Jun 142023

Yesterday, I was astonished to receive a “Tuesday Trivia” email from Ken Jennings. He stopped doing those years ago (after having done 800 of them.) But this one is because he has a new book. And I have to think that this is a terrific marketing strategy – emails to a list of people who followed you for 800 weeks (that’s more than 15 years.) If you are curious about the book, the trivia, or both, you can see the questions and answers here (I got two- Mahler and Marley – which is IIRC about average for me, and I don’t remember ever getting a Question 7.) The book is a compendium of everything anyone has ever believed about the afterlife, through history and across cultures, and down at the bottom of the page there is a left arrow (much like the ones under our comment sections) to the book’s main page.

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The New Yorker – Will the Judge in Trump’s Case Recuse Herself—or Be Forced To?
Quote – Someone has to win the lottery, right? [On Saturday, just after we spoke, the Southern District confirmed to the Times that Cannon was randomly chosen, stating, “Normal procedures were followed.” Because the judge was chosen based, in part, on proximity to West Palm Beach, Cannon was one of seven active judges and three senior judges in the pool for the random draw.]
Click through for more speculation. I have used two videos, one in Sunday’s video thread and one in yesterday’s, made by Michael Popok for Meidas Touch. He lives and has worked in the Southern District of Florida, and is the only attorney I have found who points out that Cannon is in the Palm Beach Division, whereas the grand jury and the indictment and the arraignment (and presumably the trial itself) are in the Miami Division – not only a separate Division, but als a 200-mile round trip if it comes to that. He is also the only one to notice that the Magistrate Judge assigned is from the Miami Divison. This is going to have to be addressed. A 200 mile round trip is four hours – and that’s in Colorado, which is much less highly populated than southern Florida. It’s not reasonable to expect that of anyone. I am expecting less bickering than many experts are expecting.

HuffPost – Donald Trump Becomes First U.S. President To Be Formally Charged With Federal Crimes
Quote – Trump lawyer Todd Blanche entered the plea on Trump’s behalf shortly after 3 p.m. before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman, according to reporters in the room. Trump spent much of the time stonefaced, arms crossed, as the proceeding unfolded over the course of an hour. The judge released both Trump and co-defendant Walt Nauta, a personal aide to Trump, without bail and travel restrictions. Trump was, however, ordered not to contact or speak with witnesses about the case, including Nauta, who continues to work for him.
Click through for story. As expected, the presiding judge was a Magiatrate Judge, not a District Judge, and specifically, one from the Miami Division (also specifically, not Judge Reinhart.) I’m going to avoid as much as possible even mentioning Judge Cannon, unless something comes up that is factual in nature and well-substantiated, because – to quote C. S. Lewis quoting an inagined afterlife spirit of George MacDonald, “all answers deceive.”

The Nib (Kay Sohini) – Breathless
Quote – I grew up in a sleepy little suburb parallel to the Ganges, and we were forever privy to a vast expanse of sky stretching from the shore. On the weekends after dinner, my grandfather woud take us stargazing. We only had to walk up to the roof. When I moved to Calcutta for college,… I could not see the stars. And I could not breathe.
Click through for graphic essay. This is the last one I have been sitting on, but I don’t rule out using another if one comes up.

Food For Thought

Jun 132023

Yesterday, we had thunder, lightning, and hail, and also a power outage which lasted about an hour. And, of course, it was cold – low fifties with a “feels like” in the high forties. The outage must have stressed me, thoug, because I tripped and fell – no damage to speak of – two small cuts is all – just annoying. Incidentally, if anyone is wonderng abot whether the indictment really has 37 or 38 counts, the aner is 38, but the 38th one only applies to the pool boy, so 37 relating to Trump** is correct.

