Oct 162021

Glenn Kirschner – Steve Bannon Headed for Prosecution for Criminal Contempt. Here’s What Congress Should Tackle Next.

Meidas Touch – Ivermectin-pushing doctor cited by far right EXPOSED as a fraud

The Lincoln Project – Dragon of Budapest

MSNBC – Rep. Raskin: ‘Steve Bannon Committed A Crime Today’

Ring of Fire – Lauren Boebert Ripped To Shreds Over Misspelled ‘Imeach Biden’ Effort

Police Scotland – “Don’t be That Guy”

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s message to the GOP….

Oct 122021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Iowa Rally, DOJ’s Inaction & the Implications for the 2022 Midterm Elections

The Lincoln Project – Package Deal

Thom Hartmann – The National Debt Lie Debunked

Ring of Fire – Cyber Ninjas CEO Says No More Audits After Getting Death Threats From Trump Supporters

Really American – Bannon And Others Defy Subpoenas: LOCK THEM UP

If cryptocurrency was [sic] honest

Beau – Let’s talk about the jobs report, early unemployment, and wages…. exactly the same as Robert Reich, in slightly different words.

Oct 112021

Yesterday, I was working on that final cotton knitting project, and was within spitting distance of finishing it, when the circular needle I was using on it “broke.” I put that in quotes because they don’t actually break – what happens is that the (nylon or plastic) cord which connects the two working ends has a glue failure, and slips out. Dropped stitches do ensue and often so does colorful language. But this time the dropped stitches were few and easily seen and picked up onto a stitch holder. I reglued it right away. But the jewelers’ super glue which I used is not like regular super glue – it has wiggle room and therefore must cure for 24 hours before being subjected to any stress. So I am still waiting. But it’s not like I have nothing else to do.

Cartoon – (This is from 2013.  How TC knew that David would die first so that this would still be valid … I can’t explain.)

Short Takes –

The New Yorker – The Battle of January 6th Has Just Begun
Quote – Trump is, per Pew and other recent polls, both the overwhelming favorite among Republicans for 2024 and their continuing spiritual leader. (Two-thirds of the Republicans and Republican-leaning independents that Pew surveyed wanted Trump to continue to be a major national figure, a total that’s gone up by ten points since January. Yes, that’s not a typo—it’s gone up.) Just as important, he has succeeded in selling his party on his Big Lie about the 2020 election, on January 6th revisionism, and on taking a series of specific actions—from changing how states certify elections to purging state Republican officials who did not go along with his 2020 coup attempt—that will affect American democracy for years to come, whether or not Trump runs again.
Click through for opinion. I see a lot of different takes on just how popular Trump** is or isn’t. I fear this one is closest to fact.

Crooks and Liars – Minn. Cops Went Hunting For Civilians During Protests
Quote – A sergeant leading the unit says, “Let ’em have it, boys, let ’em have it … Right there, get ’em, get ’em, get ’em, hit ’em, hit ’em!” At one point, an officer firing less-lethal rounds on a distant group of protesters says “Gotcha!” as he hits someone. There’s laughter, and the officer is congratulated on his shot with a fist bump and “Good hit, buddy.” “You guys are out hunting people now and it’s just a nice change of tempo,” one officer says. “F*** these people.”
Click through for details. I didn’t put this in the video thread because the video is not the point. The video is merely evidence for the point which needs to be taken fron this story.

ProPublica – Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge
Quote – A few weeks before, a video had appeared on YouTube. It showed two small boys, 5 and 6 years old, throwing feeble punches at a larger boy as he walked away, while other kids tagged along, some yelling. The scuffle took place off school grounds, after a game of pickup basketball. One kid insulted another kid’s mother, is what started it all. The police were at Hobgood because of that video. But they hadn’t come for the boys who threw punches. They were here for the children who looked on.
Click Through. You don’t need to read every word, but the title and one quote are not enough either. As Mark asks in today’s Doonesbury … “What country is this?”

Food for Thought –

And … for Squatch …

Oct 082021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump & Bannon’s Ongoing Conspiracy: Trump Tells Bannon to Defy Congressional Subpoenas (Have they even served Scavino yet? He’s been hiding from the servers) I have some sympthy for the Justice Department. Indicting them without locking them up would only add fuel to the MAGAt fire. Indicting them and locking them up in a known location would also add fuel to the MAGAt fire. Possibly so would indicting them and locking them up in an unknown location (isn’t that what Guantanamo is for?) If they defy these subpoenas and Congress makes a criminal referral to DOJ, they might be able to lock them up for that without adding too much fuel to the fire, though. And then investigators might have a little slack to gather more evidence for the real charges. Hey, it’s just a thought.

Don Winslow Films – #DeleteZuckerberg

MSNBC – ‘It’s Bad News’: MAGA’s Gaetz Sex Crime Probe Takes New Turn (I post this not because of any interest in Matt Gaetz, but for what it imlies about other investigations.)

The Lincoln Project – Trump or Virginia

Really American – Unvaccinated Destroying Everyone Else’s Life

Liberal Redneck – School Board Terrorists

Beau – Let’s talk about the New York police union and narratives…. (Beau works ahead too, so he had not heard of the guy’s resignation when I saw this. But that still adds no facts to the reasons. By the time you see this, we may all know more.)

