Sep 222021

Glenn Kirschner – More Evidence of Trump Crimes Revealed: John Eastman 6-Point-Plan to Overturn Election Results

Thom Hartmann – Why Is Santa Going to Drop A Bomb on Biden? So obvious – unless one is not paying attention. I was brought up -and that was reinforced by – well, everything factual – watching our government, watching other countries – to view taxes as an investment. By paying taxes, I invest in good government, including infrastructure, justice, social programs. It’s only Republicans (and those they influence to be ignorant) who view taxes as theft.

Really American – GOP Shows Disdain For Veterans

VoteVets – Stand (Captions)

Liberal Redneck – Project Falsus

Puppet Regime – Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Trap

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump vs McConnell….


Everyday Erinyes #284

 Posted by at 4:56 am  Politics
Sep 192021

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

By the time you read this, the September 18th event – however big or small it turns out to have been – will be over. But I for one am not naive enough to assume that it will be the last such event – and, even if not in the Capital, such events will no doubt continue happening all over the nation. By “such events” I mean any event designed to show support for Donald Trump** and all his evils in some way (superspreading optional). So I don’t think it’s time wasted to look at some of the symbols being used in these vanity parades. The lesser known ones particularly may be helpful to alert you when you are dealing with a MAGAt.

Capitol Police prepare for a return of insurrectionists to Washington – 5 essential reads on the symbols they carried on Jan. 6

The U.S. Capitol Police are making security preparations for the planned rally.
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Jeff Inglis, The Conversation

A rally in Washington, slated for Sept. 18, 2021, is being billed as an effort to support people who face criminal charges for their involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Many of the same groups who participated in January are expected to return to the nation’s capital for this demonstration. Capitol Police are reportedly preparing for violence and erecting protective fencing around the building.

The groups involved in January’s attack on the Capitol carried a variety of political and ideological flags and signs. The Conversation asked scholars to explain what they saw – including ancient Norse images and more recent flags from U.S. history – and what those symbols mean.

Here are five articles from The Conversation’s coverage, explaining what many of the symbols mean.

A man carries the Confederate battle flag in the U.S. Capitol.
A man carries the Confederate battle flag in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, between portraits of senators who both opposed and supported slavery.
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

1. The Confederate battle flag

Perhaps the most recognized symbol of white supremacy is the Confederate battle flag.

Since its debut during the Civil War, the Confederate battle flag has been flown regularly by white insurrectionists and reactionaries fighting against rising tides of newly won Black political power,” writes Jordan Brasher at Columbus State University, who has studied how the Confederacy has been memorialized.

He notes that in one photo from inside the Capitol, the flag’s history came into sharp relief as the man carrying it was standing between “the portraits of two Civil War-era U.S. senators – one an ardent proponent of slavery and the other an abolitionist once beaten unconscious for his views on the Senate floor.”

Gadsden flags fly at a Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the Capitol.
Gadsden flags fly at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

2. The yellow Gadsden flag

Another flag with a racist history is the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag. A symbol warning of self-defense, it was designed by slave owner and trader Christopher Gadsden when the American Revolution began, as Iowa State University graphic design scholar Paul Bruski writes.

Because of its creator’s history and because it is commonly flown alongside ‘Trump 2020’ flags, the Confederate battle flag and other white-supremacist flags, some may now see the Gadsden flag as a symbol of intolerance and hate – or even racism,” he explains.

It has been adopted by the tea party movement and other Republican-leaning groups, but the flag still carries the legacy, and the name, of its creator.

U.S. Capitol storming, gallows, Trump supporters
A gallows symbolizing the lynching of Jews was among the hate symbols carried as crowds stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Shay Horse/NurPhoto via Getty Images

3. Powerful anti-Semitism

Another arm of white supremacy doesn’t target Blacks. Instead, it demonizes Jewish people. Plenty of anti-Semitic symbols were on display during the riot, as Jonathan D. Sarna explains.

Sarna is a Brandeis University scholar of American anti-Semitism and describes the ways that “[c]alls to exterminate Jews are common in far-right and white nationalist circles.” That included a gallows erected outside the Capitol, evoking a disturbing element of a 1978 novel depicting the takeover of Washington, along with mass lynchings and slaughtering of Jews.