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NPR – What is HAPE? How people in the mountains can still fall ill to mountain sickness
Quote – High altitude pulmonary edema — commonly referred to as HAPE — is a more serious case of altitude sickness that, if not treated quickly or properly, can lead to death…. “There are deaths usually every couple of years in adults who come to ski or have a vacation with their friends,” [Summit County’s Dr. Christine] Ebert-Santos said. “There are so many times when people are sick with a virus and you don’t really give it a second thought. Without having somebody’s eyes on you or having a pulse oximeter to see what is happening with your oxygen, you can’t really know if this is something going on in your lungs or it’s just a cold.”
Click through for details. I know, I’m the only one who lives in the mountains. But people do come up ere for reasons – and this was certainly news to me. I do own a pulse oximeter and I know how to use it, so here’s that.

USA Today – I don’t want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable
Quote – It’s like Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin wrote in a tweet Friday: “These charges are unprecedented and it’s a sad day for our country, especially in light of what clearly appears to be a two-tiered justice system where some are selectively prosecuted, and others are not.”… TWO TIERS! One tier in which President Trump keeps getting indicted via both state and federal justice systems and another in which the people I don’t like keep getting not indicted via all the things Fox News tells me they did wrong.
Click through for full satire – if it isn’t too close to reality for you to stand. It realy doesn’t get any more “bothsiderist” than this.

The Nib (Rosemary Mosco) – The Future Is on Thin Ice
Quote – Growing up in Canada, I used to skate home from school. I know this sounds like a stereotype…. I grew up in … Ottawa. A canal runs through the city…. [I]t holds the Guiness World Record for the largest naturally frozen ice rink. In the winter, the canal freezes over…. Only this year it didn’t.
Click through for graphic essay. Back in the ineties, when the general public started to hear about climate change (which fossil fuel pushers had known about for decades), the changes resulted in some extremely heavy swnowfalls for us (because so much polar ice had thawed, there was more water in the air elsewhere.) So many ignorant people thought that was a reason to deny that glabal warming existed. What will that say to this, I wonder? Will they even see it?

Food For Thought

Jun 112023

Talking Feds with Harry Litman – Trump INDICTED in Most Important Federal Case in HISTORY

The Lincoln Project – Everything Woke

Thom Hartmann – Trump Didn’t Act Alone – Deadly Crimes, Treason & More!

Liberal Redneck – Canada, Climate Change, and Crazy People

Cat Is So Clingy With His Dad

Beau – Let’s talk about old men bumping their heads….

Jun 112023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Der Fliegende Holländer” (The Flying Dutchman”). This was the earliest of his operas to feature the theme of a man’s redemption through a woman’s love by means of her death. Yes, that’s totally nuts. But he wasn’t alone – literature, music and art all had influential practitioners in 19th century Europe who were obsessed with this idea. Most of his operas after this one riffed on the theme. Exceptios would be “Lohengrin” (he doesn’t need redeeming, and Elsa doesn’t die – maybe) and the Ring Cycle (unless Brynhilde’s immolation redeems Siegfried – but he’s already dead when that happens.) But I digress.  In any case, the music of the Dutchman is impressive. It was written before he fine-tuned his “leitmotif” system but is already characterized by tone painting. A lot of music has been written by a lot of people purportedly depicting storms at sea, but Wagner’s in this opera is the one that convinces me. Senta is self-destructive and as dunb as a MAGAt, but at least she doesn’t take anyone else down with her, and her music convincingly depicts her obsession. And so on.

Also yesterday I received a petition from Move On titled “Convict Trump” I was shocked. I had to go to their website to send a message, but I thought it was necessary. Here’s what I said: “Have you lost your minds? No, I’m not going to sign a “convict Trump**” petition. Only a jury can convict Trump** (or anyone else), and they are not supposed to have any outside influence. Sending a jury a petition like this is jury tampering. Unless he makes a plea deal – that would result in a conviction – but do we really want that? Come back to me when you have a petition which is Constitutional. This one isn’t.”