Oct 012021

Glenn Kirschner – Why Weaponizing the Law is a Losing Republican Strategy; Republicans Seek to Defund Federal Police

politicsrus – Get Up Stand Up HD

Meidas Touch – Trump Cult KILLS

MSNBC – FBI And Homeland Security Dept. Warn Of Domestic Extremists

Really American – Republicans Try And Humiliate Military Leaders

Puppet Regime – Boris Johnson’s AUKward Phone Call

Beau – Let’s talk about the debt ceiling and calling the bluff….

Sep 302021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s de facto “All-Of-Government” Corruption Policy Exposed by Republican DHS Whistle Blower

Meidas Touch – The FUNNIEST Trump impression you’ll hear all day!

MSNBC – Colorado Secretary Of State Sues To Strip GOP Official Of Election Powers

RepresentUs – Senate dysfunction might crash the economy (Here’s the petition link) http://represent.us/debtceiling

Political Voices Network – Did You Hear The Liz Cheney Interview? You Need To! (I won’t go so far as to say you need to watch the whole interview – but this 2 minute clip – Yeah.)

Robert Reich – The Real Reason the Economy Might Collapse

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Beau – Let’s talk about a fact check of the US duty to help Haiti….

Sep 292021

Yesterday, my grocery delivery came quite promptly (in the first hour of a four-hour window) and I got everything put away quickly except the shelf-stable beverages – and I did get those in, and have room to store them, they’re just heavy. Also, we heard from WWWendy. Please check out yesterday’s open thread for her comment.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Biden sidesteps GOP on judicial vacancies, for now
Quote – There’s no Senate rule that requires Biden get buy-in from GOP senators on who he nominates. But a Senate precedent known as the “blue slip” gives home-state senators tremendous sway over who gets nominated for district court vacancies in their state and the power to block nominees they oppose.
Click through for explanation. In politics, everything is a gamble, but this seems reasonable.

Democratic Underground – Schmidt: The “TRUMP COUP MEMO” should be an occasion for a giant, collective, national time out.
Quote – There now exists in the public realm, documentary evidence, a written plan to kill it off and replace it with something new. It was written by the Presidents atty and presented to the President. Trump took that paper and turned it into a weapon, a poisoned shiv and stuck it into the rib cage of American Democracy. He twisted it, crazed with rage that he had been rejected and repudiated.
Click through for the full thread – that’s what this is, a Twitter thread unrolled for easy reading. Schmidt knows whereof he speaks.

Twitter Threadreader – Harrowing account of effect of UNVACCINATED on hospital ICU capabilities
Quote – In August my dad was living independently in rural New Mexico, as he has for years, in a beautiful place with a view of the mountains. He got vaxxed against Covid as soon as it was available, wore masks, and was waiting out the pandemic like the rest of us. Then, he had a fall.
Click through for (tissue alert) story. This is another Twitter thread opened for easy reading. In case it gets taken down before you get to it, there is another copy here which won’t.

Food for Thought –

Sep 262021

Yesterday, the opera was Pelleas et Melisande by Debussy. The libretto is symbolists, so Debussy was a good choice to complse it. I decided to make one last stab for this year at a cotton knitting project, and started on it. I may end up postponing finishing it until next year, but I hope I can finish the fron panel at least, which is based on the idea of a “Log Cabin” quilt block. The back, collar, cuffs, and hem are plain.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Executive privilege fight poses hurdles for Trump
Quote – “For example a former president’s privilege claim is deemed much stronger if the current president supports it,” she added. “We’ve never been in a situation where there was a prior claim that was not supported by the incumbent, because presidents, when it comes to their turn to be the former president, they want to be able to do that same thing.”
Click through. To be pellucidly clear, he can claim executive privilege for any douments prio to noon on Jan. 20 But it isn’t a matter of claim and have. Some things are not subject to executive privilege. Like crimes. Someone other than he must look at the documents and determine whether they are subject to executive privilege or not (and most, if not all, won’t be.) And, of course, for anything after noon January 20, executive privilege cannot even be claimed. And President Biden has publicly stated he will not claim or support executive privilege for Trump**. Snicker.

Reuters – Germans vote in close election to decide Merkel successor
Quote – After a domestic-focused election campaign, Berlin’s allies in Europe and beyond may have to wait for months before they can see whether the new German government is ready to engage on foreign issues to the extent they would like. The splintered political landscape means a three-way coalition is likely. Final opinion polls gave the Social Democrats a narrow lead, but the conservatives have reduced the gap in recent days and many voters were still undecided.
Click through for details. We knew she was retiring – and now it’s here. She helped us survive Trump** as much as anyone outside could. I wish her the best in her retirement, as well as a worthy successor.

AP News – Mystery solved: Biden gets proof of family ties to India
Quote – “And although we never admitted it … I’ve found out that there was a Capt. George Biden who was a captain in the East India Tea Company in India,” Biden said. He appeared to be referring to the British East India Company, a commercial power for centuries that controlled trade in colonized India and parts of southeast Asia. Biden, who frequently talks of his Irish ancestry, quipped that the British connection was “hard for an Irishman to admit.” Biden, who has told versions of the anecdote to Indian audiences before, said Capt. Biden “apparently stayed and married an Indian woman” but he’d never been able to nail down further details.
Click through for story (though not complete genealogy.) Nikke Haley and Bobby Jindal, eat your hearts out.

Food for Thought –