A man wearing a horned hat and displaying Norse tattoos.
A man known as Jake Angeli, who is soon to be sentenced for his role in the Capitol riot, wears a horned hat and tattoos of Norse images.
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

4. Co-opted Norse mythology

Among the most striking images of the January riot were those of a man wearing a horned hat and no shirt, displaying several large tattoos. He is known as Jake Angeli, but his full name is Jacob Chansley, and he has pleaded guilty to one of six charges as part of a plea deal for his role in the riot.

Tom Birkett, a lecturer in Old English at University College Cork in Ireland, explains that many of the symbols Chansley wore are from Norse mythology. However, he explains, “These symbols have also been co-opted by a growing far-right movement.”

Birkett traces the modern use of Norse symbols back to the Nazis and points out that they are a form of code hidden in plain sight: “If certain symbols are hard for the general public to spot, they are certainly dog whistles to members of an increasingly global white supremacist movement who know exactly what they mean.”

Rioters scale structures while flying flags outside the Capitol.
The yellow and red-striped flag of the defeated American-backed Republic of Vietnam flies at the U.S. Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6.
Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

5. An outlier, of sorts

Another flag was prominent at the Capitol riot, one that doesn’t strictly represent white supremacy: the flag of the former independent country of South Vietnam.

But Long T. Bui, a global studies scholar at the University of California, Irvine, explains that when flown by Vietnamese Americans, many of whom support Trump, the flag symbolizes militant nationalism.

[S]ome Vietnamese Americans view their fallen homeland as an extension of the American push for freedom and democracy worldwide. I have interviewed Vietnamese American soldiers who fear American freedom is failing,” he explains.

Editor’s note: This story is a roundup of articles from The Conversation’s archives and is an update of an article previously published on Jan. 15, 2021.The Conversation

Jeff Inglis, Politics + Society Editor, The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, Some of these may be more accurate than those so proudly flashing them have bargained for. The Gadsden flag in particular I consider highly appropriate, implying, as it does, that the carrier or wearer is a snake. The Odinistic symbols are harder to spot, although I have seen at least one person wearing a Thor’s Hammer necklace. The flag of South Vietnam is a real surprise to me – but then, no one should be surprised that they misappropriate symbols – they do everything else.

The Furies and I will be back.

Sep 162021

Glenn Kirschner – FBI/Chris Wray Failed to Investigate 4500 Tips about Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS nomination. INVESTIGATE NOW!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – Sept 14, 2021

Josh Remillard – A Ruck (running against Cawthorn)

Really American – GOP Science Deniers

MSNBC – Rachel – On Concerns Of Trump Instability, Gen. Milley Built Shadow Authority Claims Book

Corey Ryan Forrester – Acclaimed British actor Nigel Davies on why British actors are cast as southerners /S

Beau – Let’s talk about problems big and small…. (This really touched me)

Sep 142021

Yesterday, I received a grocery delivery. It was all there – and no substitutions – and I was smart enough for once to put out an insulated backpack on the porch for frozen stuff that melts rather than just thawing. So I got it all in with I’m pretty sure no loss. So I have a sense of accomplishment.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Dodd, Frank urge Biden to reappoint Powell
Quote – In a Monday op-ed for The Hill, former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) argued that Powell’s reappointment would give Biden “strong support” to pass a multitrillion-dollar infrastructure and social services plan — what they called the “most important issue facing us today…. We believe the national interest will be best served by President Biden reappointing Jerome Powell to chair the Federal Reserve System,” Dodd and Frank wrote.
Click through for more. Yes, it’s THAT Dodd and THAT Frank. They have earned enough respect for me to listen and pay attention when they speak, whether or not I end up agreeing.

HuffPost – Texas Embalmer Shares Nightmare COVID Experiences: ‘Unlike Anything I’ve Seen BeforeTRIGGER ALERT
Quote – These folks were so swollen they were completely unrecognizable. We were also getting sent a lot of people who had died from COVID in nursing homes back at that time, and many of them had not been dead very long at all…. The blood tends to settle out because it’s no longer flowing and it’ll gravitate to the dependent part of the body. The longer a body sits, the more blood clots that they develop. I was having people that had only been dead for a few hours and there were major clotting issues. The clots were the size of pancakes ― you never, never see those with someone who didn’t die of COVID.
Click through if you can take it (it gets worse). I won’t say we have been lied to, but we have definitely not been fully briefed on what CoViD does to the human body. I can see why not … but I still thik it was a mistake.

