Yesterday stayed oool enough that I got within spitting distnce of finishing that winter sweater. One or maybe two cool days and it will be done. And I have a large cotton project and several small, lightweight projects ready for more heat.
Cartoon –

Short Takes
The Guardian – Republicans will defend their Caesar but new revelations show Trump’s true threat
Quote – Those who claim that the events of 6 January were something other than a failed coup attempt would do well to come up with a better line. Or a different alternate reality. Ashli Babbitt is no martyr. Trump will not be restored to the presidency, no matter what the MyPillow guy says. Trump’s machinations and protestations convey the desperation that comes with hovering over the abyss. He knows what he has said and done.
Click through for well-written opinion. Yes, it’s an opinion piece, but there are also many facts here, and I certainly hope his opinions about future events are correct.
Reuters – Kosovo honours late son of U.S. President Biden
Quote – Kosovo declared independence in 2008 with Western backing, but Serbia still refuses to recognise it and considers it part of its territory. “What the United States and the American people have done for our country, for our freedom, for our right to exist, goes beyond any partnership currently witnessed in the world. Mr. President, Kosovo is your home too,” said Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani while presenting the award.
Click through for more, including background
The New Yorker – The Big Money Behind the Big Lie
Quote – Chad Campbell, a Democrat who was the minority leader in the Arizona House of Representatives until 2014, when he left to become a consultant in Phoenix, has been shocked by the state’s anti-democratic turn. For several years, he sat next to Karen Fann when she was a member of the House, and in his view she’s gone from being a traditional Republican lawmaker to being a member of “Trump’s cult of personality.” He said, “I don’t know if she believes it or not, or which would be worse.” Arizona, he added, is in the midst of a “nonviolent overthrow in some ways—it’s subtle, and not in people’s face because it’s not happening with weapons. But it’s still a complete overthrow of democracy. They’re trying to disenfranchise everyone who is not older white guys.”
Click through for full story. Not, I suppose, that anyone can claim to have the complete full story, but thos is about as full as it gets. And, yes, it’s long.
Food for Thought (from a T-shirt)