Mar 302022

Yesterday, I went to my doctor’s office to get the form filled out that the DMV gave me Mondey (of course after calling to see whether they could fit me in. Frankly I think they went out of their way for me. I do try not to be a Karen.) I took the form to the DMV and it worked like a charm. In fact, they offered, because my driver’s license was supposed to renew within 6 months anyway, to renew it for another five years. Of course I was thrilled. (I do try not to be a Karen.) Now all I have to do is make an appontment to visit Virgil – the earliest Sunday he is available is April 10th (and, frankly, I feel safest driving on Sunday) I know that because the visitation staff has gone out of their way to let me know what days he (his “pod”) is scheduled for. (I do try not to be a Karen.) So back to what passes for normal starting today. Yay!

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Short Takes –

Quote – The first-term conservative said he received invitations along the lines of: “‘Well, hey, we’re going to have kind of a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come’.” The 26-year-old described his response on the podcast “Warrior Poet Society”: “I’m like, ‘What did you just ask me to come to?’ And then you realize they are asking you to come to an orgy.” Cawthorn also claimed to have seen other people who are “leading” efforts to eradicate drug addiction using cocaine in front of him.
Click through for story. I wouldn’t doubt the orgies, but I definitely doubt that anyone would invite Maddy. Unless they wanted to make him the goat (no, not the GOAT, just the goat, as in scape.)

PolitiZoom – REVEALED: Trump’s Last Official Call Jan 6 Was To Pence, Then A 7 Hour, 37 Minute Blackout On WH Logs. What’s Being Covered Up?
Quote – That immediately begs the question, what happened between the hours of 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m. on January 6 and how was Trump communicating with people? He has already stated through a spokesman Monday night, “I have no idea what a burner phone is, to the best of my knowledge I have never even heard the term.” Right. What’s being covered up? Seven hours is one whole lot of a longer time than the infamous 18-minutes of Watergate.
Click through for details. I thought “Shades of Nixon” – but at 7:37 Trump makes Nixon’s 0:18 and a half look like Amateur Hour.

The National WWII Museum – Sophie Scholl and the White Rose
Quote – Within the United States, Sophie Magdalena Scholl is not the best-known resistance fighter, but her story is a powerful one. She was a key member of the Weiße Rose (White Rose)—a resistance group run by students at the University of Munich who distributed leaflets and used graffiti to decry Nazi crimes and the political system, while calling for resistance to the Nazi state and the war. On February 22, 1943, she was beheaded for treason at just 21 years old.
Click through for full details. If you hear someone allude to the “White Rose” (or the “White Rose Society”), this is what they are talking about. Beau does occasionally (he also has a Tshirt with a white rose, so he can allude to it without saying it.)

Food For Thought:
The video this quote is from will be on the Video Thread tomorrow. But this is so succinct I just wanted to meme it.

Mar 242022

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump Appeals Judge’s Order Directing him to Submit to Deposition by NY AG Tish James

Meidas Touch – Republicans Exposed as Traitors | #GOPMustGo

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republicam Party

American Bridge (Senator Hirono0 – It’s About Time

Don Winslow – #TedCruzLessonsForHisDaughters

No Dem Left Behind – Barrett vs. Jackson … what’s the difference?

Beau – Let’s talk about a claim about Mariupol and consistency….

Mar 152022

Yesterday, I changed some light bulbs. Yes, it would have been nice had I changed them when it was getting dark earlier – but there isn’t a lot of ancillary lightng in that room, and I had to be able to see to do it. Also, balance is an issue – I’ve had balance issue on and off since childhood. Most of the time you wouldn’t know it – I can walk aound fine inside without a cane or crutch (because i knpw all the handholds) – but when I go even one step up I need something to grab. But I got it done.  Later, I listenet to the Met Opera “A Concert For Ukraine.”  I hoped it might show up later on YouTube, but all that has been loaded is the final curtain calls (If anyone does care, when they bring on the soloists, they are, from left to right, .Jamie Barton, Elza van den Heever, Lisa Davidsen.  Then Yannnick Nézet-Séguin (the conductor), and on the right, a 24-year-old Ukrainian bass-baritone in the Met’s Lindemann Young Artists Program (which is what thy call their apprentice program, Every major opera company has one now.), followed bt Piotr Beczala and Ryan Speedo Green.  Davidsen sang the Four Last Songs by Strauss, and the young Ukrainian soloed in the Ukrainian National Anthem.  The other four were the soloists in the last movement of Beethoven’s nintu (Ode to Joy).  Sorry I didn’t catch the young Ukrainian’s name … but I also watched a video of a different performance of the anthem, prior to an opera, and I actually picked him out – he was the only one not reading the words, and he had his hand over his heart just as he does in the curtain call. (Beczala, who also puts his hand over his heart in the curtain call, is from Poland, one of Ukraine’s nest door neighbors.)  I realize this is not as meaningful  if one doesn’t know the peole … but I do (except the one I will get to know better  later.)

