Jul 102022

Glenn – Pat Cipollone finally agrees to testify to J6 committee about about the crimes of Donald Trump

Meidas Touch – BREAKING NEWS: New Jan 6 Committee Hearing ANNOUNCED and New Star Witness Emerges

The Lincoln Project – Star

Twitter – California is going to make its own insulin. (If California secedse, I hope Colorado can go with it.)

MSNBC – Fani Willis ‘Not Playing Around’ With Trump Probe Says Ex-Fulton County ADA

Liberal Redneck – How the Right Handles the Shootings

Beau – Let’s talk about Pat Cipollone talking to the committee….

Jul 072022

Glenn – This would have been the monthly recap, so I’m putting a piece from the Stephanie Miller show featuring Glenn instead.

MSNBC – Why Brittney Griner’s Arrest Is About Much More Than Brittney Griner

Ring of Fire – New Polls Show January 6th Committee Having A HUGE Impact On Public Opinion (It does not cease to amaze me how many people “know” what Merrick Garland “thinks” or “wants” – a man who has been in public service for over 25 years and is known for being tight-lipped for all of that time, possibly longer.)

Mary Trump – Why Donald Trump Throws Food: An Origin Story – Its all about the mash potato !!

Armageddon Update – Court Gone ROEgue

Beau – Let’s talk about Arizona, Trump, and DOJ….

Jul 062022

Glenn – Witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson, Jeffrey Clark’s crimes, AG Garland and DOJ’s legitimacy

Meidas Touch – BREAKING NEWS: Kinzinger says NEW WITNESSES have come forward to Jan 6 Committee

The Lincoln Project – Our Country

MSNBC – Biden Announces Presidential Medal Of Freedom Recipients (I didn’t count, but I don’t think all 17 are identified.)

Farron Balanced – Conservative Media Outlets Are Finally Throwing Trump Under The Bus

Beau – Let’s talk about Ohio, Indiana, a girl, and the Supreme Court….

Jul 032022

Glenn Kirschner with Stephanie Miller: Trump Will Hold onto His Lies Until the Day He Dies.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Olivia Rodrigo and Megan Thee Stallion SLAMMING Roe Decision

The Lincoln Project – He Wanted to Help

Dakota Water Wars Part 5 – Ignoring Tribes, Ignoring Laws (I would point out that when the speaker castigates the DOJ official opinion, that was Trump**’s DOJ)

Mrs Betty Bowers – The Not-So-Supreme Court

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s denials from the committee….

Jun 302022

Yesterday, the news was filled with testimony from Tuesday’s hearing. And rightly so – I guess a lot of people did not realize, and still don’t, who Trump** so obviously is. Of course he throws dishes against the wall. Of course he tries to do bodily harm to anyone who pisses him off. Of course he’s the last person in the world who shold have the nuclear codes. How did so may people miss that? And I don’t even mean his cultists. I mean how did so may sane people still manage not to see that? It’s not as if Hillary didn’t warn us. At least more people are realizing it now. The other thing that was in the news (at least my news feed) was our primaries. I already reported that Tina Peters, the County Clerk who stole the voting equipment, lost her primary to run for Secretary of State (the bad news is that the winner is almost as bad.) Other bad news is that Boebert won her primary. I had no part in that, but I still apologize on behalf of my state to the entire nation. We can only hope that Democrats and Unaffiliateds combine to oust her. Sadly, that’s merely a hope.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker – The “Gap” in the Constitution That Led to January 6th
Quote – Yes, it’s absolutely true that our Presidential-election system in particular has significant vulnerabilities. Some of those vulnerabilities are in the Constitution itself. As long as we retain the constitutional provision for the Electoral College, we won’t be completely out of the woods. State legislatures have the authority to replace a popular vote, to directly appoint the electors for their state. But they can’t do it retroactively. And that gets to what Giuliani and Trump were trying to do.
Click through for full discussion. All communication requires those communicating to share at least some assumptions (there’s a group exercise invilving peanut butter and jelly which brings this point home vividly), and one of those assumptions that we make without realizing it is that we expect our elected officials to act in good faith. For much of my life, though that wasn’t 100% true, there were enough who were that it was safe to assume it. Then came Reagan, Gingrich, and a host of others, and now it is no longer safe to make that assumption.

