Jun 102022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump recruits & deploys the Proud Boys on 1/6, making him part of the PB’s seditious conspiracy

Meidas Touch – Harry Litman REVEALS identity of Secret Star Witness for Jan 6 Hearings

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – June 7, 2022

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Dives Into Scapegoating of D.A. Boudin (Of course the recall is over – and, sadly, our side lost – but the opportunty to learn is always present. Incidentally, I could actually agree with Tom Cotton to this degree – there are WAY too many Republicans running around loose.)

CNN – Ex-gun industry insider speaks out about Republicans and NRA

Mini Horse Tries So Hard To Make His Very First Friend

Beau – Let’s talk about an analogy to help people understand the climate….

Jun 072022

Yesterday, I had said I planned to rest, and I guess I did. I slept almost 4 hours passed my (only a suggestion) alarm time. When I did get up, my back was really complaining (which the TENS fixed up pretty quickly), but my shouldr felt fine. I think (hope) I have found the sweet spot to assuage that particular pain point. In any case, I have material – two stories about Colorado, one a good example and the other a horror story – and also a story on a crime prevention tactic hat actually works (so of course it has no chance against Republicans.)  Today’s cartoon memorializes the first known summit conference in WEurope (I for one would not be surprised t learn that native Americans were doind it long before that.)

Also, please, everyone, cick back (under the comments, on the left) to the post published just before this Thread for Nameless’s wonderful post. (And here I thought I was the queen of workarounds. This is brilliant!)

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Short Takes –

The 19th – Colorado is the first state to abolish anonymous sperm and egg donors. Activist Erin Jackson on why that matters.
Quote – In 2021, Jackson, who had no prior advocacy experience, joined a handful of other activists in starting the U.S. Donor Conceived Council, a political advocacy group. Sen. Stephen Fenberg, the president of Colorado’s state senate, reached out to Jackson to ask what donor-conceived people want to see happen in terms of regulation of the fertility industry. Jackson was armed with data she had collected outlining the types of policy positions her community wanted to see. Fenberg ran with it: Jackson and the U.S. Donor Conceived Council were instrumental in shaping first-of-its-kind legislation in Colorado.
Click through for details. Ethics is complicated. The original concept of anonymity was based on the assumption tha donors had a right to protection, but this ignored the fact that those who resulted had a right to information too. What you don’t know CAN hurt you.

CPR News – Victim IDs released in coal slide at Pueblo power plant
Quote – The men worked for Utah-based Savage, a contractor for Xcel Energy that operates the plant’s coal yard. Witnesses reported that the accident happened on a feeder pile for the station’s coal-fired power plant, which is Colorado’s largest…. Rescuers found the bodies of the two men buried beneath about 60 feet of coal after a day-long search. The men had been standing about 30 feet up a slope of the pile when the slide occurred, according to the Pueblo Fire Department.
Click through for background (including a lin to the original story). This is an extremely good argumant for terminating the use of coal world-wide. (Not that Republicans care about people dying as long as they are making money.)

Vox – A study gave cash and therapy to men at risk of criminal behavior. 10 years later, the results are in.
Quote – That’s such an incredibly good deal that it sounds too good to be true. But it’s been borne out by the research of Chris Blattman, Margaret Sheridan, Julian Jamison, and Sebastian Chaskel. Their new study provides experimental evidence that offering at-risk men a few weeks of behavioral therapy plus a bit of cash reduces the future risk of crime and violence, even 10 years after the intervention.
Click through for full story. It’s far more complex than a single quote can communicate.

Food For Thought

Jun 022022

Glenn Kirschner – GJ subpoenas Navarro, confirming criminal investigation of Trump; Trump feels the squeeze in GA too

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Trump Prosecutor Humiliated as Jury Acquits Clinton Lawyer in Sham Case

The Lincoln Project – Stupid

MSNBC – Feds Escalate Probe: Trump Ally Navarro Hit With Subpoena After MAGA Plot Admission

Twitter – Eleven Films – #AwakenDawn (trigger warnings)

Shirley Serban – Gun Control Issue in Cat Stevens style

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden, a cynical good sign, and power lines….

