Yesterday, I got an email with a new Substack column from Margaret Atwood – not surprising because Alice Munro just died, and I suspected they had to know each other – which they did. Both Canadian, buth winners of literary prizes (their friendship began when Margaret won the [Canadian] Governor General’s prize, and lasted past Alice’s Nobel prize.) At my age it’s very touching to read about longtime friendships between kindred spirits – but it also wouldn’t be Margaret Atwood if there weren’t some giggles too. Also, I did watch Lawrence’s segment on the trial the previous night, and though maybe less quotable than the previous one, it was equally well thought out and discerning. Also, for those of us who thonk Mary Trump is almost good enough to make up for the rest of the family, she is opening a YouTube channel called “Mary Trump Media” (it’s open now, there’s just nothing in it) which goes live today at 4:30 pm Eastern. In previous videos she’s had a feature called “Nerd Avengers,” wherein she brings together a group of experts to address a particular topic, and that will continue to be a feature.
This is a story about our Democratic women governors, and how they communicate to strengthen all of them, personally and politically. It’s a feel-good story I will warn that the site opens with an aggressive donation request (look for an X to click on to reduce it, though, sadly, not eliminate) it. If you ever use the screen magnifier, I guarantee tou will not need it for this article – but you scrolling finger will get a real workout.
All I can say is, the legislature tried. Because the majority of the people of the sate wanted it. But it seems to be getting sabotaged from within. Quelle surprise (pas!) I’m old enough to remember when there were decent Republicans. That makes me really old.