Robert Reich – The rogue court and the fight ahead
Quote – I keep telling the young people I work with and in the classes I teach that I grew up in an America that expanded constitutional rights, battled racism and protected voting rights, and enlarged the middle class. I tell them that if we did it then, we can do so again. They hear me but I’m not sure they believe me. Their young lives have been marked mostly by public failure. Many were motivated to vote for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2016, and against Trump in 2020, but their patience is wearing thin.
Clivk through for full argument (there’s also a video). I know, voting is not enough, but it has to start with voting. We have to give good leaders some authority – something to work with. If we don’t, their leaders get authority.

Food For Thought – I think this is the first time I have seen a New Yorker cartoon depict a real person, though it’s probably happened.

Jun 292022

Yesterday, I watched the hearing, and this time I admit I did get a surprise. It had never occurred to me that coward Trump** might have actually meant it when he said he would be with the protesters. Temper tantrums, yes. Throwing china, yes. Ripping the tablecloth, yes. But actually walking? In his physical condition? That’s a surprise. I can’t say their evidence of witness tampering is surprising – that, after all, is typical Mafia stuff. And anyone who has the guts to truly testify about events will also have the guts to report attempted tampering. But that was a powerful call to witnesses inviting them to “suddenly recall” events they might have forgotten. To be truthful, there was a lot of content from Ms. Hutchinson that I was not able to make out – she is soft spoken – so I’ll be looking at the after-the-fact YouTube and see if there is CC there (in which case there will be a transcript.) While the hearing was going on, I also receuved email confirmation that I may visit Virgil Sunday – half a day only, so I chose the second half. That will give me a chance to get enough sleep. (Later – there’s no CC on the YouTube vodeo, but Wonkette and Robert Reich filled in some of the gaps for me, and I have no doubt Heather Cox Richardson will fill in any gaps that remain.)  Breaking news end of day – Tina Peters lost the GOP Primary for Secretary of State! Yay!

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The New Yorker – Does Hungary Offer a Glimpse of Our Authoritarian Future?
Quote – The Republican Party hasn’t adopted a new platform since 2016, so if you want to know what its most influential figures are trying to achieve … you’ll need to look elsewhere for clues…. A more efficient way to gauge the current mood of the Party is to spend a weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference, better known as cpac.
Click through for article. Perhaps the scariest thing is that it’s a bit less obvious than brownshirts. It’s already hard to convince people who aren’t paying attention to either history or current events that we are almost a fascist nation now.

Robert Reich – The roots of Trumpism
Quote – When I interviewed these people, the overall economy was doing well in terms of the standard economic indicators of employment and growth. But the standard economic indicators don’t reflect the economic insecurity most Americans felt then — and continue to feel. Nor do they reflect the seeming arbitrariness and unfairness most people experience. The indicators don’t show the linkages many Americans still see — between wealth and power, crony capitalism, stagnant real wages, soaring CEO pay, their own loss of status, and a billionaire class that has turned our democracy into an oligarchy. The standard measures also don’t show that for four decades, Americans without a four-year college degree have worked harder than ever, but gone nowhere. If they’re white and non-college, they’ve been on a downward economic escalator. Finally, the standard measures don’t show what most Americans have caught on to — how wealth has translated into political power to rig the system with bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, special tax loopholes, shrunken unions, and increasing monopoly power, all of which have pushed down wages and pulled up profits.
Click through for analysis. Someone could shoot Trump** on Fifth Avenue (or anywhere else) and Trump**ism would not disappear – far from it. To get rid of it, we need to dig deeper – a lot deeeper.

Food For Thought

Jun 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Supreme Court revokes women’s constitutional rights. Congress MUST open impeachment hearings – NOW (the sound is odd, but there is CC)

Meidas Touch – Adam Kinzinger Stuns with Speech of the Year during Jan 6 Hearings

The Lincoln Project – Lady Ruby

MSNBC – Lawrence: Samuel Alito’s Lies Did Not Stop In His Confirmation Hearing

VoteVets – Pride

Beau – Let’s talk about what happens if Trump is acquitted….

Jun 252022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 hearings & pardons: Kushner drafting them; Perry and Eastman requesting them; Rudy/Don Jr/Ivanka?

Glenn (two in one day because this one is an extra) – Justice Matters Special Edition: Proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Donald Trump’s criminal intent

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Despicable Texas GOP Platform

The Lincoln Project – Lady Ruby

MSNBC – Schiff: Trump Used His Big Lie As A Bludgeon To Bend Officials To His Will

Beau – Let’s talk about that ad in Missouri and a conflation of terms….
