May 122023

Yesterday (all tornado warnings having expired at 7:34 pm the previous night), the precipitation continued, but it was mostly rain. I said that quarter-sized hail would not be breaking any car windows, and I stick to that, because automotive glass is tempered. I didn’t promise no windows in buildings would break, and I didn’t promise there would be no hail bigger than quarter-size. Tennis-ball size was reported along I-70, and some golf-ball-size was photographed with a quarter to show the difference. One tornado was reported, in Morgan County (way northeast of me) which lasted from 5:55 to 6:45. I guess I’m going to have to put up a sign that says “Do not touch my roof. It’s under warranty and you are not certified by Gerard.” Because the roof vultures will be around as soon as the sun is back.  Springtime in the Rockies!

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Colorado Public Radio – [Democratic Rep. Joe] Neguse is reintroducing a bill in Congress that would boost pay and benefits for wildland firefighters
Quote – Now Neguse is reintroducing Tim’s Act, a bill to increase federal firefighter pay and benefits, with fellow Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California. Tim Hart was a smokejumper who lost his life fighting a wildfire in New Mexico in 2021. Neguse credits Tim’s wife, Michelle, as one of the driving forces behind the legislation. Neguse and Porter pushed some parts of the bill across the finish line last Congress, such as improving retirement benefits and a temporary increase in pay through the bipartisan infrastructure bill. But Neguse wants to finish the job.
Click through for details. Speaking of weather, it’s nice to have a bit of good news, even if it’s currently tentative. Yes, our (primary) fire season runs right through our hail season (and beyond.) Not that we can’t have fires just about any time. As can California.

Crooks and Liars – Nine GOP Senators (All On Judiciary) Got Checks From Harlan Crow
Quote – “There should be bipartisan outrage about the undisclosed gifts and travel billionaire megadonor Harlan Crow has given Justice Thomas,” Accountable.US president Kyle Herrig said last month. “Senate Judiciary Republicans should join their Democratic colleagues to act. However, their silence so far may be because they have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Crow as well.”
Click through for full list, including pictures of 8 of the 9. You will recognize every name. Every one of them is nationally known (and not for any positive reason.)

Food For Thought

May 112023

Yesterday, there was a “tornadic thunderstorm” in our general area. It was reported as 30-some miles north of Colorado Springs and moving north/northwest (I am just south of Colorado Springs’ southern city limit.) No threat to me, but I had not heard the term “tornadic thunderstorm” before. It’s quite evocative. Our summer thunderstorms often bring hail, and they mentioned quarter-sized hail (which is not going to break any windshields.) The Weather Service announcement didn’t say so, but, looking at Weather Underground, there may be more tomorrow. I tend to stay indoors anyway, and yesterdat was not (and today will not) be exceptions.  Also, if you haven’t read aboout the Biden-McCarthy-Schumer-McConnel meeting and want to, Heather Cox Richardson has it covered.

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Stuff That Needs to Be Said – Teachers Are Superheroes
Quote (from the email) – Five years ago I wrote a blog post called Teachers are Superheroes. I spoke from a place of deep gratitude and awe for the teachers I see in action every day—in my community, and in the lives of my own children. I wrote about the challenges they face and the burdens they bear. Little did I know that five years later those burdens would be so much heavier and the threats to them so much more coordinated and serious.
Click through for original column from 2018. This is Teacher Appreciation Week. His explanatory email also provided ideas for concrete ways to support teachers IRL:
* Volunteer your time at local schools to take some of the burdens from overworked teachers.
* Donate supplies so teachers don’t have to use their personal resources in order to serve their students.
* Attend school board meetings and help offer dissenting voices to the increasingly incendiary Conservative presence there to intimidate.
* Vote in school board elections. Do your research and help elect candidates who are champions of public education and advocates for teachers.
* Publicly advocate for funding for teachers and their schools.
* Join or support local teacher organizations.
* Show gratitude to local teachers with cards, gift cards, movie tickets, and spa certificates.
* Spread awareness on social media to help people understand the threats and the adversity that teachers are experiencing.
* Form a parent advocacy group whose job it is to serve as a watchdog for school policies and practices that undermine teachers.


