Jan 032025

Yesterday, I expect everyone knows that a couple of Cybertrucks were uses in incidents in which people were injured or killed or both. There’s a lot of speculation, but what appears to have been confirmed is that the two drivers – a white man from Colorado Springs who drove the truck to Las Vegas, NV, and a black man from Houston who drove the truck to New Orleans, rented the trucks, both from the same company online, Truro (or Turo – I didn’t verify which was correct.) We need not to jump to conclusions. In better news, my state’s Attorney General, Phil Weiser, announced that he is running for Governor. That’s good news, and gave me some hope. I’d been worried about that since our current Governor is term limited out, and I couldn’t think of anyone else who had the necessary visibility who hadn’t already served (and been term limited.) Phil has a real chance, and, while I’m now worried about the Attorney General position, I feel this is more important.

As a non-subscriber to Crooks and Liars, I find it difficult to read their stuff. And this particular one I wanted to save, since it has a lot of advice I’ll want to keep on hand, at least for the next four years – including a few Substacks (and I remind you that you can subscribe to any of those for free). I didn’t want to print it, even just to a PDF, so I used Ctrl A followed by Ctrl C to copy everything – then Ctrl V to put it into a Notepad file, and deleted everything before and after it (in simple text, it isn’t hard to tell when it starts and stops. If y’all subscribe, you shouldn’t need to do that. But it works for me.

Robert Reich could easily have written this years ago. It’s too bad he didn’t. Not that it would have changed much except a few people’s minds, and people not powerful enough to change much at that.

Nov 082024

Yesterday, The 19th (though its editor) ask the question, “What will it take for America tohave a woman President?” You’re probably familiar with the concept of necessary and sufficient conditions. Well, IMO, a necessary condition would be for Democrats to sontrol the standards for primary and secondary education nationall, in all states and territories, wit enforcement, for 40 years (one generation.) But i can’t claim that would be sufficient. The 19th is a Creative Commons source, so I posted it to Democratic Underground. and put my pwn opinion in a comment. By yhe time I posted the comment there was already ne comment other than mine, and by the time I got there to read it there were two more. I must have touched a nerve.

Yes, this leads to a video – from “Legal AF” which is affiliated with Meidas Touch, although if I understand him correctly, it’s now being opened as a seperate channel. Being part of a Resistance is hard, but in the long run not being in a resistance may be harder. I have to add to what Popok says: he speaks about watching blue states go purple, and purple states go red, and by larhe margins, but he doesn’t really address why. The reason is MISOGYNY. As in 2016, misogynists managed to hide in plain sight for months, even years – and then cpme out of hiding in droves. How long are we going to ignore this? Until it kills us, like the cancer it is? I’m providing the link to the new channel, not the main link, but the one to the “Videos” page because that is the page which has all the videos in chronological order (newest first) which makes it possible to follow a complete timeline. I am not going to be posting one daily, though I shall certainly try to be following the channel daily.)

Defending Rights and Dissent sent me an email outlining their plans for the next four years. (Of course it’s requesting donations.) They didn’t provide a direct link to the content, but I’m pretty sure I found the same article. Since we are now the Resistance, you might want to read it and at least know there are places to turn (ACLU is not alone). You know, Audrey Hepburn, when she was a teenager, worked with the Resistance in the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation. She had health issues for the rest of her life – not I think because of the work, but because everyone was starving. They ate tu;lip bulbs just to survive, for instance.

This link is to the home page of New Mexico Political Report. Which means it almost certainly will not look the same to you reading this as it did to me posting it. But here re the headlines I am seeing (sorry about the all caps. I cut and pasted.):
They are probably all still findable.
Colorado also could have done a lot worse. We still have one House seat that’s too close to call, but we did well with initiatives. The only big one we lost was trying to outlaw sport hunting of big cats.  So, if you are considering to a different state, here we are. I can’t say what our job markets are like, but our prices are certainly lower than California’s.

Oct 192024

Yesterday, another document was released in the insurrection case. It’s an appendix and essentially describes what Jack Smith expects to prove with which evidence, if I understand it correctly (as I type, I haven’t seen it yet.) Also, Dan Froomkin of Press Watch has published an opinion piece for Press Watch on what the mainstream media should be doing (as opposed to what they are doing.) I’m not holding my breath for anyone in the MSM or even small and local media to pick up on it.  Oh. amd Robert Reich’s election video of the week is here.

A Democratic Underground member found this on the Coachella Valley Subreddit. Sadly, I’m thinking that no major news outlets will ever pick up on it. And I haven’t seen any do so yet. So I thought I’d better post it.