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Colorado Public Radio – Sen. Michael Bennet wants to strengthen the watersheds that help protect clean drinking water
Quote – The bill reauthorizes the USFS’s Water Source Protection Program (WSPP), which helps fund projects that prevent pollution at the source, usually by restoring forest health and watersheds. It would increase funding for the program to $30 million per year for the next five years for work done in partnership with local communities, water utilities or agricultural producers. WSPP also tries to prioritize projects that focus on drinking water or improve resilience to wildfire or climate change.
Click through for story. I’m certainly aware of watersheds. But it never occurred to me what, besides lack of precipitation, might threaten them, nor of what could be done to keep them strong. D’oh! So i’m very glad to know that I have been voting for a Senator who does know.

The Conversation – Forts Cavazos, Barfoot and Liberty — new names for army bases honor new heroes and lasting values, instead of Confederates
Quote – The renamings so far have come off without controversy – and with no one seriously defending why the bases should continue honoring Confederates. As Trevor Noah said on “The Daily Show,” “Imagine being a Black soldier training at a base that is named after somebody who didn’t even think of you as a human being.” Celebrities popular with conservatives have praised the base redesignations, too. For example, Mel Gibson applauded renaming Fort Benning for Col. Moore, whose memoir was the basis for “We Were Soldiers,” a 2002 film starring Gibson.
Click through for details. How many people know more than one or two names of Hitler’s henchment? Honoring Confederate generals is not history – it’s just disgusting. And if even Mel Gibson – not just a conservative favorite but a – not terribly nice person – doesn’t mind, then really no one should.

The 19th – Could access to child care be the key to helping parents clear arrest warrants?
Quote – Cierra was among dozens of people who came out in early June for the so-called warrant clinic, one in a series of nationwide events that aims to address active warrants, usually those tied to outstanding traffic violations and misdemeanors. The periodic one-day events can be life-changing. People with lifted warrants can get back a driver’s license. They can apply for jobs. They can seek services that help with housing and food insecurity. They can also vote. “We are adding capacity to the justice system,” said Anza Becnel, the creator of the warrant clinics and the founder and executive director of Growing Real Alternatives Everywhere (GRAE), a nonprofit that helps organize the clinics. “We are adding capacity to things that we’ve identified that the community needs.”
Click through for more. If you didn’t realize this was a problem … you’re not alone … and you’re probably white.

Food For Thought

Jun 082023

Yesterday, my re-registration came – two copies, one for the car and one for my files, and the sticker Whew! Well, it should be easier for the next several years, at least. There was a flash flood warning on the radio, but not for me – for “northern” Colorado Springs and points north. Not that it wasn’t raining here – it was – but definitely not flooding (just a little too wet to put the sticker in place).

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Crooks & Liars – TV Host Loses It Over Kids Learning About Deodorant In School
Quote – Real America’s Voice host Karyn Turk argued that children should not learn about deodorant in elementary school lessons preparing children for puberty…. “Not in school!” Turk gasped. “I don’t think they need to learn that in school. Elementary school. They learn that at home?”
Click through for story. There is a video but I didn’t think I could bear to watch it. “Karyn”? Coincidence?

The Nib (Issy Manley) – Not Working
Quote – Today’s CEOs exalting the four-day-week future echo industrialist Henry Ford. Ford famously reduced autoworkers schedules from six- to five-day weeks in the 1920s to maximize productivity AND spending. “Leisure is an indispensible ingredient in a growing consumer market.”
Click through for graphic article. Henry Ford was no angel – far from it – but he was also no dummy. He got it that any business needs customers to survive, let alone prosper – and got it beyond that that a business’s employees are a great potential customer pool. Why can’t today’s owners and CEOs get it? And then there are the climate effects.

