Jan 232022

Glenn Kirschner – More Congressional Subpoenas, But Still No Use of Congress’s Lawful Tool of Inherent Contempt

The Lincoln Project – Gutless

politicsrus – We Are Americans

Remove Ron – Magic Words

American Bridge – 49th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Puppet Regime – Angela Merkel Off the Grid

Beau – Let’s talk about Republicans learning about Streisand….

Jan 222022

Yesterday, Friday, I was still dragging some. But I managed to put in a grocery order to be delivered today. I hope there’s not too much missing.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – Oath Keeper Returned to Capitol Morning After Riot to ‘Probe Defense Line,’ Prosecutors Say
Quote – In a court filing late Tuesday calling for Vallejo to be detained ahead of trial, prosecutors say he continued to plot against the federal government even after the violence of Jan. 6 ended. The next morning, he allegedly messaged other members of the group in a Signal chat: “We are going to probe their defense line right now 6 am they should let us in. We’ll see.” He and other members of a “quick reaction force” he led were apparently also prepared to wage battle in the city for weeks.
Click through for details. This is another of those recently charged with “seditious conspiracy.” The “quick reaction forces” or QRFs – and, yes, that’s plural – there were somewhere between “several” and “many” – we will probably hear more about as time psses.

Democratic Underground (LENNY0229) – Dems Won Four Special Elections Last Week
Quote – We won special election in Maine for Maine House (suburban district that could have gone red), Massachusetts for Massachusetts House (a FLIP from Red to Blue – No Dem had held this seat since the mid 1800’s), Virginia for Virginia House, and Florida for U.S. House. Again, one of these was a FLIP and one (the one in my home state of Maine) could very welll have gone red. There were no guarantees. In ALL cases, the Dems won by BIG margins.
Click through. Good news is always welcome, and he goes on to provide some analysis ans suggestions.

Politico – Read the never-issued Trump order that would have seized voting machines
Quote – It’s not clear who wrote either document. But the draft executive order is dated Dec. 16, 2020, and is consistent with proposals that lawyer Sidney Powell made to the then-president. On Dec. 18, 2020, Powell, former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump administration lawyer Emily Newman, and former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne met with Trump in the Oval Office. In that meeting, Powell urged Trump to seize voting machines and to appointher as a special counsel to investigate the election, according to Axios.
Click through to read the complete order, or just for more detail. This document (along with the draft of an unmade speech) is one of those from the National Archives being held until the Supreme Court ruled.

Food For Thought:

Jan 222022

Glenn Kirschner – NY AG Leticia James Subpoenas Donald, Don Jr. & Ivanka Trump, While Eric Pleads the 5th 500 Times!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda Rips Sean Spicer Into Pieces

politicsrus – Tax Grab – The legacy of the Trump tax cuts

Liberal Redneck – Liberal Redneck – Trashin’ Mitch McConnell

Littlest Kitten Ever Grows Up To Be A Mini Cat

Beau – Let’s talk about what Flint can teach us about the 6th….

Jan 192022

Glenn Kirschner – Is Garland’s DOJ Investigating Trump and Company? Here Are Some Clues From Garland’s Past Work

Meidas Touch – How PLAYBOY saved Reporter Brian Karem’s Life on Jan 6!! |

politicsrus – Its Your Moment

MSNBC – Rep. Raskin: Jan. 6 Public Phase Will Hopefully Be Like Watergate Hearings (I didn’t realize how deeply good trouble ran in his family. That explains a lot.)

Really Americn – Republicans STEALING Americans Right To Vote

Rocky Mountain Mike – Pee All That You Can Pee

Beau – Let’s talk about Tucker, the lost and found, and the way it is….

Jan 142022

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis Seems Poised to be the First to Indict Donald Trump

Meidas touch – Matt Gaetz INDICTMENTS likely as ex-girlfriend testifies to Grand Jury in SEX TRAFFICKING probe

The Lincoln Project – Ernst Owning the Libs

American Bridge (after 2 months without putting out any videos and much longer since putting up any of general nterest, they have posted 35 in the last two days. Many are state specific. I’ll select a few) – Cecile Richards on ‘The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell’

No Dem Left Behind – Will GOP really make Trump Speaker of the House if they retake Congress?

Really American – COVID-19 vaccine

Beau – Let’s talk about Yellowstone and wolves….

Jan 132022

Yesterday, like the day before, I tried to be laid back (and pretty well succeeded.) Sometimes, I just need to do that for a few days when I’ve had too many things to think about, so the mental spinning has a chance to stop, or at least slow down. But I did make the FFT (I want to stress that when I have to insert something that isn’t square, I’m not terribly good at it. I think if I had something more like a pen and less like a mouse to hold, I might do better – but maybe not.) At least it gets the point across.

Cartoon – 13 Dreyfus Loaded

Short Takes –

Comic Sands (a George Takei site) – Houston High School Teacher Charged After Infected Son Is Found In Trunk Of Car At Testing Site
Quote – [41-year-old Sarah] Beam reportedly kept her son in the car because he had tested positive for Covid-19. Beam wanted to isolate herself from him on the way to the testing site where she was planning on having him get tested again. The high school educator decided the trunk was the best place to put her son.
Click through for more.  Yes, you read that right. SMH.