CPR News – We’re publishing a series about tobacco in Colorado. Here’s why
Quote – Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable and premature death in Colorado.
Read that again. Tobacco kills the most Coloradans. Not opioids, not guns, not car crashes — not even COVID-19. Every year, more than 5,000 people die because of their own habits. And yet, no one is talking about it. It’s rarely in the headlines.
Click through for the story. It’s not like we don’t have our share of guns – and it’s arguable that Columbine started it – and yet, tobacco is deadlier still. There’s a link to the first episode, which is already out. I’ve been remarkably lucky for a former smoker (of course I’ve been free for 47 years this month) but I’m well aware of the possible consequences.

Food For Thought

May 022023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump attorney cross-examines E. Jean Carroll while Trump flys off to golf; judge DENIES mistrial

Foundation to Combat Antisemitism – #StandUpToJewishHate: Son

Farron Balanced – Trump’s Lawyer Gets Completely Humiliated By Judge At The Start Of Assault Trial (Not sure he’s actually capable of humiliation, but the judge did get in some good remarks.)

John Fugelsang – Don’t give up, George Santos!

Half-Pound Kitten Now Pounces On His Siblings Every Chance He Gets

Beau – Let’s talk about Republicans shifting on climate and numbers….

Apr 302023

Glenn Kirschner – In closing arguments, Proud Boys BLAME DONALD TRUMP for the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol

Thom Hartmann – Distressing Truth Scientists Don’t Want To Tell You

Farron Balanced – Donald Trump Gives Jim Jordan The WORST Compliment A Politician Could Get

Parody Project – CALLOUS MAN – A Parody of Piano Man

Hissing Feral Cat Becomes A Couch Potato

Beau – Let’s talk about true propaganda….

Apr 282023

Glenn Kirschner – Mike Pence testifies to federal grand jury about Donald Trump’s democracy-busting January 6 crimes

MSNBC – Anand Giridharadas: We aren’t just dividing as a society, we are de-developing

Ring of Fire – Texas Republicans Try To Make It ILLEGAL To Report Fossil Fuel Pollution

John Oliver makes his own ad in response (Part II of Bud Light)

Stray Cat Decides To Follow This Dog Home

Beau – Let’s talk about hope…. (I would love to know what happened to the “studio,”but he didn’t mention it. He did mention some months ago they were working on some changes – but this only lasted one video.)

Apr 262023

Yesterday, The good news (IMO) is that Biden has annonced he will seek reelection. I also received a grocery delivery today – a couple of things missing, but nothing that can’t wait until I cam get an order together for the sother store (at least for now it’s the other store – I really, really hope they don’t merge, but I fear they will.)

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Out There Colorado – Colorado city becomes first certified pollinator district in the world
Quote – Manitou Springs, located at the foot of Pikes Peak, has recently been named the world’s first certified pollinator district, according to an announcement from the conservation organization, Manitou Pollinators. The organization partnered with the Butterfly Pavilion in 2019, to make certification possible. “We were looking for a Pollinator Conservation Organization that could help our community navigate the loss of our honey bees, butterflies, beetles, hummingbirds and all of the other invertebrates as keystone species that provide for our quality of life, beauty and pleasure,” officials said.
Click throuigh for more. Manitou SPrings is right in Colorado Springs’s back yard. This is a pleasure to share.

Crooks & Liara – Bye Bye Tucker! Carlson OUT At Fox News!
Quote – More coming as we update this story. In the meantime, pop a cork for the United States of America, the real winner here.
Click through for story. Of course by now everyone knows Tucker is out. But it’s such good news, it’s worth dwelling on a little.

Food For Thought

Apr 242023

Yesterday, I got to see Virgil, and he returns all greetings. The drive was uneventful both directions. We played Scrabble – or I guess I should start saying we played with a Scrabble set, because the object of our playing was not to win but to use all the letters, which requires cooperation. We succeeded three times and started a fourth but did not have time to get very far. The last unfinished game, I picked up the Q, the X, and the Z all in the first 7 letters I picked up. I could not have done that ifI had tried. I managed to play the third just as it was time for us to pack it up, which I’d call an accomplishment.