Food For Thought

Jun 022023

Yesterday, I had sent my disability certification without the witness signature to the DMV with an explanation, and I received a response that I could sent a photo of ny driver’s license to her and she could sign as witness. What a relief! I had gotten up earlt with not enough sleep and dreading having to go out again. Instead, I got to go back to bed. After getting up the second time, I made time to write a little essay to reply to John Pavlovitz’s email – some thoughts about the Bible I’ve been trying to spread for years in comments on petitions and article but which no one seems to be picking up on. The graphic he sent was so disturbing to me I just felt this was the time. It shows numbers and kinds of anti-transgender legislation in the states, Here it is –

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KDVR Denver – Polis makes wager: If Nuggets win finals, Disney World moves to Colorado
Quote – Colorado Gov. Jared Polis called for a friendly wager with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Disney on Tuesday: If the Denver Nuggets win the NBA Finals against the Miami Heat, Disney World moves to Colorado…. The Walt Disney World Resort currently resides in the Sunshine State and has since it first opened in the early 1970s. However, recently there have been rising tensions between the amusement park’s parent company and DeSantis.
Click through. KDVR is a Fox affiliate, but as I’ve often said, they are often good at local news. And the quote sounds just like Polis to me.

Vox – A big El Niño is looming. Here’s what it means for our weather.
Quote – El Niño is the warm phase of the Pacific Ocean’s temperature cycle, and this year’s El Niño is poised to be a big one, sending shock waves into weather patterns around the world. It’s likely to set new heat records, energize rainfall in South America, fuel drought in Africa, and disrupt the global economy. It may already have helped fuel early-season heat waves in Asia this year. “A warming El Niño is expected to develop in the coming months and this will combine with human-induced climate change to push global temperatures into uncharted territory,” said Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, in a statement earlier this month. “This will have far-reaching repercussions for health, food security, water management and the environment. We need to be prepared.”
Click through foor details. Republicans talk about Democrats being big spenders … but with the money they waste on fighting culture wars instead of climate change, we could really save a lot – of money, and of people.

Food For Thought

May 272023

Glenn Kirschner – Interview with comedy writer Buddy Winston, part 3/final: We discuss Trump flooding the zone w/crime

The Lincoln Project – $100K Chapstick

Farron Balanced – New Subpoena Could Mean Trump Sold Access To Classified Documents

Political Voices Network (John Fugelsang) – Ron DeSantis Has a New Political Ad, It’s Weird. Eat Your Heart Out Trump! #parody

Giant Dog Who Lived In A Crate For 6 Years Freaks Out Over Her First Cheeseburger

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s Colorado River deal….

May 202023

Yesterday, I got an alert from Axios that Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) has filed to run for the Presidency. I don’t know whether that’s incredibly gutsy – or incedibly delusional – or maybe a little of both. He is black, and Trump** isnot going to like this, and since Trump** cannot keep his mouth shut, he’s going to say so in no uncertain terms. I expect Scott to receive a plethora of death threats, and actual violence is not impossible either. It’s always possible, of course, that I am the one being paranoid here, but if I were Scott, I’d rather play it safe and wait

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Letters from an American – May 17, 2023
Quote – Republican congressmen wrote that section [of the Fourteenth Amendment] to prevent Democratic opponents, who hated the newly powerful government that had won the Civil War, from changing the terms of repayment of the debt. Democrats called for turning gold interest payments into payments in paper money. That change would have significantly degraded the value of the debt. It would also have destroyed confidence in the government, a result those who had just lost the Civil War quite liked.
Click through for the history – which we should all know but I’m confident were never taught in school. We do know that – though the names of the parties have changed – seditionists thrive on chaos.

Colorado Public Radio – Colorado is poised to set the nation’s first standards for green hydrogen. Will the federal government follow suit?
Quote – “The unique thing about hydrogen is it’s a molecule,” said Keith Wipke, who leads the laboratory’s fuel cell and hydrogen technology program. “You can move it around physically. You can store it. It just stays there.”… Due to [the concerns voiced by environmental groups], Colorado lawmakers recently amended a bill to include the nation’s first-ever clean hydrogen standards. Gov. Jared Polis is expected to sign the legislation, offering a potential preview of similar restrictions under consideration at the national level.
Click through for some details – I deliberately chose to quote a sentence that I didn’t find very illuminating, but it isn’t all like that.

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