Sep 112022

Yesterday’s radio opera was “I Puritani” by Vincenzo Bellini. Bellini was a composer of “bel canto” opera (Italian for beautiful singing), a style from the early 19th century which was pretty much out of fashion until brough back into prominence by Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland in the 1950’s and ’60’s, and has been part of the standard repertory since. Of course all opera is supposed to have beautiful singing, but bel canto specifically refers to a style which has lots of vocal ornaments and very little key changes or complexity. So in one way it’s virtuosic, but in another it’s simple. Opera singers say that singing it is good for the voice, compared to even mid-19th-cebtury like Verdi, but certainly compared to early 20th century like Puccini (“verismo”) and especially early-to-mid 20th century like Berg amd Schoenberg. It is filled with lovely melodies that leave listeners humming – in their minds, because unless you are trained you likely can’t produce all the twists and turns, especially at the tempos some of them are. Next week’s opera – in fact the next four weeks’ operas – were recorded in China – but only the last one will be in Chinese. The first three will be in French, Czech, and German respectively.

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Short Takes –

Letters frm an American – September 8, 2022
Quote – On this day in 1974, President Gerald Ford gave former president Richard M. Nixon “a full, free, and absolute pardon…for all offenses against the United States which he…has committed or may have committed or taken part in” during his time in the presidency. In the pardon proclamation, Ford said he issued the pardon to help the nation heal from the trauma of the Watergate scandal. A trial would “cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of relinquishing the highest elective office of the United States.”
Ford’s pardon of Nixon removed from our democratic system the principle that all of us are accountable to the same laws.
Click through for full letter. There was an episode of Antiques Roadshow to which someone brought a letter from Gerald Ford, written before he was Presient or Vice Preident, but not too long before that. It was written to his former first grade teacher, who he had just learned used to call him “Naughty little Gerry Ford.” Maybe she was right all along.

Civil Discourse – DOJ’s Motion For A Stay Explained
Quote – DOJ’s tone is respectful throughout, but the government does not mince words when it comes to arguing that the judge’s order is wrong, as in, missed the boat completely kind of wrong. And in delicate, polite tones it clarifies the precise nature of the damage she, a lone federal judge in Florida, is poised to do to our national security. This is exactly the tone experienced appellate litigators take when they are about to pillory a lower court’s ruling, which is what DOJ does in its motion.
Click through. Legal documents are usually written at a JD reading level. Vance interprets this at about a foourth grade reading level, so it should be pellucidly clear (or as much so as possible allowing for missing facts.) Because I get her newsletter, I have not tried navigating the site, but if it’s easy, she has two, possibly three columns after this (just ignore the stuff about knitting.)

Food For Thought

Sep 102022

Glenn Kirschner – Bannon indicted again; DOJ appeals “special master” ruling; former US Attorney exposes Trump & Barr (the sound is so poor on this that everyone will need the CC. Not only is thevolume about half or less of usual, bu ther’s a slight echo. I realize they are tweaking the studio … andhave invited comments on that … so if anyone is a YouTube member, you might just comment on the sound.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul RESPONDS to legend Dan Rather’s question about the GOP with the PERFECT answer

The Lincoln Project – Sucker

Robert Reich | How We Can Make Manchin and Sinema Irrelevant

If Mattress Commercials Were Honest | Honest Ads

Beau – Let’s talk about the other Las Vegas…. {It’s a sweet little town, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, but not that far from Santa Fe by western standards.}

Sep 072022

Glenn Kirschner – In sequence, this would have been the monthly recap, so I’m using this clip.

Meidas Touch – Newsmax Guest TURNS ON TRUMP live on air leaving hosts SPEECHLESS

The Lincoln project – Biden vs Trump

Twitter – Joe responds to heckler during Labor Day speech (This includes the full heckler remarks – the Lincoln Project cut it for clarity)

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Stupidest People in Congress Awards (from May – somehow I missed it.)

Beau – Let’s talk about preparing for the next 2 months….

Sep 062022

Glenn Kirschner – With Top Secret documents found at, & classified documents missing from, Mar-a-Lago, DOJ must act [I would bet a buck – maybe even five, or ten, or twemty – that he got more people killed with these documents than he did on Jan 6. Also, Jan 6 is over . The documents – who knows?]

Meidas on Twitter (I looked but couldn’t find it on YouTube)

Lincoln Project – MAGA hypocrisy – a series

Ring of Fire – Trump FINALLY Agrees To Give Financial Documents To Congress

Rocky Mountain Mike – Report From Mar-a-Lago (This is a Q&A where Mike aska a question and then plays a song clip..I was hoping to try to make sme kind of transcript, but it’s just not going to happen)

Beau – Let’s talk about Greenland’s ice and sea levels….

Sep 042022

Glenn Kirschner – Lindsey Graham loses in court (again) in desperate attempt to avoid testifying about Trump’s crimes

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: White House SLAMS MAGA Republicans Following Epic Biden Primetime Speech

Ojeda Live – This Trump Temper Tantrum is About to End in a Timeout Known As a Life Sentence in Federal Prison

Liberal Redneck – Biden, Trump, and Democracy

Christo Alvalis – Trսmp has ALREADY SOLD his STOLEN FILES?! (Ivana’s coffin?)

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, the DOJ response, and photos….

Sep 032022

Glenn Kirschner – Prosecutor’s court filing reveals that Trump unlawfully concealed classified docs in his desk drawer

Meidas Touch – Charlie Kirk and Stephen Miller WHINE LIKE BABIES on Live TV over ‘SEMI-FASCIST’ label (I have to say that when people like Tucker, Stephen and Charlie talk about the “Great Repiacement Theory” they make it sound like a damn good idea.)

Ojeda Live – This Trump Temper Tantrum is About to End in a Timeout Known As a Life Sentence in Federal Prison

MSNBC – Mystal: Biden Reaction To Protester Shows Difference Between Him And Trump{in case you missed the speech, this URL will start just as the bells ring and the Marines come in, which saves almost 8 mintes.)

Mrs. Betty Bowers – The “Which Awful Person Said It?” Gameshow

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s legal fees, Truth social, and dumpster fire….

Sep 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s demand for Special Master moot? DOJ already reviewed the evidence of crime seized from Trump

Meidas Touch – Biden goes FULL DARK BRANDON, BLASTS Republicans in Speech of the Year ( haven’t nbeen sharing or talking about “Dark Brandon” memes, because I kind of think they’re silly. But I do get that it’s both necessary and nice for Joe [and all out leaders] to call our MAGAts with facts and truth.)

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party 8/30/22

Farron Balanced – Trump’s Legal Team Has No Idea What They’re Doing

Armageddon Update – Airlines Auger In

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine, Russia, and DOD naming it….

Sep 012022

Yesterday, I realized thet I had forgotten to update the OT to reflect that  Tuesday evening my BFF had picked up for me the only prescriotion I can’t get delivered, and while she was here she also helped me take an interior door, whose hinges had fallen out, outside to the back yard. So, even with help, I was enervated – again – and thus overslept – again. However, after getting up late, I at least managed to write a tough letter to another friend and enclose it in a package with a sweater I had made her – and purchase the paid shipping label from USPS and schedule pickup tomorrow. The letter was tough because she has a record of being in touch with me when things are going well for her and getting out of touch when theings are not going well – and I needed to say “I see right through you” but in such a way as to suggest I am purely supportive, not condescending. I hope it works.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – There’s A First Time For Everything
Quote – [T]here is a first time for everything. And sometimes, those things can be very stupid, which can lead to another first time for other things. Someone had to, for the first time, put a warning on a cup of coffee that it might be hot, because some numbskull didn’t know that. Same for most of the other warning labels that can be found everywhere.
Click through (there’s also a video.) Sane people who doubt whether Trump** should be prosecuted mostly lean on one or both of two pillars – precedent and division. We’ve discussed how not prosecuting would be in the long run more divisive than prosecutiong. This article accurately takes down the pillar of precedent.

DU (applegrove) – Garland Bans Political Appointees from Campaign Events
Quote – Attorney General Merrick Garland banned political appointees at the Department of Justice from participating in campaign events in any form. Wrote Garland in a memo: “We must do all we can to maintain public trust and ensure that politics — both in fact and appearance — does not compromise or affect the integrity of our work.”
Click through – it’s short, but applegrove provides a couple of sources if anyone wants to dig deeper. I applaud this move. The old standard was not unreasonable as long as Americans were not unreasonable. Now they are, and we need more spelled out.

Food For Thought