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HuffPost – Hakeem Jeffries Tears Into ‘Totally Out Of Control’ Marjorie Taylor Greene
Quote – The leadership apparently supports Marjorie Taylor Greene. The rank-and-file Republicans apparently support Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s allowed to lie. She’s allowed to debase the institution. Apparently, Marjorie Taylor Greene is even allowed to elevate someone who appears to have engaged in espionage and treason against the United States of America.
Click through for more. Keeping it truthful without invective or smears. The article also notes that one Republican, Green without an e, did come down on her on Wednesday for some truly vile stuff. But mostly, they don’t.

The Nib (Levi Hastings) – Overfishing, pollution, and urban development are causing the Resident Orca population in the Pacific Northwest to plummet.
Quote – In summer 2018, a female orca known as Tahlequa (J35) made national headlines when she traveled over 1,000 milies through the waters of the Pacific Northwest while dragging the lifeless body of her stillborn calf. She refused to abandon her baby for 17 days. Later that season, scientists and locals watched helplessly as the malnourished four-year-old juvenile known as Scarlet (J50) slowly starved and eventually disappeared, never to resurface.
Click through for the rest. This is another graphic article which I’m sharing a little late for Earth Day.

Food For Thought

Apr 232023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Idomeneo,” an early piece by Mozart, based on the trans-cultural legend of the person away from home, in peril of their life, who vows to sacrifice the first living thing they see when they get home if they can only get there alive. Of course, the first living thing they see is their son (or, if they’re Hebrew, their daughter – cf. Jephthah.) Idomeneus was the king of Crete who went to fight at the Trojan War. That war took ten years from start to finish, and both sides pretty much stayed at Troy the full time, though there were things that happened elsewhere (e.g. Philoctetes), and there were some refugees. One of the characters is Elettra, a jealous (and somewhat nationalistic) princess who is a refugee from Argos and who falls in love with Idomeneus’s son Idamante, who is already in love with Ilia, a Trojan princess who is a POW. So Idomeneus has quite a kettle of serpents to untangle. At the end, Neptune relents – Idomeneus must give up the throne to Idamante with Ilia as his queen, but may live. Only Elettra is left out in the cold, but she has been driving people nuts with her jealousy, so no one much cares. The opera was a great favorite of Pavarotti (if the opera you wrote isn’t getting as many performances as you would like, if you can sell it to a diva or a divo who has the clout to talk an opera company into staging it, you will at the very least get a second chance. This is actually not a bad thing.) Today I’m off to see Virgil. Yes, I’ll pass on all your greetings and I’ll post a comment when I get back safely

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Letters from an American – April 20, 2023
Quote – There were a whole bunch of seemingly unrelated stories in the news that all seem to point to an important theme…. It hit me as I read through all this news that a key theme seems to be a new shift toward transparency and accountability. It jumps out at me that people are talking to lawyers and to the press about illegalities, irregularities, and, in the Sandy Hook case, horrors that in the past they have kept quiet. Whether it comes from disgust at the excesses of those who are attacking our democracy or from fear of the law, that transparency reminds me of the pivotal importance of McClure’s Magazine in the early twentieth century.
Click through for full letter. From Heather’s keyboard to God’s smartphone! I haven’t seen anyone else make this connection, but I hope she is correct.

Colorado Public Radio – As Colorado considers upzoning, here’s a look at how it’s gone in other states and cities
Quote – Democrats’ controversial land use bill aims to rewrite what kind of housing gets built in many of Colorado’s fastest-growing communities. But while it’s a new idea for this state, Colorado wouldn’t be the first place in the country to embrace this approach. States like Oregon and cities like Minneapolis have adopted similar laws over the last five years, often in the name of enabling construction and driving down housing costs — the same goals shared by Colorado’s bill. In New York, officials upzoned more than a third of the city nearly 20 years ago, a change that sparked a big building boom.
Click through for what is actually several (short) related articles and links to more. I get it. People don’t want to lose the kinds of housing which have “always” existed. But single-family dwellings on fair-sized lots are not only pricey for those who live in them, but also wasteful of resources which will be more and more critical as climate change continues to evlove. Cutting down on land use for housing will not solve all problems, but if it helps cut fossil fuel use, and also makes more land available for farming and wilderness, it can’t hurt.

Food For Thought
