Jan 252023

Yesterday, though it was pretty cold, I took out some recyclables – not to the curb, just so the polycart. I hadn’t done so for a while, and I needed the space. The speed and the degree with which my hands bounced back to warm after coming back in is actually more revealing to me of just how cold it was than looking up the actual temperature. Fortunately, that’s something I don’t need to do all that often. Also, I received confirmation to see Virgil Sunday, so I guess my change in phraseology worked.

I imagine everyone has noticed that some classified documents have now been found at the home of Mike Pence. Even before that, Democratic Underground had some thoughts… (I say Democratinc Underground rather than the original poster because comments.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Mother Jones – Can $25 Million Preserve an Alaskan Town Sinking Into the Tundra?
Quote – From a distance, not much seems amiss, but a stroll through the community, almost 500 miles west of Anchorage, reveals a myriad of health and safety problems. Climate warming has severely degraded the permafrost, so buildings are sinking into the tundra. The Ninglick River, which flows past the village, is rapidly devouring large swaths of land, taking with it buildings and homes during periods of high water.
Click through for details. The short answer is “not even close.” And you know the town did not get to thispoint from the actions of residents alone. It took a lot of bad actions from around the world to melt the tundra to this degree.

Southern Poverty Law Center – ‘Willing to Fight’: Residents rise up against development that could erase historic Florida town’s rich Black heritage
Quote – At stake is the fate of the Robert Hungerford Preparatory School property, where the leaders of Eatonville established a school in 1897 on about 300 acres. The school was modeled on Booker T. Washington’s Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, now Tuskegee University, in Alabama. Attracting Black students from up and down the Eastern Seaboard, it was for generations the beating heart of a community where, in an era of Jim Crow and lynching, Black citizens managed to build, govern and maintain their own Black-majority town.
Click through for story. Some livability issues are climeate-related. Some are white-supremancy-related. Still others are related to greed. Somehow they all seem to be related to Republican policies, though.

Food For Thought

Jan 142023

Yesterday, I got confirmation to visit Virgil tomorrow. This is the second visit in a row I’ve had to follow up on my request, but it pays off not to get upset, and I think they are rotating assignments or something because the name in the “signature” was new to me. So I think I’ll just start adding “Thanks in advance for your confirmation” or the like to my emails. It’s easy to do, it’s not insulting, and it could save a whole lot of grief on both ends. I also heard from a friend in California, one town up from where I grew up (but we had to join the Marines and be stationed in North Carolina to meet) letting me know that the rains had been heavy, but that she is fine. That area is separated from the ocean by what they call “the foothills,” although they aren’t at the foot of any mountains, they are just there. They are tall enough that a couple of inches, or even a couple of feet in sea level rise is not going to affect the area, but of course rain is another story. I’ll have to start paying more attention to the weather, beyond my own weather and the big headline storms.

Cartoon – (So many of TomCat’s cartoons were  clairvoyant.  This one is from January 2015.)

Short Takes –

Wonkette – Oh Sh*t, Ohio Student Noticed Top Secret Anti-Racist Message Of ‘The Sneetches’
Quote – This is where we are: You can’t read The Sneetches because a kid might notice discrimination is wrong. And that’s exactly what red state governors and legislators have been accomplishing. She added that the school district is “really not about suppressing any viewpoints or dialogues,” which it did, actually. In addition, so everyone will have something to groan about, she also insisted “We do not ban any books,” which is true, because all she did was ban a teacher from reading one. Congratulations, rightwing hoax-panic over “critical race theory.”
Click through for story. Children, like adults, differ, and not all of them have brains that fit the “tabula rasa” theory. Some are quite intelligent.  So, while I of course would not call any kind of censorship healthy, no matter how hard they try, some facts are going to get through.

Robert Reich – What to do about America’s “labor shortage?” Easy. Pay people more.
Quote – The reason people aren’t working is that work doesn’t pay them enough, given declining wages and the increasing costs of childcare, eldercare, and transportation. Both the Fed’s solution (slow the economy so employers can find the workers they need without raising wages) and the Republican corporate solution (slash safety nets so people are so desperate they have to take any job available) are cruel. They would impose huge burdens on many of the most vulnerable people in our society. If we want more people to take jobs and we wish to live in a decent society, the answer is to pay people more.
Click through for details. I don’t get it. Is it because Reich’s background is technically in the field of labor, not economics, that “serious economists” don’t take him seriously? He is right on this, he is virtually always right, and he has cold, hard facts to back him up.

Food For Thought (Our system can handle gifs, but not, for some reason, this one.  But uyou can see it in moton here.)

