Jun 222024

Yesterday, Robert Reich posted the fourth installment in his DEBUNK series. He posted another article too – he has referred in the past to the one person who protected him from school bullies without being asked, and who was murdered – but yesterday was the 60th anniversary of that murder, so he put up a piece on just that. SCOTUS decided Rahimi, and released the decision first, and Joyce Vance posted about that particular decision.

Talkng Points Memo does not link seperately to seperate artices in its Moring Memo. I chose to share this one because of the lead article, “Quick.. Guide to SCOTUS Malarkey….” including “Decoding the Cloaked Language….” but there are other segments. When you see “Rudy Rudy Rudy,” that’s where my rec stops. But you can certainly continue if you wish. (Yes, it was posted before any opinions dropped.)

I think Saturday is a good day for sharing this article from The Bulwark detaling why you need some kind of a break … and also how to do it without giving up. It’s in three numbered sections, and all are helpful. Section three does a longish digression (as an analogy); it’s clearly marked as a quote, so you can easily skip it. I read it so you won’t have to.

Jun 152024

Yesterday, the Daily Beast had an article titled “Who Will Live Longer—Trump or Biden?” My immedaite response was “your answer to that depends on whether you believe in science, or in the folk belief that evil lives longer.” And then I thought, no, it won’t really. Because the same people who believe folktales are true are the ones who think TFG is good.” So, either eay, the answer is Biden. And Robert Reich’s DEBUNK Episode 3 was published.

Tina Peters is not what I would like to see from Colorado in national news. Not that this story is directly about her, but it’s about what Mesa County is doing to attempt to move on from her, and her name is the one that leaps out.

For Pride Month, here’s an article about the life (and death at 86) of a transgender woman to whom we all owe gratitude if we ever use anything involving microchips. I don’t ecpect her legacy to impress any gender bigots, of course, but I also don’t expecct any of them to be reading this.

Jun 082024

Yesterday, Robert Reich’s second “DEBUNK” article posted here. As last week, there’s both a video and a transcript. Good thing, since nothing much happened here. I took in a grocery order is all.

This is a good news story about a rescue in Florida. I am 100% behind the Mom who is pushing for lifesaving rings to be readily available, but also feel I need to point out that in this case a ring would not have worked, though in many, maybe most, cases a ring would have been the best choice.

I have hardly mentioned Hunter Biden at all, because the GOP efforts to turn him into a monster have been so cringworthy. But this is a very interesting speculation. I hope The Beast is reading the room correctly.

May 302024

Yesterday, Wonkette referred me to this clip from The Daily Show. I;ve set it to start where he starts on Alito. It is a hoot. Also, I reached my plumber, who will becoming today (and will likelty have come by the time anyone reads this.)  Sorry to be so late!

This is noteworthy, particularly in Mississippi. I wish the Supreme Court would take notice.

I knew about this – you may also have read about it – but then I don’t pay attention to what Ursula calls the “Legacy media.”

May 202024

Yesterday, I saw Virgil. They have stocked up on playing cards while I was unable to visit, and now have at least two bridge (regular) decks, now totally new but in good condition. We both got some very hgood hands and also some disaster hands. I didn’t even try to put the wheelchair back in the car “forwards,” but I had no difficulty getting it in “backwards.” I did lose a little time coming home getting lost – but I’m pretty sure i know where I made the first wrong turn, so I should loseless time in future. Getting on the Interstate at the same exit I get off it when i go see him is IMO riaky, as the access lane getting on becomes the exit lane for the next off ramp too quickly. I was using it anyway before the hiatus, but i am enough less confident now to want to go 4 exits up and have a nice long access lane that no one has any reason to try to get off in. In other news, my “TomCat iris has bloomed this year, after i took the trouble to scrape enough obstruction away from the soil so that the sun could actually hit the rhizome. Only one stem, but three blossoms fully open and another once coming. I always though its coloration was that of a chocolate point Siamese, but this year and at very close quarters, it looks more like abluepoint when im the shade and a flamepoint when in direct sunlight. Who knew?

Not a news piece but  an opinion piece, on something we have probably all thought about.

And this, as should be expected from Heather Cox Richardson, is not news, but history. And it’s history that many of us lived through. History one lives through, however, is often mingled in our minds with other events, both public and personal. This connects the dots.

May 132024

Yesterday, I saw another Parody Project production. I’m not sure it’s new, but it is delightful. (The original song is IMO deplorable, but this may redeem it.) Also, Trinette was by (and returns greetings). I had a whole bunch of stuff- trash, recyclables, and charity – which I needed help getting it out. After seeing Virgil, despite coming home exhausted, I had a burst of energy over the week. That helped me with the decision to start making it every other week to see him.

Just in case you needed, or someone you knw needs, yet another reason to do every possible thing to prevent Trump** from returning to the White House

This site was down yesterday evening, but should be up today .  (And I don’t want to hear a single word about a PhD candidate using a double negative. There’s more to brains than formal grammar.)

May 112024

Yesterday was a bad back (and shoulder) day. I wasnt happy about it, but I had to admit I had earned it – assembling furniture, packing stuff up for charity, moving heavy stuff around. I thought I had paced it better, but I guess not. I used the TENS a full two hours, which helped. And today is an opera day (also a filling pill bottles for the next two weeks day) so I’ll make a point of resting physically, and ice if necessary.

This is what clean energy is all about – rechargeable batteries. Not the double A ones you probably use if you have a solar stake in your yard, but big ones. Really big ones.

Eric Adams is not my idea of the world’s greatest mayor – but I do like this. (And, if Trump** doesn’t hand his phone off to one of his attorneys before they take him, they will confiscate it, and there will be no Xeets from it. Not that i suppose the reception is all that great inside.)

Apr 062024

Yesterday, I found it refreshing for an earthquake to be newsworthy in some place other than California. (And, since there were no injries, the humor is a nice touch. “The Empire State Building”sent some messages via Xitter: “I am fine.” “I am still fine.” and then another “I am fine.”)  Also I got my lost made of people whom I haven’t yet paid.  There are seven of them, one of them whom I guess I saw twice, so there are eight charges.  When new bills come in they should be easy to find.  Also – the “Phone Call” Robert Hubbell prodived a summary for yesterday – Beau did a video on it  It’s over 10 minutes, so I sdon’t wast to embed it.  But it’s detailed enough i do wany to make it available.  So, here’s the link.

This really is madness. Sadly it’s predictable (and in-character) madness. Russia is not going to be destroyed by migrants. But it very wwell may be destroyed by its own government.

Very often I can’t find a particular story on “Law and Crime,” appaently because there’s so much crime that stories get pushed to the back. This time I found the one I was looking for. A value of $40.000.00 sounds like grand theft to me.