May 292022

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Akhnaten” the third opera in Philip Glass’s “portrait trilogy” (the first two being “Einstein on the Beach” and “Satyagraha.” The three touch on science, politics, and religion respectively, Glass explains.) Akhnaten was (as far as we know) the first monotheist in history. He decreed that Aten (the sun) be the only god worshiped in Egypt (Akhnaten was not the name he was given at birth, but the name he chose to honor Aten.) Needless to say the priests, especially the priests of Amon-Ra, who had been considered the king of the gods, were not happy. And it will come as no surprise to anyone who has paid attention to history, or to contemporary politics, that the people were also not happy. Theocracy can only hang on to power when thee are enough people in sympathy with its exact teachings to cush those who aren’t. Still, he might have been more successful had he paid more attention to governance – and defense. Without his failure to send reinforcements to his armies fighting on the borders, there might not have been quite such an opening for him to be overthrown. (And the Egyptians were not as dilatory as we are about removing monuments to discredited figures, so there is much about the historical Akhnaten we don’t know.)

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CPR News – Wildfire smoke and poor air quality are coming. Here’s how scientists protect their homes.
Quote – [Alex] Huffman[, an associate professor studying air contaminants at the University of Denver,] recommends households explore … methods to monitor outdoor and indoor air quality. To help manage his asthma, he keeps a careful eye on the EPA’s fire and smoke map, which tracks nationwide smoke plumes and air quality readings. To monitor indoor air quality, he purchased an egg-shaped monitor from PurpleAir, which now sits on a table inside the front door of his home in Centennial. It glows green, yellow or red depending on the severity of suspended particulates.
Click through for methods and details.   This is applicable, not only to Colorado and California, not only to the entire southwestern US, but really to everywhere. Sadly.

Mother Jones – He Did Not Act Alone
Quote – [W]hatever we learn about the Uvalde shooter, or any future ones—because there will be more—don’t say they “acted alone,” which is largely media code for “this doesn’t appear to be Islamic terrorism.” No matter the particulars, these “lone” gunmen all have scores of accomplices. Here is a wholly incomplete list of those who bear direct responsibility in this slaughter of 19 children and two teachers, and the brutality visited on those still in the hospital, all the families, and the community and country at large:
Click through for [in]complete list.  Did you find your Representative or Senator in there? Or maybe even yourself?

The Daily Beast – The Texan Working Overtime to Customize 19 Little Caskets (hanky alert)
Quote – The funeral directors in Uvalde decided that it should all go through a single casket distributor and customizer, Trey Ganem of SoulShine Industries in Edna, Texas…. “The funeral directors know who I am, and they said, ‘If anybody can do it, you can. Would you help out in Uvalde?’” Ganem told The Daily Beast. “I said, ‘100 percent.’” Ganem added that he would cover the cost of the coffins, around $3,400 each. And he would not charge for any customizing.
Click through for full story.  There is a reason why the motto of The Daily Beast is “Truth is a beast.”

Food For Thought (  Nameless)

May 242022

Yesterday, Colorado Public Radio News published thefirst photo of the first bud (at leasst in eighty years) on the Camp Amache rose. It is pink. I cropped the photo so it would fit here. I was deeply touched.   I’m looking forward to seeing it after it opens.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

CPR News – Why two CPR News journalists are in Europe with Colorado’s National Guard
Quote – Colorado’s Army and Air National Guard units are just some of the 1,200 Guard members from six states — Maryland, which has a state partnership with Estonia, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — taking part in this exercise. In total, more than 3,400 U.S. military and 5,100 allied service members are spending this month participating in Defender and various other exercises, with names like Swift Response, Iron Wolf, Flaming Thunder and Summer Shield, across Eastern Europe…. Now, the U.S. military will be the first to tell you that Defender is unrelated to what’s happening in Ukraine (and the former Foreign Service officer in me would agree with that). American troops rotate, train and exercise regularly across the region as part of the nation’s relationship with Europe…. Yet, this annual exercise has taken on added significance — to reporters like me, and readers like you, and possibly the people of Estonia too — because of what’s happening in Ukraine.
Click through for story. It’s a good day to be a Coloradan Despite Lauren Boebert (and Doug Lamborn), we have reasons to take pride in our state. (And it has some gorgeous phptps pf Tallinn.)

