May 192021

Glenn Kirschner – CoViD Fraud Task Force

Meidas Touch – Bkari Sellers has no time for Laura Ingraham.

Katie Porter Strikes Again.

Rachel – Political Corruption Of Secret Service Made Biden Safety A Concern (The book is out now – this was from 5/17)

Surprise, surprise!

Beau on potential Third Party formation

May 092021

Glenn Kirschner – New Sheriff in Town

Presidential historian Jon Meacham reacts to a new POLITICO report

Now This News – Katie Porter on fossil fuels

Rick Wilson on Bill Maher – Bill did not post this, but The Lincoln Project did.

Parody Project – “Envirnmentally resigned”

Guard cat defends mail slot

Beau: “Let’s talk about why Biden turned left….” I think Beau is missing (perhaps because of his youth) the fact that President Biden gre up in the 40’s and 50’s (whereas I gre up in the 50’s and sixties), but we both grew up into an emerging middle class which could not have existied but for social democratic programs. I think that’s the status quo he was running on returning to, even though it wasn’t specifically identified as such.

Mar 102021

Meidas Touch

The Lincoln Project

These sea turtles were rescued from the ocean off of Texas when the temperatures dropped below freezing (Imagine living in water which then freezes around you.) They were treated for hypothermia and eventually released- with playground equipment. The video only shows a few (and no words, just a chuckle at one point.)

Randy Rainbow’s new promised parody …

Katie Porter …

Robert Reich – I would be remiss not to quote a comment on this: “BTW – Reich refers to LBJ using the “Bully Pulpit” to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Dems had near 2/3 majorities in both houses at the time that overcame the objections of Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans like Barry Goldwater. And the 60-vote threshold in the Senate wasn’t in effect like it is today.”

Beau on a bold move by the Biden administration

Feb 212021

The Lincoln Project is finding time for Cruz

Meidas Touch – Voting Rights – and we all know why.

The Damage Report – Why is it cold if there’s global warming? for dummies

The Alt-Right Playbook – I Hate Mondays. This is the last in the series to date. However, the site has a couple of other series which may be worth starting.

SNL Cold Open

Beau – Texas and tough guys…

Feb 182021

Meidas Touch – Ted Cruz

Also Meidas Touch

Lincoln Project – “Oath”

Now This News – Mayor of Austin, TX (Yours, Pat?)

Now This News – Cori Bush

John Pavlovitz on “Cancel Culture.” It’s a big story in the world of cable, so it’s likely worth being aware of.

The Alt-Right Playbook – How to Radicalize a Normie – This is about 3x as long as the others – for good reason just alerting you.

Well, alrighty, then. “Q-Anon Anonymous” – a meeting.

Beau on Trump**’s “Love Letter” to McConnell – He can hardly keep a straight face. If you saw this yesterday, sorry. I bumped it (or tried to) to today in favor of one about staying alive in freezing weather with no power. But it was up for a while Again, sorry.

Feb 172021

Meidas Touch – from its podcast

Robert Reich on “Bipartisanship”

Axios – You gotta love this:

Trae Crowder

Drew Morgan – “Ouch” satire

Beau on some climate news

I try not to do 2 by Beau on the same day – but this one is different – it’s on how to stay warm with no power with a minimum of danger (at least the first part is) and it needs to be shared.

Keith from yesterday

Feb 072021

Meidas Touch – That “click” you hear when everything suddenly fits together and it all makes sense now.

Vox – Of course the time to think about this was in 2018 (and 2020). But anyone who missed that boat can learn from this. Almost 8 minutes, but what’s that as compared with the next ten years?

I just stumbled on this, so I have probably already missed some, and, not being on Twitter, will probably miss more. But I can at least share what a good thing this is!

The Standing Rock Tribal Council talks DAPL. Yes, there’s a petition. Wopila tanka.

Dr Jill – PSA for the Puppy Bowl XVII

I knew John Fugelsang was clever and witty – but I did not know he did puppets. Now I need to go see what else he does on video.

Beau – Canada and our First Amendment
