Aug 172024

Yesterday, I learned that the same artist who created the Obana “Hope” poster has now made one for Kamala called “FORWARD.” It’s 18×24 but you can download it as a pdf on a single page. And if you don’t have an 18×24 space, you can get “labels” (actually just sticky paper) at an office supply store. (I just used my last one for something else, but have ordered more.) And, yes, this is the same poster I wrote about in yesterday’s email – I didn’t want anyone to miss it. It is Creative Commons, which means you may print it and put it up without worrying about copyright. You are, as it were, pre-licensed.  Also, I received a grocery delivery.

Margaret Atwood has a new French Revolution post out. She explains why it took her this long … but frankly I think this is exactly the right time for it. Not, I suppose, that the people who most need to be warned will see it – or not in large numbers – but at least we will.

I don’t suppose anyone who comes here is any more interested in crowd sizes in general than I am. I’m all too aware that crowd sizes are not even as good an indicator of electoral victory than the polls. But there is something they do measure, and that’s what this article is about. It appears that HuffPost is willing to print what is right before their eyes when the New York Times will not.

Belle Louisiana


Aug 162024

Yesterday, I wondered whether anyone who comes here lives in Chicago. Because Wonkette is having a sort of party there on Sunday. I believe there will be snacks, and I’m certain there will be drinks. (If they were bringing their own bartender, there would be drinks you did not know existed. I’ve read some of his recipes and he is a perfectionist. But they’re not. So it will be mostly beer.) It will be between 5 and 7:30 PM in the bar of the Kaiser Tiger. Details here. Also, Tim Walz’s dog Scout is on the cover of Vogue’s September issue, Also, too my stuff got picked p – so my porch is cleared and ready for more.

Robert Reich on what Harris could do as President to make the economy better. Yes, it gets a bit technical. But it’s Robert Reich, so it’s clearly explained.

CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) has done an investigation of the Republican plan to infiltrate state election systems with themselves in order to refuse to certify elections they don’t like the results of. I’ve seen stories on this, and I’m sure you have too, but nothing beats an investigation report from a responsible citizens’ group. You do have to use the “download” button in order to read it. It downloads as a PDF and does so very rapidly, and it requires less than 7MB of disc space.

Aug 152024

Yesterday, I learned there’s a new Randy Rainbow out. I also learned Randy has a sponsor now. I have doctored the URL to omit it – but I might point out that it is “Ground News,” which Trae Crowder has also accepted as a sponsor, so you know it’s going to be a reliable source. If you want the coupon, you can start it at the beginning. The parody is of “The farmer and the cowman should be friends,” from “Pklahoma,”which also is about division, so very appropriate. Here’s the link. With that accomplished, I also requested to schedule a donation pickup – and got today for a date. Well, I was ready; all I needed to do was move the chair I want to keep away from the boxes, and put out a note. Since I was going out to the porch anyway, I replaced my “No solicitation” sign, which was getting pretty worn, and put up a new one (if you are on our Mitch’s email list you probably saw it) “Warning! Retired person on premises. Knows everything and has plenty of time to tell it.”

Brooke Binkowski is new at Wonkette. She is a “counterdisinformationist*. In this article she addresses what counterdisinformation is and why it differs from fact-checking and debunking (both of which are also in her CV.) Even though she writes with Wonkette’s trademark irreverence (Rebecca appears to have a knack for hiring people who take to irreverence like ducks to water) some of her suggestions are quite doable. Of course, the more successful one is at it, the more likely one is to start receiving death threats, so take that into consideration too.

There’s a great deal wrong with people who to remove from society those wom they believe to be the “underclass.” But the one thing that may make them the most likely to rethink this is to point out that, without the “underclass,” they would have to clean their own toilets, scrub their own floors, at the very least harvest, and possibly also grow, their own food – and on and on. No, he’s not running for PResident – yet – but as an adviser th JD Vance, if Republicans win, he could still see the inside of the White House.

Belle Ukraine


Aug 142024

Yesterday, I didn’t accomplish much. But I did accomplish what I wanted to, so I’d say that’s all right.

Yes, this is a video. But it has CC and also (therefore) a transcript, which like all auto-generated transcript has some errors, but appears not too difficult to clean up. Frank Schaeffer is an author, among other things (here’s his Wiki), and as such he gets advance copies of numerous books to review, and he got a copt of Kevin Roberts’s book (which now won’t be published until after the election – I would hope it would be fatal to the Trump** campaign if it were. But since Schaeffer knows – let him tell you.

