Sep 022024

Yesterday, Faithful America declared the week which begins today and runs through the 8th to be Christians Against Trump** Week. Now that’s the kind of CAT person you don’t even have to like cats to be. Sane Christians with any pet, or no pets, are welcome. The idea is to use social media for good to spread the truth that Chrisutanity is not about Trump**, and what it is about. Most of us are probably not on social media of any kind, but if anyone is, this is the week to spread truth on it.

Robert Reich is working on another video series whic, like “DEBUNKED!” will air on Fridays, starting September 6. It’ll be called “Spreading the Truth about the 2024 Election,” which seems a little unwieldy, but accurate. There’s more information at the link. I will, as I did with “DEBUNKED!” link to each installment in Saturday’s Open Thread.

This from Talking Points Memo is by itself, at least for me, more than enough reason to defeat DonOLD at all costs. But it’s scary. If I wanted to illustrate this story, it should likely be witha picture of a projector, because this is all projection. Violence is always from people with an authoritarian stand, It’s neither of the right nor of the left. But here in the west authoritarians have drifted strongly to the right, because a righ wing economy produces de facto oligarchy, which assists establishing authoritarian rule.Personally, I have observed violence at leftist protests, but not from the left. Where it has occurred, it has come from right wing counterprotesters.

Aug 312024

Yesterday, Mary Trump wrote about the Arlington incident (or, as Robert Reich now calls it, “Cemeterygate”) and her take on it is actually simiar to mine. Of course, as an Amercan, I am angry about the disrespect of both federal law and a place that is practically holy to most Americans (certainly to all patriotic Americans), but the part that made me the angriest is that the assaulted civil servant fears retaliation and is afraid to press charges. Mary Trump addresses this powerfully, not just MAGA’s part in it, but also our national failure to protect our citizens from bullies. Heather Cox Richardson also got in on the issue. The only good to come out of this is that it should make things worse got DonOLD. Also yesterday, my water district (I get gas and electric from the city, but water and sewage from a special district – and fire and ambulance from another special district. It’s not confusing once you’re used to it) came by (by appointment) to install a new water meter to go with their new system. It comes with an online tool (sorry, I just hate the word “app”) through which I can track my water usage on a daily basis. Interesting. I don’t know whether I’m required to sign up, but I will.

I have seen very little about this incident, but knowing how Republicans will go on and on, I decided to cover it. Of the only two places who covered it at any length (in other words, with solid facts), this was the one I chose. The other site was PolitiZoom, in case anyone wants more. Apparently there’s a whole movement of people who believe that the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments are unconstitutional because they were passed without representation from the southern states (because we were at war with them – which is why we made them explicitly swear allegiance to the Constitution when they returned – funny how they forget that part.)

I have to wonder how many CMOH citations Steve Schmidt had to read before he found the one he quotes in full in this article. And after all that Carter lived long enough to be promoted and almost almost another twenty years. I am in awe (and in tears.)

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