Dec 132021

Glenn Kirschner – Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Trump; Announces “Direct Linkage” Between Trump & Capitol Attack

MSNBC – Brian Wiliams’s Farewell (It ends around 3:40 but I can’t cut off the end. Watch the rest if you want to.)

Thom Hartmann – Democracy’s Only Hope Is With BRAVE Progressives! [Thom says we are among the brave – we are paying attention. Not that those of us who see it don’t need to do more.]

politicsrus – Kentucky HD

Crooks and Liars – Jen Psaki (This is even more blunt than usual, and I applaud.)

If Smart TV Commercials Were Honest | Honest Ads

Beau – Let’s talk about the FDA, an FOIA, and 75 years….

Dec 072021

Yesterday also quiet. Not that I got a whole lot done. I was trying to rest, and more or less did.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

Daily Kos (David Neiwert) – Right-wing so-called ‘journalists’ exploit Waukesha tragedy, drawing neo-Nazis there to protest
Quote – Ngo also disingenuously proffered as evidence a post by Brooks he described as “about how to get away with running people over on the street”—even though the post in question was actually written by an ex-Minneapolis police officer who encouraged drivers to run down BLM protesters, and Brooks had posted it as evidence of violent police attitudes. Of course, there is still zero evidence that Brooks ever participated in any BLM march or engaged in any protest organizing.
Click through for details. I am honestly more sick of fake journalists than I am of fake news itself. And don’t think there aren’t any on the left. We have to be responsible for moderating our confirmation bias … because RWNJs certainly will not moderate theirs.

The Nib – Why Are Everyone’s Catalytic Converters Being Stolen?
Quote – But catalytic converters have been round for nearly 50 years. So why is this happening now? The economic downturn caused by the pandemic might be one factor. Another is the soaring price of the precious metals that put the catalyst in catalytic.
Click through. Yes, this is what you might call a “graphic article.” But try to find a non-graphic one which lays out this information so clearly.

The 19th Explains: Women may soon qualify for the draft. Here’s what you need to know.
Quote – Kara Dixon Vuic, who studies gender and the U.S. military at Texas Christian University, said the passage of this amendment would be “huge, though largely symbolic” when it comes to the fight for women’s rights and gender equity in the military. “Right now, the only legal difference between what men and women do as civilians is men sign up for selective service,” said Vuic, who is currently writing a book on the history of military draft eligibility in the country. “It’s not that women don’t have to; it’s that they can’t.”
Click through for the scoop. I have always felt that if one really wants to be treated equally, then one must accept being treated equally. As obvious as that soounds, it seems to be a difficult concept when it comes to feminism. Perhaps that at least partially explains why misogyny is more powerful than racism (as the 2016 election proved.)

Food for Thought –

Dec 062021

Glenn Kirschner – From Trump’s False Claim of Exoneration to Jeffrey Clark Pleading the 5th: A Legal Recap of Nov 2021

Thom Hartmann – War on Christmas Causing North Pole Labor Shortage?

Ring of Fire – Moms For Liberty Group Smacked Down In Tennessee For Suggesting Slavery Was A Positive Achievement

Cracked – If Crowdfunding Sites Were Honest

A football (or as we would say in the US, “soccer”) team in Russia (St. Petersburg) teamed up with local shelters to put some adoptable dogs into the spotlight at a game.

Beau – Let’s talk about a low to no snow future….  (I’ve been worried about this for several years now.  It’s been hard to watch happening.)

Dec 032021

Yesterday, I got the groceries put away. I finished all the cartoons for December. I put together and submitted the claim for reimbursement for my thyroid. And I puttered around a little with beads and pendants.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

Crooks and Liars – Wait Til You Hear What Kimmel Called Tucker Carlson This Time
Quote – To scare grandma, they need fresh villains. So they zero in on this tiny, adorable, tired man, who has done nothing but good for this world. Dr. Fauci has probably done more good for the world than all of us in this room combined.”
Click through for what he called Tucker. What impressed me more was his description of Fauci, so that’s what I quoted.

The Revelator – Invasive Species Are Threatening Antarctica’s Fragile Ecosystems
Quote – We mapped the last five years of planes and ships visiting the continent, illuminating for the first time the extent of travel across the hemispheres and the potential source locations for non-native species. We found that, luckily, while some have breached Antarctica, they generally have yet to get a stranglehold, leaving the continent still relatively pristine. But Antarctica is getting busier, with new research stations, rebuilding and more tourism activities planned. Our challenge is to keep it pristine under this growing human activity and climate change threat.
Click through for details and prognosis. The Revelator is a niche publication, ;iterally all about saving the earth for human habitation, which means it’s very much about climate change and reversing its effects.

