Sep 102023

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia grand jury recommends indicting Lindsey Graham, Mike Flynn, others. What now?

MSNBC – A siege mentality’: Former Evangelical church leader on why his flock votes for Trump

Joe Biden – War Zone | Biden-Harris 2024

The Soggy Bottom Boy [Patrick Fitzgerald] – In the Jailhouse Now

Husky waits 733 days to meet her familly [Don’t miss the organization’s name at the end LOL]

Beau – Let’s talk about the 14th amendment, Trump, and a GOP candidate….

Jul 192023

Yesterday, TFG announced that he has received a target letter from Jack Smith regarding the January 6 insurrection. Let’s see, how long was it in the documents case between the target letter and the indictment dropping? Does anyone recall? Also yesterday, Michigan dropped indictments on 16 fake Trump** electors. Lots of people entering the “find out” phase.

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Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – Closing Guantanamo Bay Prison Won’t Erase the Crimes Committed Against Muslims
Quote – Guantanamo was not created as a place for justice—especially not for the Muslim men detained behind its bars. Just as soon as these men were captured, they were labeled as suspected terrorists—thus precluding any ability for them to be seen as innocent until proven guilty. From the long years spent behind bars awaiting charges and convictions that never came, to torture, and even murder, the U.S. government has, at every conceivable step of the way, sought to entrench the perception of their inherent guilt. This perception has been shaped by the deployment of strategic narratives that have been carefully constructed and maintained to paint the men as irredeemable terrorists.
Click through for article. The headlne is true. But it still needs to be closed. Just not forgotten. And, yes, there needs to be justice.

Letters from an American – July 17, 2023
Quote – “What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them,” said Russell T. Vought, who ran Trump’s Office of Management and Budget and who now advises the right-wing House Freedom Caucus. They envision a “president” who cannot be checked by the Congress or the courts. Trump’s desire to grab the mechanics of our government and become a dictator is not new; both scholars and journalists have called it out since the early years of his administration. What is new here is the willingness of so-called establishment Republicans to support this authoritarian power grab. Behind this initiative is “Project 2025,” a coalition of more than 65 right-wing organizations putting in place personnel and policies to recommend not just to Trump, but to any Republican who may win in 2024. Project 2025 is led by the Heritage Foundation, once considered a conservative think tank, that helped to lead the Reagan revolution.
Click through for details. I have read about all of this – stuff – piecemeal. This is the first time I have seen it all in one place, discussed by a person who is both competent and unafraid to put it all together and call it out – as well as the people behind it.

Food For Thought

Jun 072023

Yesterday, the Southern Poverty Law Center released its 2022 Report on Hate and Extremism. It doesn’t look pretty – not that we all didn’t already know that via gut feelings, but here are the numbers to demonstrate it. Also yesterday, I spent over two hours trying to report a package whuch was supposed to have beenbe delivered Mionday and wasn’t though it showed up in my Informed Delivery as having been delivered, with a delivery time time and everything – only to discover (fortunately before I found an actual person) that it had been delivered last week. The tracking number had not gotten into the system when I actually received it, and they were apparently belatedly trying to account for it. Weird.

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Short Takes –

The New Yorker – How a Fringe Legal Theory Became a Threat to Democracy
Quote – “If you’re used to the powers that be either passively ignoring you or actively screwing you over, for generations, it’s natural to hear about some new nefarious thing they’re up to and think, Same shit, different day,” [Sailor Jones, a democracy activist] said. “The challenge for us, messaging-wise, is to find a way to tell folks, You’re not wrong, but, also, this one really is different.” “This one” was Moore v. Harper, a Supreme Court case that was set to be argued in December and resolved by the end of June…. Even if the apparatus of democracy is not dismantled this year, or next year, it’s worth reckoning with how easily it could be.
Click through for details. I wish this were not important … but it is. Statistically, we actually have, or have the potential for, a majority in enough states that are considered solidly red that if we could only get people registered, turn out the vote, and generally turn up the enthusiasm, we could deal with this. But that is something we are as a group too rational to be really good at. If you are paywalled out, shoot me an email and I will send you the article.

HuffPost [Fringe] – Oklahoma School Board Approves 1st Taxpayer-Funded Religious School In U.S.
Quote – The Archdiocese of Oklahoma said in the “vision and purpose of the organization” section of its application that: “The Catholic school participates in the evangelizing mission of the Church and is the privileged environment in which Christian education is carried out.” Brett Farley, the executive director of the Catholic Conference of Oklahoma, said: “We are elated that the board agreed with our argument and application for the nation’s first religious charter school.”
Click through for story. I don’t know how far this would get if it were taken to court – and there are asome groups and people who will be taking it there. For one thng, the state’s AG says it is unconstitutional under Oklahoma;s constitution … and Americans United foor Separation of Church and State also appears to be on it.

Food For Thought

Feb 282023

Glenn Kirschner – EVEN MORE classified documents found in Trump’s office, & these docs had been uploaded to the cloud!