Been waiting a L-o-o-o-ong time for this. While I’m happy about it, I’m still sad about those before “Don’t ask, don’t tell” who were treated even worse. I worked with a couple of Lesbian enlisted who were pretty clearly a couple. Even then (late sixties) no one minded but the Corps. One was transferred, and not just transferred, but transferred to Okinawa (I was in San Diego at the time.) It was just plain cruel. The one who was left asked if I would let her use my home hone to call the other, and of course pay for the call. And of course I agreed. It was – I hate the word pathetic, it sounds so condescending, but it was that impressive how grateful she was (it may well have saved the other woman’s life. Which didn’t occur to me then. But knowing what I know now, I think it’s likely.)

I haven’t shared Andy Borowitz lately because I haven’t been terribly impressed. I don’t think he’s losing his touch at all, but I think the GOP has gotten to the point of being next to impossible to satirize because they are so extreme already. But I did get a chuckle out of this one. I’m sure most eveeryone has seen the interview or t least a clip or two from it (if not, go find one now – even Steve Schmidt had nothing but praise for Kamala.)

Oct 112024

Yesterday,I was reminded of an expression I used to see all the time in early and middle 20th century detective novels (but it goes farther back than that.) it does, depending on the point being made, “[name] by name and [name] by nature,” or “[name] by name but not by nature.” For instance, the couple who took their interracial marriage to the Supreme Court and got it legalized nationally – you could call them “Loving by name and loving by nature.” what reminded me was reading that Jeff Crank is the Republican running for Congress in my district. Yeah, he’s definitely Crank by name and crank by nature. Oh, well. As long as he’s otnumbered – I realize that’s not certain, but we are working on it. Also yesterday, I got an email fro Scout Walz, sent by the Harris campaign. I expect all or most of you got it too. If not I’ll be happy to forward it. It reads much like a Dodo video. And one more thing, in case you have seen something about it, the Mollie Kathleen gold mine in Teller County, Colorado, which is now a tourist attraction, did not collapse. It did have an equipment malfunction in that the elevator which takes tourists about 1,000 feet down and then uo again, malfunctioned, and would not go back up. One person has died from causes yet unknown, or at least not published, eleven people have been rescued, twelve were still trapped as of yesterday, and at least one of the 24 is a child. Here is a link for more information. Teller County is the county to the immediate west of my county. My county contains a lot of natural beauty, but I think Teller County has more. Normally the most danger around here is from blizzards (which can be prepared for), hail, and occasional wildfires. Lastly, Ethel Kennedy has died. I’m kind of sorry she had to see what her son did to his father’s memory – and then didn’t get to see him put in his place.

Common sense should tell me that a judge, whether a traffic judge or a Supreme Court Justice, cannot know everything that is known by armies of scientists and researchers. And of course that is why trial attornies so often need to call expert witnesses. But this still makes me nervous.

This fear may be new to Joyce Vance, but it isn’t to me. I have not faced violence as an election “judge” but I certainly have seen situations which might have become violent. And that’s inColorado. She lives in Alabama. Violence may not be likely in her precincts, but I’ll bet there are many majority-black precincts which could easily see pre-planned violence and should prepare for it as best they can. Maybe not violence from ISIS – but definitely from vanilla ISIS.

Belle leadership


Sep 272024

Yesterday, Steve Schmidt referred and linked to an opinion piece in the New York Times by Stanley McChrystal, a now retired General who was in command in Afghanistan intil President Obama relieved him of that command for running his mouth in Rollong Stone. Steve didn’t provide a gift link, so I am providing an archived one. It’s titled “Why Kamala Harris has won me over.” It’s another “policies are not the issue, the issue is character” essay, as was, for instance, Judge Luttig’s, but it’s longer with examples (and it’s interesting that his examples of character were two Deomoctats and a Republican, and the Republican was Lincoln, while his one example of lack of character was Republican Nixon. But that’s among us. I don’t want to step on his centrist stance. Particularly when the only people who are going to listen to him are centrists. MAGAs are mostly lost, and the few who are coming around are doing sofor reasons that won’t get published in an op-ed.) Also yesterday, Senator Hickenlooper used his “Giddy-Update” newsletter to spread the truth about Aurora, Colorado, which, despite all the furor about Springfield getting louder, has also bee receiving harassment from MAGA dupes.

Sometimes living in Colorado can be un-bear-able. Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitstaff.

If you aren’t able to read or watch Joe Biden’s speech to the UN on Tuesday in full (Robert Hubbell has links: full text and video), Heather Cox Richardson‘s summary is a pretty good substitute. I admit I teared up when I came to “My fellow leaders, let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power. It’s your people…that matter the most.”