Mother Jones – 59 Percent of Republicans Say It’s Important to Believe Trump Won the Election
Quote – Donald Trump definitely did not win the 2020 presidential election, but nearly six in 10 GOP voters polled by CNN say it’s at least somewhat important for Republicans to continue believing that he did.
Click through for the story. Fortunately it’s short.

Food for Thought –

Sep 122021

Glenn Kirschner – is late. So I threw in the kitten vid.

Meidas Touch – E. Jean Carroll says she has SLAM DUNK sexual assault case against Trump

Now This News – George W. Bush Compares Domestic Extremists to 9/11 Hijackers (or, When you’ve lost W…)

Really American – Texas Abortion Law Targets The Poor

MSNBC – What You Need To Know About The Planned Sept. 18th Rally – The white dude doesn’t convince me, and I’m glad to see he doesn’t convince the others either.

Cracked – If Dentists Were Honest | Honest Ads

Kitten Who Needed An Incubator To Survive Grows Up To Be A Spitfire – Personal story – I had a cat give birth on my bed (while I was in it.) She had 5 kittens, but rejected the last two. One was still in the placenta and not breathing, but the other was (mostly) out of the placents and was breathing, but cold. I warmed him in my hands, found a doll bottle, and tried to feed him a little milk (I had no KMR and no time to waste.) He took very little, if any, but it got all over him. In despair, I laid him down by MomCat to try to figure out what to do next. To my surprise, she perked up – “What’s this” – and started bathing him. I guess he must have smelled better and tasted good from all that spilled milk. Anyway, after that, he never looked back. In fact, he became her favorite of the litter. Totally by accident … but someone else might be able to use it sometime.

Beau – Let’s talk about VP Harris and bail….

Sep 102021

Glenn Kirschner – House Committee Wants Phone Records of McCarthy, Gaetz & Others; McCarthy & Co. Decide to Obstruct

Meidas Touch – Trump’s ‘America First’ Hypocrisy EXPOSED!

CNN – Trump singled out election official. Hear the horrific voicemails he received

MSNBC – How One Bar’s Liquor License Case Could Bring Down The New Texas Abortion Ban

Ring of Fire – Treasury Says Top 1% Are Responsible For $163 BILLION In Unpaid Taxes Each Year

Really American – Trump’s 9/11 Lies Exposed

Robert Reich – Why the Filibuster is Unconstitutional

Beau – Let’s talk about my morning routine and plot holes…. (By all means let’s use a different letter. And I know exactly which one to use.)

Sep 082021

Glenn Kirschner – Here’s Why Courts Should Strike Down Texas Abortion Law Violating Women’s Constitutional Rights. I do think Glenn is wrong on one thing – not a point of law – I wouldnever argue with him on that. But he says “taking away people’s Constitutional rights is not a winning strategy.” On the contrary, it was a winning strategy for Democrats until Lyndon Johnson renounced it, and it has been a winning strategy for Republicans ever since.

Meidas Touch – Mary Trump Says THIS is One of the Most Diabolic Things Her Uncle Donald Did

The Lincoln Project – Ivermectin

Really American – Larry Elder: Slave Owners Deserve Reparations

Liberal Redneck – “Un-American” Vaccine Mandates

Beau – Let’s talk about what the world’s EMT means for DOD….

Aug 282021

Glenn Kirschner – Florida Judge Rules Gov. Ron DeSantis CAN NOT Stop Schools From Requiring Masks to Protect Children

Don Winslow Films – #TheTruthAboutIvanka

Meidas Touch – Texas Democrat: Greg Abbott is a Psychopathic Murderer

The Lincoln Project – Pro-Life

Really American – Republicans Taking Horse De-Wormers

Trump’s the Disease That Keeps on Spreading, by Mangy Fetlocks

Al Franken on The Only Former U.S. Senator on Tour Tour (Yes, it’s a promo. But he’s funny.

Let’s talk about civilians, equipment, troops in that order….