PolitiZoom – WATCH: Eric Trump, Trump Lawyer Run To Fox and Newsmax Right After Maddow Bombshell. What Do They Know That We Don’t?
Quote: Here’s what happened in just a few hours on Monday the 10th. Come, let us reason together, as LBJ used to say. First, Rachel Maddow announced that Donald Trump’s lawyers have met in person with the District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia. Then Trump’s lawyer showed up on Newsmax and her villain du jour is Letitia James [NY], not Fani Willis [Fulton County]..
Click through  for more backgrounsd and even a couple of videos.  Rachel reminds us Of TFG’s December 18 rant, calling Democrats in the juducial systems, state and Federal, “thugs who just want to lock people up.” She postulates That that rant and the meeting of his lawyers with Fulton County are related. She may well be right.

The 19th – Lawsuits, complaints and protests are upending sexist school dress codes
Quote – “All of those girls are being framed as dangerous and as disruptive to the ‘peaceful’ learning environment,” said Shauna Pomerantz, author of “Girls, Style and School Identities: Dressing the Part” and associate professor of child and youth studies at Brock University in Ontario, Canada. “It’s a ridiculous idea to think that [editing] these pictures is going to somehow change the culture of the school. If anything, that kind of action is going to enhance rape culture in any school, and it’s going to give people the message that girls are asking for trouble if they show their cleavage.”
Click through for details and more examples.. “Dress codes” are generally written with the underlying assumptions that “boys will be boys” so girls have to hide their bodies to prevent rape But many dress codea are also racist. Natural black hair is often prohibited, and some articles of clothing which are fashionable in the black community are assumed to be “gang symbols.” This may not be the most obvious issue in a country which ia at risk of losing democracy, but it is an issue which dehumanizes people (some people, rather, at the expense of others) and does not lead to the most hmentally healthy adults.

Food For Thought:

Jan 102022

Yesterday, I didn’t get much done. I did some clearing of my desk, but you wouldn’t know it to look at it. I lost some time because there was a phone outage, and I thought I must have done something wrong witth the modem, and it took me a while to realize it wasn’t me. So I ended up staying up a bit late. Oh, well.

Cartoon  (also applies to today’s GOp platform) –

Short Takes –

Daily Kos (Aysha Qamar) ‘Huge loss for the community’: Police say Planned Parenthood building fire was intentional
Quote – The fire comes after another incident of hate toward the center in January 2021 during which someone fired a shotgun at the doors of the clinic, shattering the glass and peppering the reception area with holes, the Associated Press reported. In that incident too, the clinic was closed and unoccupied. What’s worse is the incident took place on the anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade case. The recent arson incident comes at a time when the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a case that could possibly overturn the landmark precedent.
Click through for full story. Or at least, as full as it can be. There is no suspect yet.

New Mexico – State prisons outsource personal mail to inmates to Florida firm, causing concern for some
Quote – Eric Harrison, public information officer for the Department of Corrections, told NM Political Report turnaround time is currently 48 hours for inmates to receive personal mail that the correction facility currently inspects for contraband. He said that when the incoming mail becomes outsourced to Securus Technologies in February, the incoming mail will still be given to inmates in “the same time frame we’re seeing now.”
Click through for differing views. I can tell you the reason they are doing this – it’s the same reason all rules exist – it’s bedause there are always jerks who ruin things for the rest of us. There are jerks who would happily soak paper in drugs befor writing on it and mailing it, so that an inmate can swallow pieces of it and get high. Heck, I’d bet my last pension payment that there are people who would cough on their letters before sending them — even if they knew they had CoViD – in the name of “personal contact.” Even a lipsticked lip print on a letter could be dangerous. Cruel I grant that it is. Ridiculous it is not.

Washinton Post – New York fire that killed 19 likely began with space heater, fire chief says
Quote – Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who represents the Bronx, said that the country has a “crisis” in housing maintenance and that many of the buildings in his area lack basic fire safety equipment, such as fire alarms in every apartment and stairwells with self-closing doors. City housing code requires self-closing doors to slow the spread of fire and smoke from one unit to the rest of an apartment. “There is often a disconnect between the requirements of the law and the actual living conditions of these buildings,” Torres said.
Click through if you aren’t paywalled out. I really don’t have words. I believe Toeers is a caring person. I can’t help but wonder what hice voice sounded like as he used the word “disconnect.”

Food For Thought:

Jan 062022

Glenn Kirschner – Bipartisan Jan. 6 Committee Investigates Trump w/Clear-Eyed Determination and Purpose of Mission

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen recalls when Trump offered up Don Jr. for prison over Ivanka (you may have seen this information in print)

The Lincoln Project – Navarro

Don Winslow – #DonaldTrumpLovesAntifa (TeeHee)

No Dem Left Behind – Richard Ojeda on the Trump Crime Family

Vote Vets – Brig.Gen.(Ret.) Steven Anderson On ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ Discussing Ongoing Insurrection Threat

Beau – Let’s talk about how the US and China’s contest will end….