Jan 132023

Yesterday, I kind of fell down the gas stove rabbit hole. I grew up with a gas stove, which my mom loved because of the instant temperature changes it makes possible (otherwise, heat is heat – that’s really the big difference.) The same autumn during which President Kennedy was murdered, we sprung a minor leak somewhere. It was so minor neither of us could smell it. Mom worked full time (and always overtime the closer it got to year end) whereas I was a sophomore in college and had a car, and a schedule with a lot of gaps, so I was home more. And when I started feeling a lack of energy, I spent even more time at home, and lost even more energy. My aunt smelled it when she and my uncle came for Christmas, and we got it fixed. I never felt the same about gas stoves, and after moving out (well, a lot of moves, since I went into the service) I learned how to use a gas stove, and that there are ways of gaining the control over temperature changes that so many people think you lose, such as using two burners, one set on simmer while you are bring the dish up to high hear, then moving it to the low temp one and turning off the hot one. As in making rice, and doing stir-fry or wok coooking. Since the Biden White House recently issued an alert on the danger of fumes from gas stoves, gas stove lovers on all parts of the political continuum are freaking out, and I’m afraid I fell into the rabbit hole in the comments at a couple of my sources. Amazingly, so far, no one has savaged me. I actually received one uprate on a tip (a gadget to warm tortillas ina microvave) and one reply thanking me for the two-burner tip. Amazing. Of course, both sources are left-leaning, and it shouldn’t surprise me that Democratic gas stove lovers, even though Democrats can get snarky, would be more polite than Republican ones.

I’m not going to talk about President Joe’s documents at this point. I have read a couple of very different artivcles I’d recommend, here and here, if anyone wants to go deeper into it at this point.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Wonkette – Proud Boys Lose Lawyer, Fight For All White Jury, Manhood In Jan 6 Suit
Quote – Well, to be more precise, it’s a Batson challenge, although not perhaps as the Supreme Court envisioned it in 1986 when it held that it violates the Constitution’s Equal Protection clause for prosecutors to use their peremptory strikes to exclude jurors simply because of their race and lowered the threshold for proving that a strike was racially motivated. In plain English, in a criminal case, each side can strike unlimited numbers of jurors “for cause,” and a limited number just because they feel like it, i.e. peremptorily. Before Batson, it was standard practice in some jurisdictions for prosecutors to strike all Black jurors when the defendant was Black.
Click through for story. I believe the jury is set and oral arguments began yesterday, but I wanted to post a reminder of the “Batson challenge” and the bad old days. I also wanted to share Wonkette’s source which said the jury “is not bereft of white people.”  That gave me a chuckle.

truthout – Privatization Scam Threatens to Replace Traditional Medicare Altogether by 2030
Quote – The incessantly repeated television ad for Medicare Advantage, which has often been narrated by 1960s quarterback Joe Namath, is full of disinformation — and it’s a profitable scam for health insurers. The disingenuously named privatized program has all kinds of disadvantages compared to the traditional Medicare program that dates back to 1965.
Click through for details. I’ve never felt a supplemental program, other than Part D, was right for my unusual circumstances. But i’m 100% good with some kind of supplement to Medicare (mine just happens to be a former-employer-funded HSA). A lot of us here have Medicare, some probably have a supplement, and you should have access to the knowledge of exactly what you are paying for.

Food For Thought

Jan 102023

Yesterday, the Smithsonian newsletter included a link to their Andean Bear cub cam (at a month and a half, their eyes have not yet opoened, nor can they hear), and that page also includes a link to the Giant Panda cam. I didn’t try the pandas. I watched the cubs for a minute or teo, saw no motion, but heard a tiny “squeep.” It might have been a baby snore – not, I think, a baby sneeze. Also, I received a grocery delivery.It looks like i got everything except the lip balm, and there’s no huge hurry on that.  In actual news, The PCCC (Bold Progressives wants to know whether or not we think it would be a good idea for Katie Porter to run for the Senate next time.  Initially I shuddered, thnking of Tim Ryan (and so many others),.  and then I thought, wait a minute – her district was already red, and redistricting just made it redder – she probably actually has better prospects state wide.  So I answered yes.  Of course they also want funds but they’ve labeled it “optional,” so no pressure.  Here’s the link.

I cannot say it was a slow news day.  In fact, it was so much the opposite that it’s going to take me a while to digest it.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – Russian Wife Wants Her Husband To Go Die In Ukraine For A New Car
Quote – A Russian woman named her goal in the war against Ukraine…. [O]ne Russian woman confirmed that she wanted to send her husband to die to get a car for him…. And she did it right in his presence…. The Russian confirms that he supports the dictator Vladimir Putin and will go to the front when he is summoned.
Click through – If this is real, and not some twisted joke, it’s easy to see why GQP voters are so in sync with Russia.