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Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Ukraine To Release Commemorative ‘Russian Warship, Go F#ck Yourself’ Stamp
Quote – The Ukrainian postal service will release a stamp that says “Russian warship, go f#ck yourself” to commemorate the soldiers who reportedly cursed out Russian forces attacking Snake Island during the early days of the Russian invasion. Ukraine’s Ukrposhta wrote on Facebook that they will be holding a vote to choose one of 20 finalist designs sent in which feature the phrase, which has become a rallying cry for Ukrainian troops and citizens defending their homeland.
Click through for more. The contest is over and the winner is in (and shown here.) My mom took up philately as a hobby after she retired, so I know that collectors all over the world will want this. So if you want one, find yourself a business that deals in philately and you should have no trouble putting in an order Ask about first day covers – I know those are a thing but I really don’t know what effect it would have on the value of this one. You may have to wait a while – I don’t know how hard it will be to get it printed while being shelled. God, I love the Ukrainians. (Can we get a stamp that says “F*ck the GQP”?)

Slate – A New Report Adds Evidence That Trump Was a Russian Asset
Quote – During the campaign, Trump, his national security appointees, and his allies in Congress insisted that China was meddling in the election to help Joe Biden. They even claimed that China’s interference was more dangerous than Russia’s. The report shreds that fiction. China “did not deploy influence efforts intended to change the outcome of the US Presidential election,” says the assessment. It finds no attempt by China to “provide funding to any candidates or parties,” and it challenges the Republican spin that China feared Trump because he was too tough. It argues, to the contrary, that Beijing saw Trump as a weaker adversary because he “would alienate US partners,” whereas Biden “would pose a greater challenge over the long run because he would be more successful in mobilizing a global alliance against China.”
Click through. This report doesn’t mention that he may actually have been a Russian asset for 40 years, or nearly – since the 80’s (when he started getting loans from thhem through Deutsche Bank), but that has also been mentioned recently.

CNN – After over three decades of covering Russia, I leave in despair. One man has extinguished the bright hope many once felt
Quote – Over the past couple of months while I’ve been reporting from Moscow, I’ve met many people who have been horrified, shocked and numbed by Putin’s wanton aggression. Some of them believed him when he said he wouldn’t invade Ukraine. Some even knew players in the Kremlin inner circle and thought they understood the President’s red lines, but now that trust is blown and they fear he has no limits at all.
Click through for full analysis. It’s pretty clear that Mr. Robertson feels strongly about this. I certainly would in his shoes. I wish I had a solution. I wish someone – anyone – had a solution.

Food For Thought:

Mar 082022

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Files Court Pleading Saying Evidence Shows Trump committed Crimes Against US

Lincoln Project – Biden’s Response to Tyranny

Meidas Touch – Ukraine Will Win

MSNBC – Lt. Col. (Ret.) Vindman: Putin Is Taking Russia Back To The “Depths Of The Cold War”

Twitter – a statement from “Anonymous” (After watching Beau fpr a while now,  love it that their Twitter handle is “@squad303”)

The Daily Show – Honoring the Fiendish Women in History (I considered using Peggy Arnold myself this month, but decided not to – even before I saw this,)

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Eastman, and the committee….

Mar 072022

Glenn Kirschner – Trial of Insurrectionist Guy Reffitt Went from Bad to Worse: Bad for Reffitt but Good for Justice

Lincoln Project – Biden’s Responce to Tyranny

MSNBC – How To Shield Against Russia’s Cyberattacks

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse – Sen. Whitehouse Delivers Floor Speech on Ending Kleptocracy’s March

Ukrainian Armed Forces “Each of Us” (hanky alert)

Republican Accountability Project – Trump thinks Putin is “smart”. What does that make Trump?

The Late Show – This is only 2 minutes, and ends with an impression of Gollum as Putin which really nails it.

Beau -Let’s talk about the most expensive energy auction in US history….

Mar 052022

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutors Investigating Trump Resign, DA Alvin Bragg Refuses to Release Resignation Letters I am posting this because I am not hiding anything. But I would point out that a straight stick points two ways. And I have not forgotten that when Tish James jumped in in Trump** her office announced that they and the Manhattan DA’s office would be coordinating their efforts. I would expect that a major element of that coordination would be coordinating the order in which steps would be taken. Again, a straight stick points two ways. We don’t have evidence for either direction at this point.

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – February 28, 2022

Ring of Fire – Mitch McConnell Brutally Smacks Down Donald Trump And Rick Scott

MSNBC – Trump Crime? MAGA Riot Panel Reveals Evidence Of ‘Criminal Conspiracy’

Truth Matters – State of Democracy

Armageddon Update | What Is It Good For? (“Scream Sanity” indeed!)

