Mar 272021

No matter what you think of Tucker Carlson, we can all agree that his facial expressions run the gamut of emotions from A to B.

I thought that since he’s now the leading prevaricator for Fox “news” he could add a second one – but I was wrong!

Whenever I’ve see a photo of Tucker he always has the expression a dog makes when you try to explain quantum physics to him.

So it made perfect sense in Fox world to feature a live Picture-in-Picture of Carlson’s “panoply” of reactions during Pres. Biden’s recent address to the nation on the anniversary of the COVID lockdown.

The Twitterverse started mocking Fox’s decision, and soon it was clear to even Fox that it was a huge mistake.  So they started running chyrons trying to convince viewers to stick around because Tucker was actually going to lie again say something shortly.

Sadly, they ran out of chyrons and started recycling them:

You would think that Fox and Tucker would have learned their lesson from a previous incident …

But obviously they did not.

Oh, well – it’s always fun to make fun of Tucker.