CPR News – Colorado sees more avalanche deaths than any other state. A training course at this mountain park hopes to change that
Quote – While carrying avalanche safety equipment has become the norm for many backcountry skiers and other recreators, remembering how to use it in an emergency properly is another skill entirely. So where can one practice for the unthinkable? At a park just outside of Minturn, now open for its third season, there are eight transmitters that people can practice finding with their beacons.
Click through for story. Good thing we have technology, because avalanches are a phenomenon which climate change is not going to make less common. Now people just need to learn how to use it.

Food For Thought

Dec 292022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s tax returns and the corruption at the top of the IRS during the Trump years

Thom Hartmann – This Proves We Haven’t Lost to Climate Change Featuring Featuring Michael Mann

Farron Balanced – Mark Meadows Might Have Already Flipped On Trump

Rocky Moutain Mike – MTG – Butt plugs and Dildoes

Family Finds Someone In A Taped-Up Box

Beau – Let’s talk about a Christmas special…. [this is long, but the way his staff set him up, especially at the end, is priceless.]

Dec 192022

Glenn Kirschner – DC Bar counsel finds Rudy Giuliani committed ethics violation, recommends he be DISBARRED

MSNBC – Fauci Addresses Elon Musk’s Critical Tweets: ‘I Don’t Pay Attention To That’ (Ignore Mrs Greenspan – Fauci has something to say which needs to be heard.)

Robert Reich – How the Corporate Takeover of American Politics Began

Mrs Betty Bowers – Grooming Children with Bibles, Not Drag Queens!

Twitter Willow

Beau – Let’s talk about my son’s questions about Christmas cards….

Nov 302022

Glenn Kirschner – In his recent post, Donald Trump admits to not one but two crimes. Can indictments be far off?

Ring of Fire – Crazed Capitol Rioters Head To Prison

Robert Reich – Does Elon Musk Have a Right to Destroy Twitter?

Real Subtitles? What can you do when your country is out of hamburgers?

Puppy Born Without Front Legs Brings Life To Senior Dogs

Beau – Let’s talk about Arizona, water, and a new market….

Nov 292022

Yesterday, the weather prediction was for snow today – and very cold – with a high below 32°F. Since I start shivering and my teeth chatter at 72°F, I’ll be staying in (not that I don’t anyway.) I also received confirmation to visit Virgil Sunday (and snow is NOT predicted for Sunday.) Also too, I learned that last Saturday was the 100th birthday og Charles M. Schulz. Here’s a link to a page of cartoons, which starts with political ones, but also includes more birthday tributes to the creator of “Peanuts” than you would probably think possible (and one or two are conspicuous, to me at least, by their absence.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Axios – World’s largest active volcano starts to erupt in Hawaii
Quote – Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano — located on the Big Island — began erupting late Sunday night, the U.S. Geological Survey said…. “Based on past events, the early stages of a Mauna Loa eruption can be very dynamic and the location and advance of lava flows can change rapidly,” USGS said…. Webcams for the volcano can be found at https://www.usgs.gov/volcanoes/mauna-loa/webcams
Click through for developing story. It appers when that say “largest,” they are talking about its perceived height, not the amount of damage it can do world wide. The latter would probably be Krakatoa. And the danger isn’t lava, but volcanic ash particles released into the air, whoch can block sunlight for years, sort of like a “nuclear winter.” Look up the year 536 CE (or “Worst year to be alive.”) Also, I don’t remember the year, but it wasn’t that long ago, when an eruption caused enough particles in the air over Europe that planes couldn’t fly for weeks. You may remember that too.

Wonkette – Buffalo Gunman Pleads Guilty To Hate Crimes, Will Spend Rest Of Life In Prison
Quote – This theory, whether it’s been called that or not, has been around for decades. Most people will date it back to the work of French crackpot Renaud Camus’s 2011 essay “Le Grand Remplacement,” in which he claimed that white citizens of European countries were being replaced by Black and Middle Eastern immigrants, or back to the “White Genocide” nonsense of 1990s white supremacists, but it’s always been there. A major feature of early 1900s antisemitism and racism in the United States was that Jewish people were supporting Black civil rights struggles because they wanted to replace WASPs with Black people and then take over the world.
Click through for more information. Today’s FFT summarizes my thoughts on this pretty well (it ain’t just Mexicans).

Food For Thought