Beau – Let’s talk about Psaki, Hawley, energy, and national security….

Mar 042022

Yesterday, I mentioned emptying my mailbox. I don’t think I said that I was expecting a package today which might be small enough to fit into the mailbox if it weren’t full. Well, that package came yesterday. So did four other packages from three different carriers. So did the one bill I still get by mail (I had seen it in Informed deliviery and already paid it at the website, so it can stay in the mailbox as long as it takes before I decide to bring it in.) What’s that saying – “it never rains but it pours”? I found it amusing.  Apparently supply chain issues are unwilling to mess with me.

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Short Takes –

ProPublica – Let’s Recall What Exactly Paul Manafort and Rudy Giuliani Were Doing in Ukraine
Quote – It’s all detailed in a wide array of public documents, particularly a bipartisan 2020 Senate report on Trump and Russia. I was one of the journalists who dug into all the connections, as part of the Trump, Inc. podcast with ProPublica and WNYC. (I was in Kyiv, retracing Manafort’s steps, when Trump’s infamous call with Ukraine’s president was revealed in September 2019.) Given recent events, I thought it’d be helpful to put all the tidbits together, showing what happened step by step.
Click through for full summary. No new details – but it may be the first time it’s all been put together into one conected narrative.

The Guardian (opinion) – It’s time to confront the Trump-Putin network
Quote – This weekend, British investigative journalist Carole Cadwalladr said on Twitter, “We failed to acknowledge Russia had staged a military attack on the West. We called it ‘meddling.’ We used words like ‘interference.’ It wasn’t. It was warfare. We’ve been under military attack for eight years now.”
Click through for full editorial.  Some of us have bbeen saying this for a long time.  I remember it coming up in discussions about what constitutes treson under the Constitution.  It’s really good to see it being expressed by  a respected person in a respected news outlet.

Women’s History – Wikipedia – Lois W
Quote – Her marriage to Bill W. began to be challenging due to the combination of a series of ectopic pregnancies and his drinking problem. Lois began to work on programs to help families of alcoholics after Bill had gone through rehabilitation at Towns Hospital in 1934 and cofounded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935. The same 12-Steps of recovery used by AA were adopted by Al-Anon or Al-Anon Family Groups.
Click through for full bio. Lois would have been 131 today (she used to say her birthday was “the strongest day of the year.” It’s hard to forget that.) One ectopic pregnancy can be fatal – a series of them just beggars the imagination. So she had to be strong.

Food For Thought:

Mar 022022

Yesterday was a fairly quiet day. I got a little knitting done … but didn’t really push.

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Short Takes –

Down With Tyranny – Democrats Seem To Think Trump Stole The Documents To Hide Stuff– I Think They’re Naïve And Wrong
Quote – People who think Trump stole the material because he was trying to hide his own misdeeds in office– as many members of Congress I spoke with have told me– are barking up the wrong tree. Trump was peddling the plans for Fort Ticonderoga, 2022 version.
Click through. I fear he is correct, both about what Trump** is doing, and also about the fact that most Democrats are not devious enough to even think of it. (Crooks and Liars also has the story, reprinted.)

There Are Many Words for Vladimir Putin. Is “Strongman” One?
Quote – But Nina Khrushcheva, an international-affairs scholar at the New School and the great-granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, tells me she isn’t so much concerned about whether the word is euphemistic as she is that it’s misplaced: “Putin was referred to as a ‘strongman’ back in the 2000s when he was a baby lamb compared to today…Putin now has gone far beyond being a strongman. He is a full-blown despotic, ruthless megalomaniac on par with Stalin and Mao, and proud of it.”
Click through for discussion. I think the term they are all looking for is “toxic masculinity.” That does not imply (contrary to Republican whining) that all musculinity is toxic any more than the term “Counterfeit money” implies that all money is counterfeit.

Womens History – Wonkette – Meet Alice Hamilton, The Patrician Woman Who Saved Your Grandpa From (More) Lead Poisoning
Quote – Hamilton was deeply committed to helping the poor. So she moved into Jane Addams’s Hull House. Living with the poor, she became interested in the problems of workplace health and safety — for good reason. Workers lived atrociously unsafe lives on the job. Many jobs were exercises in seeing how long you could live before you died or lost mental or physical capacity due to the poisons you ingested or absorbed. This is entirely besides the dangers of being burned or decapitated or electrocuted on the job. A poor worker in an American factory was one who might well not live long. Hamilton became an expert on industrial medicine, which wasn’t that hard because it was barely studied in an America utterly indifferent to the question.
Click through for story. This is written – how should I say it – more respectfully than Wonkette’s usual style. But then, the subjuect is more worthy of respect than Wonkette’s usual subjects.

Food For Thought:
