Aug 032024

Yesterday, I started the day by looking for baby booties, and in fact found 9 pair (10 if I can find the mate to the last one.) I can’t just ignore a baby born on my birthday. So I am now ready, be it boy or girl. Also, since it was Friday, here is Robert Reich’s episode #10 of DEBUNK.  In regard to Beau, since I live in Colorado, I should tell you that I followed that Democratic primary – started in advance, right after the state Democratic convention, and it appeared there were two front runners. She wiped out both of them, seemingly coming from nowhere. Not that it will make a difference in a district as red as that, but she’s remarkable.

Wonkette sent me to this article in People magazine. But The Root also had thoughts. I can’t begin to sort out my mixed feelings about this – but one thought which leaps out is “Now all the gun nuts will be saying, ‘See! We told you it wasn’t the guns!'”

I’m not sure when I subscribed to Press Watch, but I’m glad I did. What POGO (Project on Government Oversight) does for the Federal Government (some would say “to” the Federal government), Press Watch does for – or to – the main stream media. I like that – and I think the Founders would too. They were under very few illusions about what can go wrong in a democracy.


Aug 012024

Yesterday, my computer speaker died. Actually, it was a couple of days prior, but yesterday was when I actually went through the steps to learn whether some adjustmeny would fix it – and none wuuld. So I had to get out the new one I had planned to use on a newer computer and set it up. This one does work – good thing, since I will need it Saturday to stream that day’s opera. It’s possible that the old one still works – but it’s highly unlikely it will work on a newer computer. But it might work on an older one, and I do have several of those. Meanwhile, I’ll shop for another newer one.

This, dated Monday but more accurately from Tuesday (it may have reached Alaska and Hawaii while it was still Monday, but it was not still Monday anywhere in the lower 48 when sent) addresses SCOTUS (or SCROTUS if you prefer), its various issues, and what might be done and how it might get through. I am still no fan of term limits, so I made a little model.If this system has started with Reagan’s first term, it would have taken us until Biden’s pPresidency to win a slim majority under it – and thats assuming starting from scratch. If I go back to the actual composition of the court in 1980 and apply the concept (and assun that coonservative presidents never nominate liberals and vice versa), then by the end of Reagam’s term, and through Bush 1’s term, there qould have been 9 conseervative justices, and at the end the end of Trump**’s term we’d have exactly what we have now – 6 conservative and 3 liberal justices – just different faces..  Biden would be able to get that down to 5-4 and then o 4-5.  But after that the lomgest serving justices would be Clinton- appointed liberals, so there’s be no change in the court for a while.  (I didn’t take into considerations death, because it would likely not have been Scalia in that seat, and the same with Ginsburg.  I’m giving Ike credit for appointing liberal judges, because at least they would have been sane.

I assume you saw this news two days ago. But your source may not have included the audio with the departing Kevin Roberts admitting that he knows Donald Trump** is lying about not knowing about Project 2025 in order to fool Americans into voting for him.  (And at least one source now says he is not “stepping down” but “stepping over” – I find that believable.)

Jul 202024

Yesterday, since it was Friday, Robert Reich posted the latest episode in his “DEBUNK” series. Heather Cox Richardson posted a blistering bio of Paul Manafort.

Russian soldiers are, due to the lack of purpose-built vehicles, being compelled to use whatevet that can lay their hands on – such as golf carts – to attempt to attack. I am not pro-violence, and least of all am I pro-enjoying violence – but I have to say that Ukreainians have an excuse. Slava Ukraini!

Robert Hubbell has had it with corporate Democrats, and I don”t blame him. I have too. I am extremely upset with Adam Schiff and several others. I think Hubbell’s advice is excellent for anyone who can follow it. Since I’m obligated to post here, I cannot follow the “Keep your head down” part, but I’ll do my best to keep my blood pressure down at least. This is a two-parter and I’m sharing both parts today. And putting a quote from the second part into a second cartoon.

Jul 182024

Yesterday, the biggest news appeared to be that Joe Biden is adding Spureme Court reform to his platform. I expect you can watch, or read about, this development just about anywhere. How very welcome this is can probably be measured by how vitriolic Trump**s remarks about it in his social medium (I made that singular because he only has the one.) Of course, the formation of an agency by NATO is also pretty big. But I’ll let Beau talk about that.

Apparently, we have zebra mussels in our waters. They are native to Russia, as are Siberian elms, another invasive species we have. Grump.

Joyce Vance has some things to say – about the apparent attack on Trump** and reactions to it – on both sides.  Normally, IMO, if something is balanced, it is by definition not fair, because both sides are not the same.  But she shows it can be done.