Thom Hartmann – Did Far Right Turn Religion Into Authoritarian Cult?

Politics Girl – Wanna Save Democracy? (Yes, the primary is over now – Janet Protasiewicz won the open primary, and that’s good. But she won with a plurality, not a majority, and now we need to win the general. As far as I can gather from what I have found about the candidates, Wisconsin could really use its own Stacey Abrams right now.)

Parody Project – Parody of Mac the Knife about Jack Smith Special Prosecutor

My deer are getting high on Nitrous Oxide (NOS–laughing gas). Watch them lose their minds!

Beau – Let’s talk about Larry Hogan and the GOP….

Feb 182023

Yesterday, the sun was shining and the temperature got up to the mid-40’s, so I was able to get to the mailbax and get my package and a letter from Virgil with some paperwork. He wanted me to see it because he didn’t understand it, and he wasn’t able to explain it to me on the phone. In all honesty, i don’t know how much of his failure to understand it was because he didn’t want to. It was the results of his parole board hearing from fall of 2022. That was either his second or third hearing, and he was turned dow (again) for exactly the reasons I keep telling him about – and which, when we discuss them, he admits I’m right. The bottom line is that, between his old head injuries, his years as an active alcoholic, now the incipient dementia, and I think there must be at least a little bit of not wanting to, he does not have the discipline to create a parole plan which would satisfy the board. (And if he did, he would not have the discipline to carry it out.) That’s the bottom line. On acount of his age they also looked at types of special release programs, so it isn’t like they are not trying. However, before he can qualify for consideration for that he must have served 20 years or more, and he doesn’t have quite 12 years yet. Also, they note that what his physical and mental issues are do not fall into a category such that they cannot adequately care for him. He doesn’t need heavy pain meds, or MRIs,or any kind of treatment which requires special equipment or special knowledge. They are actuall better positioned to care for him than I would be – their staff doesn’t have mobility or energy issues (it’s a full time job for me to take care of myself). There is actually nothing in these documents which I haven’t gone over with him before, multiple times. And I expect to be going over it multiple times again. He might be able to remember it if he wanted to – or he might not – but he doesn’t, so he won’t.

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Mother Jones – Meet the Religious Crusaders Fighting for Abortion Rights
Quote – If state courts don’t grant the plaintiffs relief, their decisions may indicate a judicial bias in which the freedom to exercise one’s chosen religion only applies if it is congruent with the court’s religious preference. On the flip side, if courts judge these religious freedom cases in a manner consistent with how the US Supreme Court has been interpreting other religious freedom cases in recent years, the lawsuits could roll back some of the nation’s harshest abortion restrictions in the states where they are being argued, and serve as an instructive guide for religious groups in other states to follow. “If the recent understanding of free exercise holds,” Micah Schwartzman, a constitutional law professor at the University of Virginia, tells Mother Jones, “I think there are really powerful claims in these abortion cases.”
Click through for full story. Frankly, it bothers me that decent people need to cite their – our – religious beliefs in order to bring decency to government. GFovernment should have no truck with any religious beliefs – those are personal. But if we must fight fire with fire, then we must.

The Nib – The Black Radical You’ve Never Heard Of
Quote – In his 1884 book “Black and White,” [T. Thomas] Fortune railed against the concentration of wealth as the enemy to black and white laborers alike. “I am opposed to aristocracies and so-called privileged classes, because they are opposed to the masses. they make inequalities, out of which grow all the miseries of society, because there is no limit to their avarice, parsimony, and cruelty.”
Click through for full graphic. I certainly had never heard of him. Has anyone? Maybe it’s time we did.

Food For Thought

Oct 112022

Yesterday, I overslept. That was certainly no surpise to me, and some of you may even have been able to read between the lines of yesterday’s Open Thread introduction that I expected to. But I didn’t expect how well it would work for me. I hope I can get a lot done even though the day may be a bit short. Also yesterday, I discovered that Faithful America is co-sponsoring a petition with Daily Kos. You mey remember last week I shared a new web page they have on “False {Prophets” and which they are co-sponsoring with a number of other liberal religious groups. Daily Kos is not one – it’s absolutely a secular group. Of course, I knew that Faithful America was willing to work with secular groups for common goals. But it encourages me that Daily Kos is willing to work with a faith group on common goals too. I can assure you that there are a few indvidual members of Daily Kos who aren’t.  And – yes, I am aware that Russia bombed  Kyiv (with non-nukes, which are plenty bad enough) but I haven’t had time to dig into the details.

Cartoon – (How TC knew in 2014 that David would die first and Charles would stand alone by 2022 is beyond me.)