Sep 212024

Yesterday, I was still working on organizing, but more on computers than IRL. That is less tiring physicall, but possib,ly even more time consuming, though of course it should save me time in the long run. I do keep swithching from one task to another so that each task can also be a break from the previous task, which helps keep me sane (at least as sane as I can be.)

I saved this story for the weekend. It’s not a typical good news story, but it is about living one’s life in one’s own way, about friendship and love, about grieving, anout a (now international) item called a “wind phone,” and more. (When you get to the point where you see the name “Kora” you may want to grab a hanky.) What an amazing woman Nancy Brockman was! (I also love Silverton, BTW.)

This is also a nice story for a weekend. We just need to not be overconfident about it, or about any other good nesws.

This HuffPo article explains universal medicare as an insurance agent should (but may not.) Some people have a mindset that insurance is a bad investment if you never get any money back from it. The truth is that in order to never get any money back from an auto or home policy over time, and given enough time, what it means is that you are incredibly lucky never to have had a loss. Good luck should be worth something. That, and the fasct that the bigger the pool is, the more fair it iis to everyone. I would much rather get no monetary return from my insurance then get lots of money with expensive and painful claims. But I’m pretty sure that thinking will not convince Republicans – not even the old fashioned kind.

Sep 152024

Yesterday,as I mentioned, the opera was a double bill of “Highway 1 USA” by William Geant Still and “The Dwarf” by Alexander Zelinsky. The former is a sad (though it ends well) story of a married couple who have already sacrificed much to send the husband’s younger brother through college, to fulfill the promise he made to his dying mother. The kid has grown up to be a narcissist. He attempts to seduce the wife without success, and in a rage stabs her (not fatally, but everyone thinks so for a while, because she loses consciousness). And then it gets interesting. The younger brother will no longer be in their household. “The Dwarf” also includes a failed seduction attempt and it apparently is semi-autographical = Zemlinsky was one of the “Practically all the top creative talent in central Europe” (to quote Tom Lehrer) who fell in love with Alma Mahler Gropius Werfel. She did not return his feelings and must have been pretty blunt. The literary basis for the libretto was “The Birthday of the Infanta” by Oscar Wilde, who must have been thinking of the painting “Las Meninas” by Velasquez, because all the characters from it are in the opera.

The trial of the man who shot up the King Soopers in Boulder, CO is bring put all kinds of stories of how people react in situations like that. It will probably not surprise you that many, maybe most, are very unlike the police force of Uvalde, TX.

I’m not 100% sure that cruelty is the point is this behavior, but I am 100% sure that Republicans don’t give a flying continental whether it is cruel or not – as long as it riles up the base and wins elections. If it stops winning electins, they might change their tactics – or they might not. But it it doesn’t stop winning electins, they’ll only whip it harder. I do know this has been discussed here, but I also feel the Wonkette take is worthy.

Belle shutdown


Sep 102024

Yesterday, like pretty much every Monday, was my day to recover from the stress of the weekend, much of it self-induced. At some level that I don’t seem to ba able to reach, I’m a believer in the saying, “Don’t tell me worry doesn’t solve anythin. The things I worry about never happen.” Silly, I know – it’s supposed to be – but I can’t be alone or it wouldn’t be such a classic. Also yesterday, Wonkeette’s last newsletter of the day was titled “Wonkette’s News of the Day Was Stupider Than Usual” and the letter itself proved it. I don’t have space, and you don’t have time to list all of the titles, but WOW. I will be happy to forward the list to anyone who wants it.

Yes, I realize PolitiZoom is hard to read. Even with an ad blocker it’s not that easy – at least not if you have a permanent zoom in your browser, as I do, to make everything bigger – because then the sidebar starts to overlap the text. But I think this one is worth a read. If you really can’t stand it, a trick I have is o select all, copy, and put it in a .txt file like Notepad (and then, if I want to save it, cleaning it up.) Articles that are already pretty clean (elsewhere) I print to a pdf (I use an older program, but Micrisoft I know now has this feature built in. Apple I don’t know about.) Deleting a pdf when one is finished with it doesn’t hurt any trees.

This from Colorado Public Radio isn’t hard to read because of ads. But it is hard to read because of content. Is there any state that is actually addressing this problem at the state level? Because it’s not really appropriate, IMO, for communities to be addressing a problem which is cused by years of Republuan rule at the Federal level. Maybe even the state level isn’t really that appropriate either, but it would be better than leaving it to communities full of NIMBYs.