(jJst a snaoshot)

Jul 162024

Yesterday, Trump** announced the selection of J.D. Vance for his Vice President. I’m not sure why people are losing their minds about it. Anyone Trump** selected would have been equally awful, and this selection at least may open a Senate seat in Ohio and give Tim Ryan a second chance {although I admit it does make me want to change my initials). There wasn’t much in my inbox about the Trump** shooting. One petiton asking Republicans who have condemned it to now condemc all political violence. I signed it – but good luck with that. The second half of Heather Cox Richardson’s talk with Secretary of State Blinken has been posted. As I type I haven’t watched it, but by the time you see it, I will have done so. And, apparently, RFKJ is getting Secret Service protection – that, to me, is the worst news – or at least tied with the news that Loose Cannon dismissed the documents case. At least, the factor which pushed the SS to decide this was not a jump in the polls – it was the shooting at Trump**’s rally.

I did get an email from “Oil Change International,” a climate change fighting organization. Their website is here. And here is a source to check how your state is dealing with the issue of “certified gas.” Looking at the map of Colorado, I note that all the emissions events they map occurred in the vicinity of Denver. It’s not clear to me whether Denver (along with its environs) is particularly bad at this, or if it’s just that the population is so much denser there, and so is the usage, that the emissions events in that area are more obvious, more measurable.

This may not the biggest story – but it does, as Ursula says, make a big difference. So I’m posting it in case you missed it. See what you think.

Jul 132024

Yesterday, Robert Reich posted Episode #7 in his DEBUNK series.  Also, the New York Times finally nailed Trump** – in an opinion piece (SMH). At least it was the full board, and I have to admit they did it thoroughly. We don’t need to be told this. But you may know people who do. Not MAGAts, who won’t listen, but “independents” and “undecideds.” And people who have never heard of Project 2025 (Joyce herself ran into one of these a few days ago. She says she didn’t try to convey the full scope of it, but instead focused on a topic close to the person’s heart. This person was a naturalized citizen, so she focused on immigration.)
Here’s the gift link from Joyce Vance

Mary Trump makes some very sound points here. I hope that the American people are not too caught up in the hysteria to hear her message.

Wonkette knows, and AOC knows, that this won’t go anywhere in the current House. But Wonkette also points out that that fact is “half her point.” I personally am more interested in the other half – but that’s me.

Jul 112024

Yesterday, I sent a letter to my Senator, Michael Bennet, who is normally intelligent, but who has apparently been hypnotized by Republican propoganda regarding Joe Biden. I’ll put the full text in a comment sometime today. I also signed up for a virtual fundraiser Robert Hubbell is setting up with DNC Treasurer Virginia McGregor in aboout a week. Also, Crooks and Liars shared a 6 minute video about Project 2025 – perfect for sharing.

I’ve been thinking – a lot – of the Third Reich and all its abuses of humanity. But history has a lot more in it for us to learn from than just that. Heather Cox Richardson looks at the French elections which just happened, and, although their system is very different from ours, she points to the coalition which formed around Lincoln in 1854 and enabled Congress to defeat the Kansas-Nebraska Act (the same coalition which later elected Lincoln to the Presidency.) They had a lot of differences, but they were able to look beyond those and see a real danger. So we have done it before. And we can do it again. (I added the second column because it addresses the same issues that the New York Times does below – but with a whole lot more common sense. Incidentally, it’s probably not coincidence that she refers to Taling Points Memo – which also referred to her.)

The New York Times is really getting unbelievable. Even if dude was there to see Joe, that does not make the visits necessarily about Parkinson’s. My PCP of well over 20 years has a”specialty” of chelation – something which I have never had done.

Jul 092024

Yesterday, I learned that Mary Trump now has some merch. Only one T-shirt at this point, but a good one.  If you’re not interested in that (or even if you are), you might want to read this from her – it’s encouraging.  Also, I baked another batch of muffins.

Every week, Joyce Vance puts out a column called “The Week Ahead.” It generally comes in so late on Sunday that I can’t put it up Monday, and this week was no exception. But I think it’s important to post anyway. After a holiday weekend, y’all may not be expecting an eventful week, but it may be. There are things going on with unpredictable outcomes to watch for. And besides that, it’s one heck of a pep talk.

It appears to me that this is an excellent idea. Provided no one gets hurt trying it. Those (expletive deleted) are violent, and many are armed. (Of course, turning the tables on them may be so shocking that they could be immobilized.)