The Conversation – He’s Australia’s 31st prime minister. So who is Anthony Albanese?
Quote – To continue the slow burn theme, if Albanese is to be believed, his ambition for leadership formed late. Those who reach leadership positions are typically consumed with an aspiration for the top job from early in their parliamentary careers — if not before. They are fuelled by a sense of their own prime-ministerial destiny. Albanese is different. On his telling, it was only in 2013, on the defeat of Rudd’s second government, that he first entertained thoughts of becoming leader. Until then he had contented himself with the role of “counsellor and kingmaker”.
CLick through for background. I won’t promise that this will be my last article on the Australian election – I hadn’t planned having another one, but I think this has merit. I am convinced that the so-called “fire in the belly” which so many pundits say leaders need is actually a bad thing if one wants the best possible leadership.

NM Political Report – In light of drought, NM congresswomen introduce bills focused on water and science
Quote – “We know that our farmers and our communities are struggling to meet their water needs,” U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury, a Democrat representing the state’s 1st Congressional District, said during a press conference on Thursday. “And the pieces of legislation that we introduced this week will be game changers to help address those needs, put resources into the hands of our communities, and to address the long term water security of our communities.”
Click through for details of the proposals.  Of course we all knew that getting the right women into the right offices would be beneficial to everyone.

Food For Thought

May 212022

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ wants the 1000+ transcripts of witness testimony from the Jan. 6 House committee. Here’s why

Meidas Touch – Muslim TV hosts EXPOSE clear DOUBLE STANDARD in recent Buffalo shooting

The Lincoln Project – Doug Mastriano is Dangerous

RepresentUs + Mondaire Jones shares a first-hand account of a failing democracy

Ring of Fire – Marjorie Taylor Greene Says The ‘Real’ Racists Are The Ones Denouncing White Replacement Theory

Armageddon Update – Abort The Court

Beau – Let’s talk about when the wealthy meet climate change….


Everyday Erinyes #318

 Posted by at 10:36 am  Politics
May 152022

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Yes, I realize I just wrote about rivers last week. But rivers – water – like butterflies but even more so – are foundational to our survivsl at any time, and in the face of climate change it really is not possib;e to overestimate their importance. And rivers depend on watersheds. And watersheds, apparently, are, to put it mildly, poorly understood.

New Mexico – and I include in that former New Mexicans who have taken their knowledge elsewhere – is on the cutting edge when it comes to stream gauges and other technology to understand water flow. This probably should not be a surprise. Nobody knows water flow like people who live in areas which are essentially deserts, and especially people who have grown up in those areas. I’ve lived in high desert, but I didn’t grow up in one, and I assure you the phrase “stream gauge placement bias” would never have occurred to me, let alone passed my lips until reading this.

How much do we know about our watersheds? New study says gaps in knowledge exist because of ‘bias’ in stream gauge placement

Corey Krabbenhoft saw the ebbs and flows of New Mexico’s rivers growing up in Albuquerque. From that experience, she knew how many of the waterways in the state only flow at certain times of the year.

As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Buffalo, she is the lead author on a new paper published in the journal Nature Sustainability that looks at stream gauges, particularly in what the authors call “bias” in placement.

Krabbenhoft explained that the study doesn’t focus on where the stream gauges are located, but rather what types of rivers are represented globally when it comes to monitoring with gauges. This paper documented that ephemeral waters, headwaters and waterways in protected areas like wilderness areas are less likely to have stream gauges on them, which can lead to a gap in knowledge about how the river systems work.

In contrast, larger rivers that often have dams on them regulating the flows and usually pass through more populated areas are more likely to have these gauges.

In the introduction, the study authors state that this “weakens our ability to understand critical hydrologic processes and make informed water-management and policy decisions.”

Hydrologist George Allen, an associate professor at Texas A&M University and an author of the paper, said the team of researchers used a system called the Global Reach-level A priori Discharge Estimates for Surface Water and Ocean Topography (GRADES) dataset, which gathers publicly-available data. He said this does have limitations. While the United States tends to provide its data, other countries are less transparent.

The study traces its roots to a meeting in 2019 in New Mexico. During the meeting, the team decided to look into topics like water gauges.

Allen explained that the National Science Foundation funded a research coordination network to focus on dry rivers. This team had a diverse set of backgrounds including hydrologists like Allen and ecologists like Krabbenhoft. The team spent a handful of days in New Mexico talking about science and came up with several research ideas, including the location of stream gauges.

Krabbenhoft said the southwest United States is arid and many of the rivers are underrepresented when it comes to gauges.

This means not as much is known about the smaller rivers in the arid southwest despite the fact that those rivers play an important role in the ecosystem health and hydrology.

Map of river basin areas throughout the United States

Krabbenhoft said if all the information is being gathered downstream rather than upstream in areas like headwaters, it limits the ability to predict what’s going to happen in the watershed and to respond to those changes.

How did we get here?

The study authors describe this bias as inadvertent and say that it arose from the installation of gauges being dictated by national and local planning.

New Mexico holds a special distinction in the United States when it comes to water management. In 1889, the U.S. Geological Survey installed its first gauge on the Rio Grande at the town of Embudo, between Española and Taos. The Embudo gauge was installed in part as a training initiative that allowed hydrographers to develop stream gauging techniques.

It has since become an important gauge to measure the flows of the Rio Grande.

As interstate compacts were signed to ensure distribution of water among states, stream gauges began to play a critical role in meeting those goals.

Chris Stageman with the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission said New Mexico’s gauges have been used to collect measurements that ensure compliance with compacts like the Rio Grande Compact and for making sure that different projects are in compliance with environmental permits.

For example, gauges help water managers to track how much water in the Rio Grande is considered native, meaning it originated in the drainages that feed the river, and how much of it is non-native, meaning it was moved into the Rio Grande as part of the San Juan-Chama Project. This is important because the water from the San Juan River falls under the Colorado River Compact while native Rio Grande water is subject to the Rio Grande Compact. Downstream users like Texas are not entitled to the San Juan water.

The gauges also ensure that New Mexico is meeting its commitments to protecting endangered species and help with compliance in various permits.

What does the gauge network look like in New Mexico?

In New Mexico, various entities have steam gauges, which tend to be located along major rivers. The U.S. Geological Survey, the Elephant Butte Irrigation District, the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation all have installed gauges.

The majority of gauges in New Mexico are operated by the Water Science Center, which is based in Albuquerque.

Stageman said New Mexico, in his opinion, has a good network of steam gauges, however, he said “we can always do better.”

One area that he said could use additional monitors is irrigation return flows.

“We have fairly good gauging on the diversions from the river. But we don’t have a really good system of measuring the return flows to the river,” he said.

Stageman said the Office of the State Engineer also runs quite a few gauges measuring diversions off of the main river systems.

“That’s important especially in these times of water shortages,” he said. “It’s important for ensuring that people aren’t taking too much water.”

He said those gauges also help ensure the water is fairly distributed and reduce conflict.

He said, from a compact and environmental compliance perspective, New Mexico’s network of stream gauges provides adequate coverage of the state. There are gauges on the Rio Grande, the San Juan River, the Pecos River, the Gila River and the Canadian River as well as other waterways in the state. But, from other perspectives, such as environmental monitoring, he agreed with the authors of the paper.

Stacy Timmons, associate director of hydrogeology programs at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology, oversees the implementation of the state’s Water Data Act, which was passed in 2019.

Whether New Mexico has enough stream gauges comes down to the question of for what purpose, Stacy Timmons said. Timmons oversees the implementation of the state’s Water Data Act. In terms of basic water management, she said New Mexico’s network meets the needs.

But, if it comes to answering more in-depth questions like whether a river is gaining water or losing water at a specific point, Timmons said there isn’t enough data to answer that in many parts of the state.

She said the high population areas do tend to have good monitoring systems in place.

With drought becoming an increasingly more pressing reality in New Mexico, Timmons compared the water monitoring data to a fuel gauge in a car. She said if she’s driving along and her fuel gauge is showing the tank is close to empty, she will be checking it more frequently.

“I think as we face water scarcity, we need to have quick access to that data so we can make our decisions with that context and information,” she said.

The Water Data Act aims to make it easier for entities in New Mexico who monitor water data, such as stream gauges or reservoir levels, to share that information by aggregating it at a central location. This data will then be available to anyone who is interested in it.

“In New Mexico, we need to wake up to the reality of our water scarce future and do all we can to help the agencies that help us keep an eye on water resources and manage it carefully,” she said.

What are some limiting factors in stream gauge installation?

One of the biggest limiting factors in the number of gauges is costs. Stageman said the costs don’t end once the gauge is installed. Maintenance is required to keep them operational.