SILive – Honoring frontline workers and more: See how Jill Biden decorated the White House for Christmas
Quote – This year marks Joe and Jill Biden’s first holiday season in the White House as president and first lady. Jill Biden explained they were inspired by Americans across the country who remind us that “our differences are precious and our similarities infinite.” The year was also defined by the uncommon acts of compassion, bravery and selflessness by many — and the White House celebrates their service and sacrifice, Jill Biden said.
Click through for more. I wanted an article that was positive about it, which eliminated Slate and the New York Times quickly. I think most of us are glad to have a President and First Lady who are human and humane.  BTW, I think the video – in the Video Thread – shows more detail.

Food for Thought –

Dec 012021

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday, and also the last day of November, and had I not already known that, I would have deduced it from my email inbox, which was well over 200 by 3:00 pm, and may even have broken 300 by midnoght. Next Tuesday will be a little heavy too, but not like yesterday. It’s only “Colorado Gives” Day.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

Coooks amd Liars (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) – Editorial Calls For Investigation Of Cruz And Hawley
Quote – Hawley and Cruz were the only two senators to object to certification of Joe Biden’s clear victory in the 2020 election results, citing (with zero evidence) supposed concerns about the election’s integrity. That was the same baseless, toxic nonsense then-President Donald Trump had been spewing since before the election. Such talk whipped up the mob of Trump loyalists to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Click through for more. My only criticism of this is that we have really got to stop saying “Trump** loyalists” abd start saying “Trump** cultists.”

New Mexico Poliitical Report – Study: Emergency managers should plan for volcanic eruptions in the southwest
Quote – The type of volcanoes found in the southwest are also different from those of the Pacific Northwest. While scientists monitor Mount Saint Helens and other volcanoes for activity that could signal another eruption, Valentine said the future eruptions in the southwest are unlikely to come from the same spot, or vent, where past eruptions occurred. This makes monitoring for future eruptions a bit more challenging.
Click through for more science. Well, this is interesting. Though not – they say – anything to stress about.

The 19th – What you need to know about the Supreme Court case that could overturn Roe v. Wade
Quote – The court has heard cases on specific types of abortion laws, weighing in on whether different types of restrictions and regulations violate that “undue burden” standard. But this case poses a different kind of question. It’s an outright challenge to the core protections established in 1973. In its legal filings, the state of Mississippi has argued that the court should overturn Roe v. Wade entirely and allow states to individually determine whether abortion remains legal or not.
Click through for history, details, and probability estimates. I hope I don’t need to tell anyone here that this is not just a women’s issue but affects everyone. Many of us are old enough to remember what it was like before Roe.

Food for Thought –

Nov 262021

Glenn Kirschner – Michael Cohen Tells CNN that New York and Federal Prosecutors are Working Toward Indictments

politicsrus – Insulin

Thom Hartmann – Why Won’t Social Media Stop “Tokyo Roses” From Destroying Our Democracy?

Vox – Why you don’t hear about the ozone layer anymore. How did we manage to not get this dismissed as a hoax? And how can we do it again?

MSNBC – There’s Still Work To Do’ Says Rev. Al Sharpton On Arbery Trial Guilty Verdict

Rocky Mountain Mike – Auto Con-Bot 3000 (not a song.  But funny.

Beau – Let’s talk about hot takes, the Christmas parade, and intent….

Nov 232021

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutors Investigating Yet More Trump Financial Crimes; When Will the Indictments Come?

Courtesy of Politizoom, who refers to her as a “Karen in Training.” I don’t think she needs any training.

Now This News – It only took him TWO DAYS to collect all those bottles! That should scare people.

politicsrus – Beto 1 (I hope that means there will be more.)

Really American – Republicans Want National Holiday For RittenHouse

Smartest Stray Cat Follows Woman Home

Beau – Let’s talk about Birmingham, Biden, and deception….

Nov 132021

Glenn Kirschner – Insurrection Defendant Gets 41 Months in Prison. But What of the Cases that are Set for Trial?

Thom Hartmann – Why Is The Judge Hiding Rittenhouse’s Ties To White Supremacy? (Shades of Zimmerman)

Rebel HQ – Crooked Judge In Kyle Rittenhouse Trial EXPOSED

PBS – Amanpour & Co – Chase and Takota Iron Eyes. Yes, this is almost 20 minutes.

RepresentUs – Limp Democracy

Cracked – If Dating Apps Were Honest

Beau – Let’s talk about a message from a small government conservative…. [This is the video which contains Beau’s method for predicting what Republicans will do.]
