I’m not sure what happened this morning. One possibility is that lightning struck the Bonneville Dam, a major source of hydro-power on the Columbia River, upstream of Portland, causing a massive flood at all points downriver. However, the volume was insufficient and did not stink. Therefore, I have to attribute it to the other possibility. I finally Republicated. I’m still exhausted, but I’m feeling much better. The week will still be a little crazy as I’m going to the hospital on Thursday for a CAT Scan to see dust how much worse my tumors are. OGIM! Have a great day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:44 (average 5:27). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:
From Crooks and Liars: …How do we keep this sense of Democratic unity in the all-important mission of getting important things done for regular people going?
Here are my guide posts:
1. Understand that Democrats hang together or we hang separately. That old line of Ben Franklin’s at the time the Declaration of Independence was signed was not meant as a joke or clever word play: it was quite literally true and deadly serious. Unfortunately, this moment in history finds us in a similar moment, as that gallows the insurrectionists were building at the Capitol are a deadly sign that the threat is real. We Democrats need to deliver real things for real people over the next two years, or we are going to lose control of the government to a political party which just overwhelmingly rejected the idea that a president who encouraged a coup should not be punished for it.
We need to work together to get anything done, and we need to get substantial things done in order to win in 2022. With the margins we have now, there is literally no choice in the matter. We all know that opportunities for compromise with the Republicans will be few and far between, but compromise between Democrats is mandatory if we want to get anything done. So for my progressive comrades, we need to get everything we can on every bill we can, and then compromise and move on to the next chance. If we can convince the last few swing votes on at least reforming the filibuster, that should work out reasonably well for us, and even if not, there should be a lot we can get into the second reconciliation bill as well as more executive action.
Passing legislation with the narrow margins in the House and Senate is going to be an intense challenge, requiring Democrats to stay together and requiring everyone to compromise and work things out in good faith. Biden has started off in much stronger political shape than the last two Democratic presidents, and we are on the verge of passing the biggest and boldest recovery package in the history of the republic. We need to methodically get that done, and then build on the success with another reconciliation bill where we can do bigger long-term things.
I’ve included the first of four guide posts and part of the conclusion. I fully agree and strongly recommend that you click through for the rest. We need to overcome the urge to in-fight. RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): U.S. Reaches Grim Milestone of 500,000 Covid Deaths
What a sad day. Of course Trump** virus would have killed thousands, even if Republicans were not doing everything they to give welfare for billionaires precedence while fighting to evade spending to save American lives! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Mr. Bojangles – Nitty Gritty Dirt Band – [With Lyrics]
Ah… the memories!! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!