“We have to go out there and physically measure the water to make sure that the gauges are acting properly,” he said. “And our staff does that as well as the USGS staff. We kind of collaborate on all of that.”

The USGS has more than 8,000 streamgages nationwide and it can be expensive to keep those going. In recent years, the agency has retired gages. In the last 13 months, a lack of funding has led the USGS to shut down four streamgages, including one in New Mexico, according to a USGS website that tracks discontinued and endangered streamgages. This streamgage was located on the Rio Grande near White Rock above the Buckman Diversion. It operated for three years.

Timmons said another challenge with New Mexico’s ephemeral waters is the substrate. She said the streams tend to change course. The stream gauges would have to be moved if the waterway shifted location and that is not an easy task.

The sandy substrate that is common in New Mexico also limits where stream gauges can be placed, Stageman said.

He said if a gauge is placed below a wash that flows intermittently and carries a lot of sediment when it runs, that could wreak havoc on the equipment.

Why is this data important?

Allen said most rivers in the world are not large.

“They’re rivers that go dry, that are small,” he said. “And if we want to understand how climate change and land use are changing our freshwater resources, it’s important to have observations across all kinds of rivers, including the most common types of rivers, which are these small rivers.”

He said gauges can help track trends in river flows, including historical flows compared to current flows.

There are other methods that can be used to monitor rivers, Allen said. For example, he has looked at satellite data as a way of tracking changes in the rivers. But this doesn’t provide the same level of details as the river gauge. Allen said gauges provide a continuous stream of data while satellites might update every few days as the satellite passes over that location.

With climate change leading to aridification and drought, water management is becoming even more critical than ever before.

“Understanding how the drought is affecting water resources in New Mexico really depends on our ability to monitor the surface water resources,” Allen said.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, “enough for basic water management” now is good, but not good enough for basic water management tomorrow, and not good enough to predict potential future weak spots. There are seven states in the Colorado River Compact and three in the Rio Grande compact, and Colorado and New Mexico are in both compacts, which kind of makes us ground zero. If any of us is going to survive, we need to know about rivers and watersheds and water in general than we now do.

(If you want a soundtrack, here is one – a portrait in music of a river from little trickles at the mountain watershed all the way down to the mighty river that enters the ocean (and observing things and people along the way)

The Furies and I will be back.

May 102022

Yesterday, I did a little constructive oversleeping. Even when everything goes slowly, any time I drive anywhere farther away than 5 or 10 miles, I stress and get very tired. (When I was in my twenties, I could actually lose weight drving long distances, even when eating as much as (or even a little more than) usual. I’m pretty sure that’s not true any more, but it’s still tiring. Hence the need for a little extra sleep. And it helps – though it probably would have helped more if I had awakened to a happier news day.

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Short Takes –

The Nib – Restaurant for Vultures
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Click through for graphic article. I like vultures. I had very few plushies when I was a kid, but one day on my mid-teens I saw a lushie vulture and had to have it, and “Nigel” became a beloeved companion. So this story – which is less about vultures than about the many ways we contribute to loss of biodiversity, even when doing things which seem very positive, caught my eye.

Los Angeles Times – Column: Cops, not books? This town’s library may become a police station
Quote – [Frank] Cervantes [Library Associate] didn’t want to give too many opinions, partly because he had a bunch of kids to look after. But he did emphasize the importance of having a library in a small town like McFarland. He himself grew up in the even smaller agricultural community of Mettler, an hour away. His hometown had no library, but his mom was able to take him to libraries in bigger cities. “It was the difference,” he quietly said, “between a bright future and the futures that some of my peers had.”
Click through. I can guarantee tht if they do this, crime (or at least “crime”) will increase. If your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

No More Mister Nice Blog – The CDC Really Needs to Look into This Cluster of Right Wing Amnesia
Quote – I think I understand what’s happening here. The right needs to make the reaction to this decision the real story, in order to distract from the decision’s unpopularity and radical nature. Part One of this attempt to manufacture consent was the phony outrage at the leak, which the right blames on liberals, despite lacking any evidence to do so.
Click through for full blog. Right wing amnesia is nothing new But it’s getting worse … and their attacks on public education suggest that it’s currently far from bad enough to suit them.

Food For Thought
