIS AND FREEDOM PHONES YALL I haven’t seen the emoji, but the phone … well, here.

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s coup denial….

Jul 172021

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump Issues a Statement Saying “if I was going to do a coup” it Wouldn’t be with Gen. Milley

Meidas Touch – Breaking: Unindicted Trump Organization Co-Conspirator #1 REVEALED

The Lincoln Project – Which Side

The Damage Report – Trump Almost Died BOMBSHELL Revelations REVEALED (I trust this is no surprise, just a heartbreaking tragedy.)

Armageddon Update – Hot as Fahrenheit


Beau – Let’s talk about the separation of church and state….