Short Takes –

Wonkette – In 1886, When The Rent In New York City Was Too Damn High!
Quote – Henry George made one of the most important forays in solving the problem of industrial capitalism. George started his political life as a Lincoln-supporting Republican in the Civil War but soon came to criticize the growing system of industrial capitalism, especially the dominance of railroads over American life, as well as the influence of Chinese labor on white wages. In 1879, George published Progress and Poverty, arguing for the Single Tax as the surest way to bring corporations under control. The single tax was a basic property tax. At its core was the idea that people earned the value of own their own labor, but that land was a common resource for all and should essentially be quasi-socialized with very high taxes on large landowners. George’s ideas quickly spread beyond the US and were especially popular with the English and Scottish working classes, as well as the Irish resisting British domination.
Click through for article – a little lesson in history. We are in a new Gilded Age, and there is still no “one way” to fix it – which should surprise no one. But it’s still true that, to fix it, we have to want to fix it.

[Business] Insider – There’s no such thing as an alpha male
Quote – As the writer Saladin Ahmed pointed out, the concept of “alpha male” wolves that assert dominance over their pack through aggression comes from a debunked model of lupine social groups…. David Mech introduced the idea of the alpha to describe behavior observed in captive animals. Alphas, he wrote in his 1970 book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” win control of their packs in violent fights with other males. But, as he outlined in a 1999 paper, he’s since rejected that idea in light of research into the behavior of wolves in the wild.
Click through for article. This is not new iformation, nor was it new in 2016, when this was first published. But it just won’t go away. You have to feel sorry for David Mach – and for everyone still deluded by this fake idea. Captivity is not the same thing as civilization.

Food For Thought

Oct 092022

Yesterday, the radio opera was “A Village Teacher” in Mandarin. While it is an opers, it is in Chinese, and was written by Chinese people, it is not a “Chinese Opera” – it is a “Chinese contemporary classical opera.” Traditional Chinese opera, which goes back thousands of years, had its golden age in the 13th century under the Song dynasty (It’s pure coincidence that the dynastic name sounds musical to us.) The art form’s name – well, one of its Chinese name – is Xipu.  There are regional variations, including the name of the form.   Tan Dun (who scored the film “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” has written several western operas, including one for Placido Domingo, called “The First Emperor,” in which he inlcuded a traditional Chinese opera character and trraditional style – I saw that one on TV so long ago I think I have a VHS of it. But I digress. “A Village teacher,” just as it sounds, is about a teacher and her efforts to teach and help her students be their best selves. It premiered in 2009.

I also learned (I am now listening on the internet – my local station decided not to finish carrying the full season) that Chicago is already calling the holiday of October 10 “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” And I got confirmation to see Virgil tomorrow.

Cartoon – 09 Manhattan Project RTL

Short Takes –

Steve Schmidt – The Warning – Christian nationalism
Quote – Christian nationalism is evil and dangerous. It is antithetical to Christianity. It is profoundly dangerous. It is on the ballot all across America. Christian nationalism is incompatible with American democracy and pluralism. When political extremists take power in the name of God there is always death…. The separation of church and state and religious freedom are profoundly important foundational achievements of the American republic. The extremists who seek power in God’s name are not benign men and women. I hope this will be a warning.
Click through for the article and a video, which will also appear in today’s Video Thread (It has CC but you may need to enable it.) To share it with others, this is the link to use:

The Daily Beast – Russians Terrified by Putin’s Bunker Mentality as He Turns 70 With His Finger on the Nuclear Button
Quote – Russians are growing increasingly worried about their leader’s state of mind. In his most recent public appearance, Putin’s eyes looked sunk and foggy. He spoke to a group of teachers from a small office over Zoom. The idea was to celebrate Wednesday’s “Teachers’ Day”—but Putin couldn’t resist ranting about the so-called “neo-Nazis” in Ukraine. “That part looked really insane,” 17-year-old student Vitaly Shatrov from St. Petersburg, whose last name has been changed for privacy reasons, told The Daily Beast. “Putin, who many compare to Hitler for the violence against Ukrainian people, speaks with teachers from some bunker about Nazis.”
Click through for story. I’m 7 years older than he is, and my doctor says I look around that much younger than he is (I think I’ve already shared this.)  A different source says he has mobilized about 200,000 – and also that 335,000 have fled to avoid the draft. And he’s well aware what the repercussions would be of even a “small” (“tactical”) strike. I cannot get into the mindset well enough to predict what he might do.  But I might point out that for four years we were all terrified that Trump** would press that button.

Food For Thought

Sep 292022

VIDEOS (9/29)

Glenn Kirschner – Mark Meadows is AGAIN subpoenaed to testify about Donald Trump’s crimes. Will he show up this time?

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Trump Lawyers make DESPERATE ATTEMPT to stop witnesses from testifying in Jan 6 probe

The Lincoln Project – Tide

Faiths United to Save Democracy – Well, this is something positive.  It’s only in certain states (which I think are well xhosen) and they are looking for actual clergy.

Farron Balanced – White House Staffers Were SHOCKED By How Stupid Trump Was

Beau – Let’s talk about 60% of Miami and the future….