And, yes, this is a video also. It shows parts of a speech by Sean Fain, the leader of the UAW. It was made to be an ad, I presume on TV, so it doesn’t have CC, but it does have its own, so it is accurate. I did not plan for two videos today in addition to the normal two videos, but these two just captured me. Back to print tomorrow.

Aug 122024

Yesterday, I managed to see Virgil almost on time (I had to stop for gas on the way down, for one thing.) We played cribbage, of course, and he had the two best hands of the day – a 16 and a 17. He returns any and all greetings. The trip back was uneventful, but I got back tired, so I was slow to post.

Yes, this is alarmist. But, like Project 2025, if we don’t know about it, we won’t be ready – we won’t know what countermeasures to take, and we’ll lose time finding out. And we can’t let them win by cheating (again. Because if’s the only way they can win.)

Well, if I’m going to share one cautionary article, I may as well share this one as well, and it may as well be on a Monday. If kids were taught in school about the Political Compass, it would certainly be easier to identify where politicians are coming from – certainly in this election “right” are practically meaningless. It’s all about “up” and “down.” (Incidentally, they like to use “Authoritarian” and “Libertarian” for up and down respectively, but a better word for the latter would be “Egalitarian” IMO. It’s not only more accurate; it also hasn’t been stolen by crazies.

Belle climate


Aug 102024

Yesterday, I read Joyce Vance‘s post on the Special Counsel asking Judge Chutkan for more time – i.e. more delay. Being who he is, he has some very good reasons. But the line in the post which struck me and gave me hope was this: “[G]etting it right matters more than going fast.” Not that I haven’t always felt that way. But reading it from her hand strengthens my confidence that we can (aabd will) get it right in the end. Also, Robert Reich posted a bonus episode (not originally intended) of his DEBUNK series.

Of course this is one state. But the information that’s being used in this training would be useful anywhere. And our SoS has offered in the past to assist other states (IIRC that offer was made during the pandemic in regard to voting by mail.) I can’t imagine her turning down any other SoS who requested help on this.

If anyone had told me during the Nixon presidency that some day I would look back on that time as a kind of golden age, I would have scoffed. You probably would also. But looking back with Heather Cox Richardson, I now see that the greed and abused privilege of Nixon and his coterie were offset by the integrity of people in the Senate and the press who were determined to get to the truth. Then, as now a point was made of mounting impartiality in the investigators – then as now the President claimed he was the victim of a conspiracy – but then, as is not true now, most people believed the proven facts in the end. Who would have thought.

Aug 082024

Yesterday, +I noticed that election season is now in full swing – from the number of my emails. Aand that’s OK. In november I’ll have to do some unsubscribingfor my sanity. But tlections are important, and this one especially. Also, if you know even a tiny bit of French, you will appreciate that “Ms Beau” is now “Belle.” I hope y’all will give her a chance, as you did me when we lost TomCat. She’s been working with Beau a long time and the analysis is there. Also the hat, the shed, and the Tshirts (on a hanger to the right.) And when I say that he analusis is there, I’m basing tht on more than you see – the channel (Belle) is still posting 4 every day. I watch most of them, Occasionally I will skip if a title appears irrelevant to our blog, but, I try noy to do that because the titles are still enigmatic. Also, if you are too young for the reference in the cartoon below, here’s a link. Yes, it’s offensive, but somehow Trump** manages to be more offensive – even just in a cartoon.

There’s a lot in here that y’all already know, and some tha you may have known and forgotten, but also some things which are not new but are newly getting publicity. So there’s way too much to remember – but also some terrific points to make.

I’ve been trying not to bitch about it, but yes, grocery prices are too high. (And a merger of Kroger and Albertson’s would absolutely not help.) Glad to see the FTC will be looking at it.

Aug 052024

Yesterday, I went to the mailbox and picked up the note from Paul Whelan. The note I sent was dated December 15, 2022. He received it, or at least wrote a response May 8, 2023. The envelope has Russian stamps and postmarks with a postmark date of June 19, 2024. it was a lovely note. I had mentioned Virgil was incarcerated and he included “please do pass along my regards to your husband.” And just about then Virgil called, so I passed along his regards right away.

Pretty sure this means the entire State Department is also on the same page. I realize many feel this is way too late. But a nation cannot just desert an ally without warning – and particularly if there is a treaty, which under the Constitution is the law of the land. He has hated this from Day One. But he goes by the book because the country comes first.

This was written Saturday, but I didn’t see it until Sunday. So Friday, August 2, was the date Chutkan received the case back. No, she isn’t wasting any time.

